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File: 5 KB, 200x200, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10851471 No.10851471 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most undervalued legit crypto out there. Should be rank 2 or 3 on CMC.
Check the 7 day volume, somebody's accumulating. This coin is worth at least $1000-1500 even in this bear market.

>> No.10851489

Quit fucking talking about this. DO NOT BUY XMR.

>> No.10851494

>no max supply

>> No.10851527

too late, it's already been revealed

>> No.10851649

anon. should i switch my vet over to xmr? i just broke even in sats on vechain and xmr is looking mighty tempting right now.

>> No.10851719

i dont understand how monero price has remained so low compared to bitcoin. i feel like i'm taking crazy pills here.

>> No.10851757

with XMR you can't lose, won't have 1000% moonshots within 2 weeks but youll have a secure steady investment that is massively undervalued. Pretty good risk/reward with XMR.
Haven't done accumulation, have we?
>people dont die
>people don't lose their coins
This makes it a more stable currency than Bitcoin, whose supply will decrease each year. The devs actually put some brain in this when they implemented tail reward (which is approx 0.7~% inflation p/a if im not mistaken)
Also keeps miners incentivized and reduces risks of 51% attacks in the long run

It's only worth 1.5B
In reality it should be worth 15-25B even in this bear market. It's probably one of the most used currencies out there, used as in trade of goods.

>> No.10851783

how does one store XMR off exchange? I'm too sloppy for paper wallets.

>> No.10851807

ledger faggot

>> No.10851842

thats kinda why i am keeping vet at the moment. Even if it is a chink scam i think they would pump it hella hard before exiting.

>> No.10851863


>> No.10852177

>>10851783 just copy paperwallet to 3 usb sticks, encrypt them with LUKS or veracrypt and store them in different safe places
one in your room, one in the bank/safe and bury one in the forest and remember where you put it

>> No.10852277

>This is the most undervalued legit crypto out there. Should be rank 2 or 3 on CMC.

I give it to Zilliqa but both Monero and Zcash are almost as legit as ETH, really disgusting seeing Tron ahead of them.

>> No.10852326

Gold also has no max supply and it's an investment of steady value.

>> No.10852342

Redpill me on why I shouldn't encrypt with PGP plz

>> No.10852421

you can also do that
i just know that LUKS and veracrypt are good for disk encryption, but it doesnt matter what you use as long as it takes the energy of 1000 suns to crack the keys. Use a 20+ character password and burn it into your brain..very important.

>> No.10852449

its a good time to buy id say!

>> No.10852488


I was about to say. I've always stored my keys in PGP encrypted archives. Recently backed them up to a private directory on KBFS for added security and redundancy.

>> No.10852507
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>> No.10852660
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that comfy feel knowing youre holding probably the best cryptocurrency out there and retards dont even look at it. Many years more for me to accumulate with my wagie money & ofc mine more.

>> No.10852685

given it's guaranteed to be replaced by privacy laters on bitcoin or ethereum in the future, i dont see it as a good long term investment at all.

>> No.10852699

shitcoin ran by a cucked jew who wants blacks to kill whites in south africa

>> No.10852708

Bitcoin will never have privacy features...

>> No.10852733

If you live in the states, please do not "invest" in monero. Its not going to work out in the long run and you know it, plenty other safe holds

>> No.10852743

it will if privacy is important enough to users to make monero viable long term. remember that the vast majority of users in the future will never hit a non-sharded non-layered blockchain directly in the first place anyway.

>> No.10852762
File: 149 KB, 873x1200, 1484118351190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a technical issue but a political one
It's never going to be implemented on Bitcoin, without turning into a shitfork, see BTCP
and ETH doesnt have the balls to do it, crypto babies will be scared about delistings because no compliance etc.
Monero is set in stone and it forces you to use the privacy feature. I don't see another coin coming even closely.
>Ricardo Spagni
yeah sounds jewish to me
It probably has the healthiest community of all crypto

>> No.10852788

sounds like a lot of late adopter ramblings. privacy has been an important consideration for a long time, and is not at all political.

it's going to happen, and if it doesn't it means nobody cares enough about privacy to make it happen.

either way monero is not a long term investment.

>> No.10852813

well in order for (digital) cash to work it has to be fungible. A bitcoin is not fungible, since it can be blacklisted.
If Bitcoin devs havent realized this in over 9 years now, will they ever?

>> No.10852844

Shill thread. Ponyfags kys.

>> No.10852878

FOMO is strong with this one
havent accumulated yet, have we?
This coin deserves a multi dozen billion dollar market cap. It is massively undervalued and nobody but a few people can see it. This is a legit AMZN or AAPL after dotcom bubble opportunity, take it.

>> No.10852929
File: 4 KB, 500x57, GmLKQQm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up and keep your head down

>> No.10852932




>> No.10852950

Seems you are lost go here >>>/a/

>> No.10853116

>Didn't research the tail-emission

>> No.10853510


I got into the market over a year ago. One of my first choices was to avoid privacy coins, because people don't give a fuck about privacy.

I was right. Fuck these shitcoins.

>> No.10853608


Monero operates as flawlessly for privacy at 0.001$ as it would as 10000$. It is a bad storage for wealth though, use it for anonymity. Don't count on Monero giving you great gains. You can absolutely profit from algo trading Monero on polo. Only reason it is one of my hugest stacks.

>> No.10853642

so what about if 2 paties are negotiating with each other and preferrably wouldnt want to show their balance to the opposite party? not possible with bitcorn
for me it seems like bitcoin might just transform into a store of value while monero might become an actual currency
both are good

>> No.10853658

it all depends on adoption. bticoin also acts as a store of value at 0.0001 or at 10'000.
all about adoption...

>> No.10853918

except more ppl are legit as opposed to being criminal fags involved in illegal shit, ie monero holders.

thats the real reason it isnt crazy valued, because criminals are a small minority compared to the total population.

stay poor and deluded you degenerate drug addict.

>> No.10854002
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eddie put it well:
"saying I don't care about privacy because I have nothing to hide is like saying I don't care about free speech because I have nothing to say"
Privacy is a right, not a crime.

>> No.10854119



>> No.10854131
File: 24 KB, 600x297, snowden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10854223

Ehh I'd bet money more people commit crime than you think. Your mum for example, is a two bit hooker.

>> No.10854466

It’s crazy how many newfags think the gubament is gonna kill monero. Why did they even get into crypto?
Monero is the true bitcoin. Btc will never adopt ring cts, just the slightest network update is controversial as fuck

>> No.10855449

>what is a tail-emission
seriously kys it will be neglible compared to any accumulation done prior to 2030

>> No.10855957

More like people are complacent enough that they won't go out of their way to protect privacy if they don't see any immediate benefit.

This dude is correct

Doesn't mean monero will ever be worthless but means Bitcoin will always be king.

>> No.10855996

>Bitcoin will always be king
It's way to expensive to operate and very bad for the environment. It won't be around forever when newer coins overtake it.

>> No.10856138

so do you want the opposite party to be able to see your balance, see all your past transactions and see every future transaction? do you also want to show your balance once youve made it?

>> No.10856832


>> No.10857029

It doesn't matter what I personally want. It matters what normies want. And they don't care. They will probably not even own their own private keys and will unknowingly give away all their personal info to a company and their government. Or do you disagree with that?

>> No.10857040

I use Monero to buy illegal stuff am I safe?

>> No.10857224

For the most part yes unless you're a dunce and had the packages sent to your doorstep or had personal info linked to your accounts used for emailing and buying on sites or used a handle you regularly use on the clear net. If you didn't make those mistakes then you should be pretty solid.

>> No.10857536

for short term yes, but normies also like to use chash, give it time.

>> No.10857605

> very bad for the environment.
lol tardino. the bitcoin energy consumption is maybe 1% of the consumption that the entire banking system uses.

>> No.10857735

Yes I like it.

Bitcoin > Monero > LTC > other shitcoins.

>> No.10857980

citation needed
Also, the banking system has over 100x the volume of bitcoin so even if that were true it wouldn't mean much.

>> No.10858093

Just get a good password and two step verification then leave it on the exchange. I've had a hacker trying to get back into my PS4 for over two years now and he still can't get past the two step verification.