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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 30 KB, 1024x512, chainlink-partners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10849307 No.10849307 [Reply] [Original]

> @origami_network
> @OpenLawOfficial
> @MarketProtocol
> @initc3org
> @zeppelin_os
> @factom
> @ClinTexCTi


>> No.10849314

>ctrl F swift
>no results
Just fuck my shit up senpie

>> No.10849339

>ctrl F swift
>one result
Try again asshole

>> No.10849343

>bunch of literally whos

>> No.10849344

partnerships are a plebbit meme, if you want partnerships buy VEN.

>> No.10849353

Ctrl F does not work on images, but look again

>> No.10849357

Whats going on at github atm
No commits for 3 days now and steve not doing any work for quite some time now
Privat repos? Sex vacation in thailand?

>> No.10849387

Pivotaltracker says Sex Vacation in Thailand. Also, who is "NavyAdmiral"?

>> No.10849402

Bad sign that commits stop on weekends. A startup with just a couple of programmers where they take weekends off before they even have a version 1 released shows lack of commitment

>> No.10849423
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He was Seneca Acenes, he is just some biz tard who is helping out with the more simple tasks.

Also anyone think Alex Kwiatkowski's GitHub is a bit strange. He is employed by Chain.Link but he has spent more time on his fremantle-capital/tai project.

The tai project is referred to as "A trading toolkit built with Elixir that runs on the Erlang virtual machine
tai is alpha quality software. It passes our test suite but the API is highly likely to change and no effort will be made to maintain backwards compatibility at this time. We are working to make tai production quality software."

So is he freelance, or got 2 jobs or will this project aid ChainLink in some way?

>> No.10849579

Your pic shows he's spent more time on chainlink

>> No.10849590

It's pretty almost 50/50. Anyways it is besides the point.

Whats his fucking deal?

>> No.10849642

SC.com have said they were just hiring people for specific jobs, on pretty much a contractor basis, so I'm not surprised that some of the contributors have other stuff going on.
Alex definitely wrote a Medium article about Chainlink (don't remember the exact subject) but it looks like it has been removed. Weird.

>> No.10849659

How much link to make it?

>> No.10849680


>> No.10849719

LINK will conservatively hit $30,000 per token, so measure how much you need to make it based on that.

>> No.10849804

Are you sure? I think 10k in 4-5 years should be the peak

>> No.10849812
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>> No.10849817


I don't know my Wall Street sources say $50,000 is possible.

>> No.10849840

aye, in post-hyperbitcoinization era link will make it past $1k, unfortunately not enough to get even a bread crumb

>> No.10849854

Why the fuck is this getting trough my filter? Sage

>> No.10849869

I'm not memeing friend. You need to be able to stake the smart contract value in LINK- effectively duplicating/removing it from supply. It's a kind of decentralised insurance for simply using smart contracts on their platform.

When the network is being used, LINK isn't going to have a normal economy. Other cryptos are built with the expectation they'll be consistently bought and sold to change the price- LINK is designed to not be traded at all. Once the network is used, entry is prohibitive. But the token cost needs to be high to handle network usage.

Nobody will be buying ChainLink, the price will simply moon in isolation based on the value of smart contracts being staked.
This also means you won't be able to sell your stinkies- but Sergey the God knew this already, so he allowed node operators to be paid in ETH value.

Sergey even talked to Vitalik about oracles. Vitalik mentioned the issue of ETH shards becoming too popular and sharding shards is being researched- Sergey can effectively connect EVERY ETH shard using ChainLinks oracle, ironically solving Vitaliks problem.

You guys don't understand just how unreal LINK will be lmao. LINK singularity won't be brought by a massive pump and dump. It will start there, then turn into a completely different beast.

>> No.10849876

Whoops, duplicating value while removing LINK from supply*

>> No.10849926
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>you can't sell it, but it has value
the absolute state

>> No.10849933

shit like this is why they call us deluded. Chainlink MIGHT breach $1000 in a few years but that's it. $30,000 is fucking retarded- I'd have $630,000,000. It makes us sound like Tronfags.

>> No.10849950
File: 56 KB, 621x702, 1525115168874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ppppffffffttttlllll bbbbffffffffrrrrrrtttttt !!!
Hhhggggrrrrrtttttt fffffllllllffffffllllll !!!

>> No.10849974

He said it has value because of the passive income it will provide. If your mommy gives you 1,000 tendies a week she is providing value by way of tendies even though you can’t sell her (and for people like me she is free all night). Does it make sense now, neetchild?

>> No.10849985

You won't be able to sell it because you won't be able to liquidate your tokens retard.
It's like having a house with a market price of $1mil, but you need to wait until a buyer shows up.
Until then, you can still stake your house to take out a loan from a bank. The comparison here is staking your LINK to guarantee reliable smart contract execution, that gets repaid with interest to the Node operator.

Congrats on having half a bil.
Those Bitcoin twins are already Bitcoin Billionaires. Think of the internet and technology- Bill Gates became wealthy as hell with Microsoft, but with so many use cases, other projects gave birth to almost an entire generation of millionaires.

Blockchain will do the same thing, with ChainLink being one of the many avenues to do so. There can only be 16,666 people with 21k LINK like you, and as we all know, the top wallets hold enough to skew that number way down. Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean it won't happen.

>> No.10850000

holy shit you weren't being ironic? you believe what you wrote?

>> No.10850073

My target price is $40

Enjoy bagholding forever waiting for $30,000 while I cash out several millions

>> No.10850080

explain how price will rise just because of staking. who would accept link as collateral unless it already had a free market, relatively stable, value? also, prove that node operators can get paod with eth. link is the payment token as per the whitepaper

>> No.10850126

>You can put up LINK sell orders, but the price being pushed up won't be from market pressure. Supply vs Demand will push the price up via the staking mechanism. It's why normies buying ChainLink is irrelevant to LINK's success.
>link is the payment as per the whitepaper
The whitepaper is my source for optional ETH payouts lmao. It's so well documented it was a major point of FUD at one point with;
>You can get paid in ETH LOL what's the point of LINK again?

>> No.10850204

Don't worry you won't have 630m because you'll sell at $2.5

>> No.10850230

that doesn't describe how staking will change the price. the contracting parties have to believe that some amount of staked link is sufficient collateral. what will be the basis of theor belief?

>> No.10850279

>This also means you won't be able to sell your stinkies- but Sergey the God knew this already, so he allowed node operators to be paid in ETH value.

What doest it mean ? How do i cash out my 10mil when it hit 1k eoy ?? I have not problem to transfer BTC/EURO, but who will buy my stinkies for BTC ??????

>> No.10850334

didnt steve one day suddenly add a lot of commits a couple of weeks ago? maybe its the same thing happening again

>> No.10850400

for you which of these partners projects are the most promising?

>> No.10850409

I hope you're right

kek absolutely not

Accord & Openlaw

>> No.10850423

If you cash out lint at only 40bil. marketcap you will end up beeing like the one who sold 1k btc in 2014

>> No.10850427

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.10850466

You're assuming Link will actually reach $30,000. It's 30 cents right now. Come back down to earth. Even $40 is questionable.

A couple million is a life changing amount of money, you'd be an absolute idiot not to cash out when you have millions in unrealized gains

>> No.10850524
File: 407 KB, 992x1402, 1534946934112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#Chainlink is partnered with @SWIFT, @AccordHQ, @OpenLawOfficial, @zeppelin_os, @origami_network, @initc3org and Town Crier, @ClinTexCTi, @factom, @MarketProtocol and now tech-coin.... Did I miss any out?
Only the most important partner yet...

>> No.10850530
File: 140 KB, 800x1000, c3c44f19ab4d951c5818d5374c01ff95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't sell LINK ever, haven't you read the oil field bed time story?

>> No.10850664

I’d have 3 Billion dollars bruh. Topkek

>> No.10850665

We are exactly like tronfags

>> No.10850679

Ignore the fuckwits, you are spot on

>> No.10850706

these 'the token value will rise to meet the needed collateral' idiots are the strongest fud yet.

>> No.10850872
File: 36 KB, 500x500, origami-logo-500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Origami Network!

>> No.10850993





>> No.10851098

you are a MANIAC

>> No.10851125

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

>> No.10851149
File: 545 KB, 1082x695, comfylink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will have 3 billion dollars when that happens
>this will not happen because i will not make 3 billion dollars just from buying a philosophy major's shittoken right ahahhaahahahahhahahah

>> No.10851291

Literal who parade.

>> No.10852264


>> No.10852919

its pasta newfag

>> No.10853206

If at any point you tell yourself "Ha! NOW is the time to sell!" And you continue to sell of your entire stack is idiotic. Have price points to sell 10-20% of you stack at a time, but never chose a point that you decide to sell 100%. And this is not even mentioning the problems of liquidity when selling off such large amounts.

>> No.10853516

Not only are you flat out wrong, but even if you were right and every single Chainlink partner were a "literally who", ETH blew up to rank 2 on CMC on a wave of "literally whos".

Cope more.

>> No.10853645


>> No.10853650


When singularity hits. We really need to not have a typical party... and meetup like the bildergberg group and literally suck the cocks of the dedicated group of autists who figure all this shit out.

Have you guys ever seen ratting videos on YouTube? Go YouTube them.... dogs on English farms that are 100% dedicated and happy killing hundreds of rats on the farm.

You austists are more dedicated than these dogs who's only existence is to kill rats.

We all need to meet up. No bitches . No sluts. Just the the handful of dedicated autists with their cocks out in a warehouse in ropsten with candles lit everywhere..... maybe a nigger will be there that we sacrifice in a fire.... and then we all just suck their cocks.

Because if it wasn't for them I would not be invested in Link and we owe them this at least. Because even tho they'll be rich too... they are autistic and even escorts won't blow them.

>> No.10853693

What the fuck is this? I think you might be gay man.

>> No.10853710

What do you mean I won't be able to sell my link?

What if I don't want to fucking stake?

I lost thousands of dollars of profit in January because I couldn't even figure out how to set up 2FA on binance.

I just want to sell for millions and never have to deal with this faggot crypto fanboy space every again in my life

>> No.10853747

Go back to plebbit your worthless fucking nigger

>> No.10854570
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>$30,000 per token

>> No.10854587
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>> No.10854813

you might not make it. just being real

>> No.10854841

Be realistic...in order for you to "sell for millions"...people need to be willing to buy your link tokens for millions of dollars. Do you really see that happening? And why...?

>> No.10855129


>cashing out

when will u retards learn?