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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10849209 No.10849209 [Reply] [Original]

I am calling it. The hype which is going to catch on are DAGs. Neither plebs or /biz/ collectively decided to pump NANO to +400%. That does not happen in a bear market unless some bigger actors are at play. I doubt that NANO is an outlier, we can confirm this once we see similar gains on IOTA - OYSTER - BYTEBALL or any other significantly important DAG.

> b-but dags are flawed/broken/*

It really does not matter whether the tech behind Dags are inferior to a Blockchains (up to debate anyways). What matters is what large actors can sell. Cardano made it to $12b capitalization with only a little more than just a whitepaper. That alone should be proof enough that tech is irrelevant to the market. Tech performs as flawlessly at 0.001$ as 1000$, the only limiting factor being scaling.

Watch ((them)) pump all the DAGs and sell them back to the plebs under the rouse of Crypto 4.0

>> No.10849213
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Ya like dags anon?
Which ones

>> No.10849435
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>> No.10849731

what does DAG stand for? (pls no bully)

>> No.10849750

Directed acyclic graph

>> No.10849769


Constellation, please.

>> No.10849780


t. forgot about Constellation.
May as well load up some.

>> No.10849839

Are there any dags where you can code a smart contract on it?

>> No.10849866

two scams in one, and probably not even peak memery

>> No.10849877

Quantum resistant Deflationary smart contract DAG platform please

>> No.10849925


somehow cram supply chain tracking in there too please.

>> No.10849944

Byteball and pretty soon Constellation.

>> No.10850367

>What, like, proper fucked?

if I don't know what DAGs means?

>> No.10850449

DAG buzz is how I caught iota from $1 to $8 and Vechain from $0.20 to $30. You're a year late anon.

>> No.10850458

Raiblocks* not vechain

>> No.10850497
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Directed acyclic graph. It is Crypto without a Blockchain, the reason why NANO and IOTA got so much attention. You can see IOTA's tangle visualized here: http://tangle.glumb.de/


Yes, but everything is down the drain for the top.
Large funds need to make profits, they can't do it by marketing last generation tech.
(Not like DAG is new Generation, but it can be marked as).

Personally banking on IOTA the most here due to their partnerships.
But I got a small stake in NANO, Byteball, Oyster and soon Constellation too.

>> No.10850501

Quantum resistant supply chain management protocol DAG based smart contract platform

>> No.10850887
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And this is why most people will miss out.

When you combine a DAG and a blockchain into one, THAT is the new generation.

>> No.10851087

A blockchain as datastructure is already a DAG, a directed acyclic graph. However, with Nakamoto type protocols, you don't allow for consolidation of forks, even if they are compatible (even if no incompatible spending took place.).
By disallowing several ends, you know what the latest state is. If you don't make the no-fork rule, i.e. if you allow a general DAG, then you must make a smart algo that makes sure all loose ends are eventually picked up again.
tldr a blockchain is already a dag with a very strict rule about its tips


>> No.10851217

IOTA will have smart contracts eventually using Qubic

>> No.10851262
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