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File: 569 KB, 3000x3000, Relex_logo_10in-10in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10846398 No.10846398 [Reply] [Original]


FLC Group announced to international investors at the ‘Relexation’ event in Ho Chi Minh City last week the various investment partnerships available for the Relex Development platform, initiating a cooperation with Relex Development that will be expanded upon in the coming weeks and months.

FLC Group is an investment company with a focus in the real estate sector, a perfect match for Relex Development. FLC Group boasts 7,000 employees and 40 different subsidiaries, including a brand new airline, Bamboo Airways. As of October 2017, the FLC Group’s value was estimated at US $9 billion by UniCap Fund. Relex’s parent company has been in cooperation with FLC Group since the beginning of 2017.

Continued in the post...

>> No.10846409

This is huge.
No RLX-holders btfo

>> No.10846611

pick one

>> No.10846662

Relex is changing all of that. They're making crypto mainstream in Vietnam, and the partnership with FLC Group shows that

>> No.10846685

I'm going all in

See you on the moon buckos

>> No.10846687

Bought the order book up to 14 and sold it for 15.4 for a quick ~15%. Thanks fomo-homies. If there was any real interest the buy-side order-book would show it.

See you boys at the bottom.

P.s. Seeing the telegram euphoric for gains they can't actually realise is pretty funny.

>> No.10846793

Whoah! Whale status! I see a list of buys and now 4 sells for barely 1eth. Nice LARP or trade for pennies. Haha you’re pathetic. Enjoy wagecuck.

>> No.10846796
File: 41 KB, 191x189, 1524946529708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's day one of announcements

>> No.10846816

I've been holding ever since the 72k airdrop. Easiest, freest million dollars I'll ever make

>> No.10846851
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1522710693238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this retarded.
Holy shit.

RLX is a good project, but the telegram is full of actual, real-life dumb people. And to top it off, they have the craziest cult mentality since Verge.

Whatever. I'm going to keep taking their money. It's nice to always have a greater fool to buy my shit.

>> No.10847243

Good job, there will always be people like you making a few bucks off a few quick trades. Nothing wrong with that but don't tout some pitiful gains like you just made a few thousand bucks since we all can see the orderbooks. For the rest, there are those of us who see the bigger picture here and look beyond a quick buck for the long term riches.

You can't fault a lot of those people for feeling like a cult because Relex is one of the very few crypto that actually has a real life application, real partnerships (you can literally email/call them and discuss it with the partner. You can suggest things with the developer. What other crypto gives you that opportunity?), making headway with big names in the development industry and even getting interest from governments. These aren't paid "partnerships" that shitcoins like Verge have.

And with their platform coming in less than 30 days (that will nearly guarantee their FINRA approval in November to be able to go beyond the current market), everyone will be able to invest in all of these developments and make bank. They aren't targeting 4chan brainlets and neckbeards on Reddit because they make connections in the real world with people with very deep pockets if you haven't noticed. It's just a matter of time before one Sunday one of those rich fucks decides to buy up the order books and place huge buy walls because he knows he can make massive returns by using the platform. Right now its literal peanuts to someone like that and they'd stand to make huge gains buying in this low. 30 days of news is the fuel for the rocket ship and you'll be crying about not buying when it was less than a cent. Relex gives you this opportunity to play along with the rich. Don't be stupid and fuck this one up.

Nothing starts out perfect. No doubt they have a ton of work ahead of them, but if you're smart you'll figure out Relex is what you should be holding.

>> No.10847272

This sounds like a pretty damn good deal. Nice price jump on coinmarketcap the last few hours

>> No.10847328

This is going to be the big thing come november/december. Glad I got in months ago.

>> No.10847380

All hands on deck. Lieutenant, turn up the Aerosmith.

...we're going on a moon mission.

>> No.10847453

No tl;dr needed, this sums up what you need to know

>> No.10847509


There's a lot of very respectful people in that telegram, I'll admit there's been a rise in moonbois there, and there are some genuine regards (Ger in the telegram is as thick as they come), but the core community is still very welcoming

>> No.10847756

How high do you predict this will go?

>> No.10847891

>Sees a post on the internet.
>Goes all in.

>> No.10847911

It's the jackpot

>> No.10847914

The team predicts $1 at least as their portfolio has 2 billion set aside, but it could go higher as this isn't a traditional crypto. It's a real estate company doing business on the blockchain. RLX is just the vehicle for their business dealings.

Personally, id say .10eoy (more if they get finra approval in November) and $1 within a year. A crypto with sec approval doing real estate development with multinational government contracts (that they are working on in Myanmar, china, Russia, and Vietnam with more coming in the future) to develop infrastructure just makes it even bigger. The finra and gov aspects makes this a whole other ball game that is hard to put a number on because we've never seen something that ambitious.

Hell, for it to reach bitcoins ath mc, it would be ~$210/rlx. While that's certainly ambitious, I think anything dethroning BTC is unrealistic. But a quarter of that or a little less that a quarter? Certainly possible given the two big milestones are met. So possibly $40-50 in a few years.

>> No.10847927

There is absolutely zero point in having real estate on the blockchain. Relex is literally only used to invest in real estate development, why does this need a token.

>> No.10847957

I don't know shit about this relex meme, but is there really zero point of blockchain real estate?

>> No.10847968

And again, stressing the "that the two big milestones are met" part. Without those, $1 is still conservative. So maybe $10 within a few years?

But I feel confident about the finra part. The lawyer they have working on it is Scott Anderson who is regarded as one of the if not the best finra lawyer in the US who has secured finra for other portals in the past.

And if you don't want to invest in real estate using rlx, just imagine some unheard of token getting sec approval before BTC. Even if you aren't confident in the overall project, just another biz moonboy looking for an easy ride, putting in some money for this on the off chance finra does happen will surely be worth it. Because getting it means they are sec approved reassuring institutional money and opening the team up to crowdfunding real estate in the US.

http://www.finlawyer.com/ that's their finra lawyer.

>> No.10847977

It kept going up, it was easy money.

>> No.10848107

Well its good for two reasons. First, some projects are considered too small for the big boy developers. They might see a project and wonder if it's worth it. Because of this the majority of development projects don't happen. Relex is a way to not only signal interest in those projects, but secure funding for them as well. Also, up until now to develop real estate you needed to have a shit-ton of money. One or two developers investors would throw millions or billions at a project. Now because of the crowdfunding aspect, your everyday joe can get a piece of it. If a condotel is being built, you can provide the funding for one of the rooms. Get a few people doing that and you have your condotel. Or business plaza. Or whatever. And you can make your returns on your portion.

The other reason is so that the deals are made on the blockchain which provides transparency. You know who put in what, when they did it, and what it was for. You can literally follow the money. Even if you have never worked in construction, I'm sure you know how shady contractors can be. Most people know the reputation.

>> No.10848119

There is literally a 3000+ word answer that goes into it in more detail on their website. Just scroll down a bit and click on "why does relex need to be on the blockchain as a crypto?"

>> No.10848186

It's not a stable coin and the price can go up and down wildly, why the hell would any developer be interested in having their projects funded with something so volatile.

>> No.10848290

Blocks are being put in place to increase stability and combat price manipulation. When a project gets funded the rlx is held in escrow and sold off little by little over a larger set of time. That way the market doesn't get flooded at once. Get a few projects going at once and quite a bit has been taken out of circulation. So now a bit of scarcity has been introduced. Maybe someone is willing to pay .01c more now for 1rlx. Price just went up a little. Then rlx is exiting escrow and dripping back into the market into small doses. Another project opens up and some more gets held in escrow as the other closes. It's actually quite brilliant for stability.

Plus when you invest the price you invest at is locked in. If you put in 1 million rlx at $1, you out in $1 million dollars. Then if the price drops to .99c at the time it leaves escrow, let's say, you still put in 1mil. Relex has put together a $2 billion dollar portfolio to cover the cost lost. On the flipside, if you put in as above and the price goes up to $1.01 at the time of leaving, unfortunately you still put in $1 mil. I'm not positive about this part, but id assume the profit goes into the portfolio that acts as a firewall. It only makes sense if relex covers for you in a downturn that the profit of an upturn reinforces the safety net. But that would be a question for the team. It going into the safety net is just speculation from me. The rest of what I said is confirmed.

>> No.10848472

This is it, boys.
We bullrun now

>> No.10848563

The value of your payment is the price of Relex at the exact point the transaction happened. The ETH-payouts vary in with the price of ETH but always stay the same in USS. So the stable-coin is USD

>> No.10848883

Best comment here.
Im strapped in with over 600k lets go boyos

>> No.10848962

Get in now or be sad.
This is the actual moon mission

>> No.10849021

1,000,000+ here. I'm excited.

>> No.10849333

genuinely thought scam when first saw this shilled in here but am now going to look to take a position. any chance of a sell off when trading starts on LATOKEN today? otherwise might have to wait a while for this to drop, don't like buying high

>> No.10849356

This isn't high. It's ath was .013 cents right before everything crashed. With where its going, there is a lot of money to be made at this stage. 1 eth is roughly 100,000 right now.

>> No.10849371

It's so low liquidity it's difficult to forecast where this will go

>> No.10849384

does this shit plan on going on bigger exchanges?

>> No.10849422

Yes, they're in talk. Don't know which ones tho. My guess is Huobi

>> No.10850200

30 days 30 announcements until platform release, followed possibly by finra approval.
I think my 500k+ is enough. We might see it reach 1$ some day

>> No.10850575

On their website, the linkedin links (subtle link mentions) of the CEO and "ex-VP at JP Morgan" don't lead anywhere. Makes me remember why I previously dismissed them.

>> No.10850733

Peter lee was a vp at jp Morgan. He ni longer has his LinkedIn password, but he has done multiple townhalls with relex that are available online. The whole "peter doesn't exist" thing has been addressed to death.

>> No.10851882

This is gonna be x5 next month