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10839440 No.10839440 [Reply] [Original]

What is the key to happiness?

>> No.10839457

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.10839468

Getting married and having kids

>> No.10839478

Love, contentness and passion. Know thyself and forgive. Having >10k LINK-tokens.

>> No.10839483

Happy sexual life what ever that is to you. Im sure that 90% of worlds problems can be explained through sexual frustration.

>> No.10839502
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t. Viking
Married people are fucking miserable
You were doing good until the stinky linky part
Isn't the libido just another drug? Are we all just chasing the dragon?

>> No.10839503

not sex but love
spreading knowledge
also redpills

>> No.10839530

Yea being married in and of itself isn't enough. You have to be in a good marriage. Duh. But yea instilling the good values in a future generation is our purpose

>> No.10839534

Satisfied with what is and eager for more

>> No.10839541

Accepting the universe as your lord and master. You are merely matter floating amongst the stars. Your temporary existence on this earth is a divine experience. Why waste it being miserable? Even pain and suffering can be enjoyed if you consider that they are merely parts of your beautiful journey.

>> No.10839555

Low expectations.
Not even joking, for a few days at work I did some stuff for my coworkers and expected nothing from it, it was so nice when they did little things for me in return (except one or two coworkers who did nothing in return, which didn’t matter because I expected nothing to begin with!)

>> No.10839557

just be skilled and learn to appreciate stuffs

>> No.10839570

yet people split into different teams (nation, football, politics) and fight each other instead of making their microenvironment autarkic. of course they do, because everybody thinks he's special and deserves some kind of special treatment. people nowadays need to learn about respect and modesty

>> No.10839582

Can’t disagree. Can’t envision this happening in our lifetime, but I can imagine a version of reality or a future where we build a less ego centric world to live in.

>> No.10839584

Basing your happiness on a marriage and kids is like than a ponzi b/c it's just one long chain of suffering with the jews at the top.

>> No.10839590

Thanks, whoever you are.

>> No.10839604

Take on a difficult task that will push you beyond where you are already and succeed in it. You will get this sense that “yes! that was worthwhile”. That’s paradise on earth. When you live in that place where things are worthwhile.

>> No.10839611

philosofic Taoism

>> No.10839617

ive argued with a friend of mine about this topic. the main issue here is that we dont have to think about ideals or common ground on a global scale. every one of us can start in his neighborhood or family. talk about important topics with his friends, instead of getting drunk every weekend. all of us get separated, functional families are dying out. relationships, which can be most important anchor in people lives, get replaced with some matchmaking system on tinder.

of course it is hard work. people are stubborn and very lazy these days, but its still worth it. freedom means effort.

>> No.10839627

Freedom, that's why everybody is focussed on money. It stands for freedom

>> No.10839642

Unironically happiness and the whole point u are here is to love and worship God through the son Jesus Christ and his Holy spirit....anything else is unironically as wrong as thinking BCH is the real Bitcoin.

If you dont agree its ok. But you won't make it.

>> No.10839649

researching and accumulating chainlink

>> No.10839654

Drawing golden vagina's on a sheet of paper

>> No.10839660

I think realistically we do start at the nuclear unit, but the problem is that morals and ideals, what’s “important” to discuss etc. are almost always subjective and thus as things ripple out they clash... which is exactly why you have all of these different groups to begin with. I don’t think we can realistically isolate ourselves to our ideals. That was the intention of most societies and you see what happens after some time there.

Most humans are by nature selfish. Unless you plan on eliminating everyone who is a net negative on our moral being, not much we can do except hope to evolve beyond that.

>> No.10839696
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>> No.10839718

The bulk of people don't chase freedom they chase showing off shiny things and "status" with which they can be cunty to others.

>> No.10839748
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most people dont even think for themselves. it's much more important to get some stupid likes on some social media than the main act of humanity itself.
people are not as diverse as you think, they just get played differently by different players. nobody wants war exept the rich.

you might want to read up on edwards bernays, the topic of cybernetics or money in general. also sociological might be very insightful.

at the end of the day i'm not very optimistic as well, but you can't blame the fear ridden population to be honest, or maybe you can i dont know.

>> No.10839798

I don't get how you can turn suffering and pain into something beautiful. I'm not talking like basic boredom depression I mean the real heavy shit that goes on. Tortures, rape, child sex trafficking, murders, wars for money, all that.

>> No.10839879
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The Universe is a cold and meaningless place and we all want to feel like we have a meaning. Understanding the truth gives you the power to choose your own meaning.

>> No.10840377

"I want to be happy"
remove "I", remove "want" and you be happy

>> No.10840513

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

>> No.10840543

wu wei (無爲)

The Sage is occupied with the unspoken
and acts without effort.

Teaching without verbosity,
producing without possessing,
creating without regard to result,
claiming nothing,
the Sage has nothing to lose.

>> No.10840571

Well people enjoy watching movies like taken which is kind of like that. Good an honourable acts feels meaningful in a cruel setting, if everything was already great you trying to make things better doesn't really do much.

>> No.10840649


>> No.10840683

Throwing your mental trash out or recycling it.



>> No.10840684
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Exercise everyday. Breath fresh air. Meditate. Stop wanting. Materialism makes you a slave to your posessions. The fun is in the journey, not the destination. Meet new people. Don't do too much drugs and alcohol they can fuck up your brain chemistry and make you upset for months. Learn to swim if you haven't yet. Travel the parts of the world you want to see.

>> No.10840704


>I don't get how you can turn suffering and pain into something beautiful.
See >>10840683

>> No.10840723


Might as well make your goal awe or excitement, or some other temporary state like happiness.

Pursuit of happiness is a meme. Once you are happy there is a state transition to any number of additional states. It's not an end state.

>> No.10840768 [DELETED] 

happiness in the short term is like day trading, shit fluctuates too much that you cant take things too seriously
go for long term holds with the highest ROI, ie figure out what makes your like truly fulfilling

>> No.10840783

the wise old man lives alone on the mountain top

>> No.10840786 [DELETED] 

>>10839440 (OP)
happiness in the short term is like day trading, shit fluctuates too much that you cant take things too seriously
go for long term term holds with the highest ROI, ie figure out what makes your life truly fulfilling, go all in, and watch yourself moon

>> No.10840858

unhappiness is not being ok with the way reality actually is. it's how humans evolved in order to survive this far. in the modern world that tends to fuck us up. so train your mind in the opposite direction via meditation, gratitude, forgiveness, and kindness towards yourself and others. learn to be ok with not being ok.

>> No.10841437


>Mongol confirmed
Based Genghis

>> No.10841454

Conan, what is best in life?