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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10834882 No.10834882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does this Cheeto keep winning? Fuck trump but its getting harder and harder to fud him every day

>> No.10834894

Gas all Commies goldbugs and ancaps
SPX to 3000

>> No.10834899

Lefties lost an election to a reality show host, fuck, its just so funny.

>> No.10834930

Generally the first four years of a presidency the economy follows the previous regime. That is, this is basically a continuation of Obamas economy. We'll see how good Trump is if he makes it to the second term.

>> No.10834950

attributing the markets performance to the sitting president is short sighted. obama inherited a crippled economy and trump succeeded the recovery. the same can be said for a lot of presidencies throughout american history.

>> No.10834961


This is what brainlets think

>> No.10834970

So the 2009-2013 recovery was all Bush?

>> No.10834973

>We'll see how good Trump is if he makes it to the second term.

> if

Its 100% guarantee hes a two term president. We wont see leftists win elections again until they can agree how many genders there are.

>> No.10834995

lock her up
bill clinton is a rapist

also lefties are socialist cucks and deserve to die. A dead commie is the only commie worth having around.

>> No.10835012

well okay, if you think the economy is absolutely dependent on the sitting president and not the foundation of american policies i don't know what to say.

>> No.10835014

>thinking democrats are left

the absolute ignorance of amerifags

>> No.10835044


You must be one a eurocuck or a leaf. Enjoy muhameds mussie cock up your ass. Big thumbs up!

>> No.10835074

Its true, Trump hasn't really done anything economy wise that wasn't already in motion.

That was a different circumstance, dummy. Obama overhauled the entire system, reversing everything Bush did and pulling us up out of the death spiral

>> No.10835110

Bush was responsible for 2008 GFC dont know what else to tell ya bud

>> No.10835188

>not understanding the true (((dichotomy)))

the absolute state of tankies

>> No.10835196

yes, it takes 8-10 years to see full affects of policy changes

>> No.10835229

Sick and tired of the disrespect for a /biz/Ness man like the Don have a little class niggers

>> No.10835249

This guy FUCKS man

>> No.10835310
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>b-but Trump hasn't done anything

>> No.10835366

Shit eating liberals say drumpf is so stupid. Yet he beat your fucking candidate and 16 republicans. So how stupid are they?

>> No.10835376
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>there's a bunch of overweight, broke, incel faggots on an anonymous forum pretending they are in any way smarter, richer, or more successful than Donald Trump.
just give in faggots. life is better on the trump train.

>> No.10835404


Why do you guys even bother responding to these retards?

>> No.10835412

The magic is real, some of us haven't forgotten.


>> No.10835430

Central Banks are propping the markets up. We literally just told Italy we would bail them out by buying their debt. This whole shit show is a ponzi.

>> No.10835432

Deficit spending.

>> No.10835439

MAGA bitches!

>> No.10835447
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It has to happen a first time before it can happen "again"

>> No.10835757

MAGA till I die.

>> No.10835773


>for 8 years we were told 3% growth was impossible
>trump delivers 4%+
>not even the midterms

the slide in the media is the only way Ds take back the house this year

>> No.10835867

When Trump was campaigning and Obama was President, Donald talked about how the numbers were fake. What changed that suddenly the numbers are real now?

>> No.10835878


>t-that w-was d-different

impressive mental gymnastics

>> No.10835929

>Lefties lost an election to a WWE Hall of Famer, fuck, its just so funny.


>> No.10835948

No it literally doesn't.

Some polices like Social Security or communism might not JUST your country for decades.

Others, like Fed appointments, industrial regulations, and tax code changes get reflected in stocks and board rooms within a quarter then trickle out to the broader economy in under two years.

>> No.10835953


>> No.10835975

sustained growth in high 3-4% is impossible. Several quarters under obama saw 4% (without massive taxcuts)

>> No.10835982
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>That was a different circumstance, dummy

>> No.10836047

>Obama overhauled the entire system
lmfao no

>> No.10836062

>That was a different circumstance, dummy.

Holy fuck, the cognitive dissonance of leftyretards never ceases to amaze me. Labotomize yourself faggot, you're already half way there

>> No.10836195
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I always eat my pizza like Trump

Its for good fortune.

The more people eat their pizza like Trump the more he draws power.

>> No.10836210

>muh stock markets
Nothing against Trump or anything, but I get the feeling that most people who parrot things like "the stock market is doing well" have no idea what a stock even is

>> No.10836219

When he was campaigning he called it a bubble.

>> No.10836288
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holy shit, all the S E E T H I N G from the lefties in this thread is pretty incredible. orange man bad, am i right?

6 more years, faggots.

>> No.10836293


So youre also against Russia and supporting them and their agents?

>> No.10836315

>Dehhh, stocks go up dongald most be smart

>> No.10836320

Trump is pretty cool for making liberal upset, but I really wish he'd do something about all the spics infesting my neighborhood.
t. Orange County, California

>> No.10836332

>my idiotic theory is valid when it is convenient for me but not when it isn't
Impressive, I thought nobody could embarrass themselves so pathetically, yet libshits find a way.

>> No.10836391

Stock market is going to hit all time high frequently, as it's trend is going upwards.
Find me presidents whose term did not see ATH in stocks.

>> No.10836428

for the dow jones : carter, fdr, truman and taft.

>> No.10836472

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10836548
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California belongs to Mejico now pendejo

>> No.10836552

>that was different :^}
right on schedule

>> No.10836577
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>> No.10836621

Bush is responsible for shitty sub prime mortgages and the dominance of hft firms?

>> No.10836651

His Treasury Dept deregulated the market which lead to the panic.

>> No.10836657

nvm robert rubin was clinton

>> No.10836658
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HURRRR everything good in America is thanks to Obama! everything bad in America is all DRUMFTS fault! HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


>> No.10836671

This. /biz/ is full of children and retards who missed out on 8/9 years of the bull market.

>> No.10836689

Stock prices are a bad metric to measure economic health.

Where is the price growth coming from? Stock buybacks and public institutions buying stock because bond interest rates are shit. Why is that happening? Because interest rates have been near zero since the recession. Money is being passed out like candy. Mainstream economic theory is that you keep interest rates low when times are bad (Keynesianism), to encourage spending and investment in real capital, creating jobs and growth. In good times, if you keep interest rates low, people and companies just pump that excess cash into securities since they don't need it for immediate real capital investment or goods. This can cause overvaluations of securities. The PE of the S&P 500 is over 20 right now. Amazon has a PE of almost 400, which is absurd.

The Trump admin is just continuing Obama's sugar high of low interest rates. GDP growth has increased since Trump got in office to his credit, mostly from deregulation but that growth will be hit if a trade war continues.

>> No.10836696

he's 72, I will be alive to see his death in the next 20 years, probably a lot sooner since he's obese and can't exercise. maybe even sooner if someone gets triggered and rushes him. feels good man

>> No.10836710

Then why was every analyst saying the economy would tank in the first year under Trump?

>> No.10836847

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