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10832771 No.10832771 [Reply] [Original]

I had it all anons.
In dec, my blockfolio was 550k at its peak.
I kept refreshing, saying "hodl!", watching it dwindle down. I didn't cash anything out, waiting for that 2 million mark to make it.
>fast forward to today
I consolidated everything into SPHTX in may, thinking mainnet launch would mewn it.
I have 40k left for my net crypto worth.
I dont have a college degree or social skills at 24 years old.
I was planning on not working forever, being a SMUG NEET, and now I'm at a loss for words.
What are my options?
honestly considering suicide.

>> No.10832868

what was your initial investment?

>> No.10832889

330K -> 15K here
Was waiting for 1 mil

I usually think about it everyday. Some days I've let it go other days I feel hopeful it will go back. Truthfully I should let it go.

The truth is, guys you like and I, and many others on this vietnamese hentai forum, were inexperienced at got lucky. We thought we were geniuses but all we had to do was see that people were posting about a shitcoin, we had a feeling that it had moon potential, then we went balls deep.

It was a glorious time. The problem is we were too dumb and greedy. You had 2 mil in mind. I had 1 mil. Technically, we didnt have any money as nothing was actually realized. So that's why we never sold, we had our stupid target in mind and kept holding wishing it will come back. I guess that's why most people lose at this game, just dumb greed.

You gotta take this as a learning lesson and don't beat yourself up. 90% think like you. You're not special. So many people in your boat (we have one of these threads everyday). But the reason why you feel bad is because at the same time, your post indicates you had no degree, skills, and just wanted to play vidya. That money would not have made you any happier. You would have gotten bored and felt unfulfilled within a couple months anyways. There was an anon on here that got rich off ETH and ate shit food everyday that he got diabetes. That's not a way to live. But because you havent worked, you didn't develop the realization of how many wage slave hours you would have to put in for that money. Same as me. It was just play and so we kept holding. Only when it is gone do you feel sorry that you wish you sold. You didn't feel it back then. Anyways, this bear market has been a good teacher. Try to do some analyzation and learn the lessons it has taught us about ourselves, money, and our lives. Not many people get brutally anally raped like we did. We could learn a few things.

>> No.10832984
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I had a similar experience and put everything in BTC now.

>> No.10833007

2k in may of 2017. bought a ton of antshares at 1$ and sold it at $50, kept compounding into coins like walton, icx, dragon, and then i got fucked.
That fucking sucks though. it's probably easier to kill myself than be a wagie. ill OD on coke fucking hookers in tijuana, if anything. i refuse to be a norman and receive a salary from a boss.

>> No.10833010

A lot of suicide posts today, (I am suicidal myself). I think we are in depression for sure. Sadly I have no money left to ride this through. I'm fucked.

>> No.10833015

Thats an awful idea desu. Your gains on alts when they could parabolic will be more than btc's rise. At one point i had 68 btc. i now have 8. I want to throw up rn, ive been drinking everyday around 2 pm to dull the pain.
Im just like everyone else.
I literally lost half a million dollars.

>> No.10833030

I'm similar started with Antshares too and then rode alts and didn't sell. Been wrecked too being 95% down. shit is brutal man.

Fucking hookers in tijuana would sound fun. Any anon in here done that?

>> No.10833056

Are you a NEET or have to wagecuck?

Our only hope is that the next bull run is bigger than the last, where btc would go to 100k unironically. if not then im really fucked, i shouldnt have gone all in this fucking shitcoin sphtx.

>> No.10833071

I was wagecucking end of 2017 but now I'm a NEET lol. Well if it makes you feel any better I'm all in ICX.

>> No.10833081

Nocoiner and new to /biz/
You guys are larping...right?

>> No.10833095

from 2k to 40k in a little over a year is considered a genius in any market
as the other anon said this is a learning lesson
this is also not the last bubble
t . bought at 29 when it crashed to 2

>> No.10833103
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I went from 45k to about $7k now. Initial was about $10k total. I'm only 18 so it was kinda a lot of money to me. Didnt sell since I really really wanted to make it because I hated school, normie and poor parents, normie friends all the fucking normie life. I just wanted to fuck off to Bahamas(or some other place) permanently.

Fast forward to now, I've become a /fit/izen, I'm learning about startup creation/running one, working on my prototype app and website and most importantly I'm all in on LINK. Oh and I made about $1k from a side hustle so now I have some cash on hand to spend on food or something else.

I'd say I have recovered from it. Mostly thanks to the delusion that comes with researching Chainlink.

>> No.10833110

Ask God to enter your heart he will guide you if you listen

>> No.10833158

no. this is not a larp. i hope you can feel my pain through the screen
yea, but imagine having half a million dollars and now having 40k. what if that was the last bubble? some coins may never come back to life. we could all be fucked
Ah, i remember the /productive/ meme. the good old days of being 18. soon you will see the norman infestation in all aspects of life, and 1k will only last you a few weeks , if that. face it anon, we aren't gonna make it.

>> No.10833232

I know you don't owe me anything, bur do you have screenshots of your portfolio now and/or back then?

>> No.10833245

Eh I actually got a good app idea(got it from someone else) and it doesn't even require money to get started(just database costs). Worst case scenario my app somehow fails(users not using it although they have an incentive to use it so idk really how it can fail), LINK stays under $5 and I have to go to uni to learn programming, which I already know quite well, and get a job paying 3x average salary.

Also that 1k isn't surviving money. It's just for emergencies or for a pizza once in a while.

>> No.10833309

>waiting for that 2 million
what does a NEET even need that much money for, face it you weren't going to spend it on anything healthy or productive

>> No.10833366

nope, i dont have blockfolio. no point in keeping it for one coin.
I deleted any pics of more portfolio from back then. it hurts to much. It culminated with INTchain where i went all in, it hit $1 from 25 cents, and i held down to 10 cents.
saw my portfolio go from 500k to 220 in 2 weeks.
I was going to live the rest of my life off that money, now i really dont know wut im gonna do
you sound like a euro anon, hence the different outlook on life
>get a job
good luck with that bro. i would rather be homeless

>> No.10833387

Your only escape:

All in link.

You would be top 100 link holder

>> No.10833391
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yeah, don't hold alts
there will be a next bubble, this one was my 4th.
once you don't get into the hype anymore and only get more worried when everyone seems to go crazy, that's when the profits will come

>> No.10833397

But seriously, you still have 40k and you're young. If I were you I would start hitting the gym and practice my social skills. Suicide is ridiculous if you're young and healthy

>> No.10833404

you are literally me

>initial 2k investment april 2017
>ATH 500k in jan
>didn't cash out cause wanted 1.5-2m
>held VeShit through a 90% drop
>60k left
>24 year old NEET, only an associates degree

to be fair, I placed a reasonable probability on market collapse. I made my bet and stuck to my guns. All or nothing.

only now, after 8 months of pain, do I realize just how much that money was. It really didn't feel *that* life-changing. But now, I tell people that I lost 400k, and their reactions make my stomach ache. It was 20 years of wageslaving. The worst part is that my portfolio was still worth 200k up until last month. It lost 80% of its value within a few weeks.

I didn't want to live an exorbitant lifestyle. I'm very content living in a one bedroom, driving my 600 dollar car. But money affords you freedom from the shackles of wageslavery. I wanted to live out my days in study, performing independent research across a few different fields.

I'm still holding on for dear life. I think we'll see another pump. And I need it desperately because my tax bill is 30k. A return to my old numbers? Doubtful. Money is lost so much faster than it's gained in this market, with a few rare exceptions (I went from 100k to 500k in less than 2 weeks).

>> No.10833405
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I know your pain bro.... I went from 330k to now around 35k aswell. I seriously want to kms everyday but I try not to think about it. Its hard to stay optimistic though.... I fell for the masternode meme... Greed definitley got to me... my target was 300k and once i reached it I just wanted more. its fucked up. Its whatever though I only started with 1k but god damn... I got have atleast 50 btc atm if I played things right.

>> No.10833446

yea im decently /fit/, i lift heavy 3-4x a week i just have a lot of self destructive behavior IE drinking everyday because it dulls emotion and spending 30 hrs straight in front of the computer eating shit trying to figure out how to become rich before i have to go into the real world.
I can get laid fine i just dont socialize with normans ever, i have no problem talking to waifus.

ive considered it, but there isnt enough volume to offload all my sphtx to go all in link.
i can just hold my sphtx, and the usd value of the alt coin will go up because of btc going up. it is literally my last hope, and there isnt enough volume to sell it anyways.

>> No.10833485

you're really going to gamble 40k away on some shitcoin I've never heard of?
now that's depression right there
leave some for the rope

>> No.10833503

taking a shot for you senpai, that fucking sucks.
Alll we can do is wait till 2020 for the next bullrun if it ever comes, and sell when we get back to six figures so we can live a /comfy/ life.
I wonder how many NEETS experienced the same thing, we were on top of the world in december and now normies who panic sold in january after the drop to 15k are having the last laugh. life is cruel
well, good luck with your taxes. ididnt cash out anything so i still am tax free.
Taking a shot for you.

>> No.10833512

im nauseous

>> No.10833578

worst part is I was neeting it up hard just like you and I was doing a shit ton of drugs to deal with the bear market and I pretty much lost my mind and my parents made me go to rehab.. Ive been in rehab for 3 months now and a few days after I left for rehab all my shitcoins started tanking hard and there was nothing I could do to save any of my gains as they are all in cold storage...

>> No.10833602

> but imagine having half a million dollars and now having 40k
I rather not, and neither should you.
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch"
you had 2000 chickens who laid 500 000 eggs but only 40 000 hatched. If you keep this track record you're going to make it.
When you're making less then 30% per year you have my permission to be depressed.

>> No.10833609

you need this lesson to become good at trading
trust me I lost 90% in 2014

>> No.10833652

thanks desu, this honestly helps. thanks.
day by day anon, im drunk, so doesntfeel too bad. this hangover with be brutal tho, cheap ass vodka

>> No.10833654

Damn. based oldfag. I should have listened. I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED. I guess you have to go through the pain to truly understand, just like you went through it the first bubble

>> No.10833662

same, i was smoking 10 blunts a day in a stoned stupor thinking i was a fucking genius... degeneracy was our downfall.

>> No.10833668

SPHTX is a looong hold my friend. They will waste their time on the failed token swap for at least a year. They swap around 400 wallets per month, there are about 7000 in total. No one is using it so far, doesen't look good. You might lose another 70% if you keep holding SPHTX.

>> No.10833693

Look at that, you're playing with the one thing that is priceless (your health) just because you lost something you never really had, now that's the only sad part here. Best of luck to ya

>> No.10833723

my lord, crypto has really fucked up a lot of people. every nerd who theoretically made some money now does not want to work anymore. you're all forgetting that working can actually feel great, being in a team, doing something creative, using your brain. ffs, no one wants to just be rich and then sleep all day or play videogames. that's something that you want when you're 12, not when you're an adult. go work, jesus christ, make friends, get laid, and enjoy life.

>> No.10833731

i really have no other options left but to hold till 2020 and hope it goes to $10 bro.
That's all i have left.

>> No.10833749

if you dwell on the past all the time you're not going to make it
there is only now and the future
you can't change the past anyway
I lost 40btc on scams in 13/14 (neo&bee, moolah, various alts) but that's behind me now
the light will come back
at least you didn't put in 40k at the top of the bubble

>> No.10833773

Hahahahahah faggot. At least you learned to cash out small amounts along the way.

I invested 25k in March 2017 and my peak was 1.2MM. I literally thought I was going to be worth 4-5MM by now.... but my portfolio is only 140k now... even worse because I didn’t hold any bitcoin, just alts. If I had moved all into bitcoin at my peak I’d have like 500k still.

However, I cashed out 380k along the way. I think people like you are larping, because if you honestly did not cash out anything from 2k to 500k I don’t know what to say. At least take out 50-80k so you can live in your moms basement stress free for however many years. You are actually fucking retarded if you ACTUALLY didn’t cash anything out.

Pro tip, get a good accountant. I was expecting to pay almost 40% or more of my cash outs, but my accountant got my rates down to like 20% (not long term cap gains). Though I suspect anything I say is irrelevant since you’re all larping fags pretending to have lost everything.

>> No.10833780

Learn from your mistake, get better. There will always be some stupid bullshit that morons like crazy. Last year it was crypto, battery metals, and weed. This year was Tesla, Netflix and weed again. Next year who knows.

My whole strategy with trading is to identify the meme(s) of the year, swing them until they run out of juice, move on to the next.

>> No.10833796

I didnt cash anything out desu.
i owe nothing in taxes as everything i own is from jewcoin, they dont figure out i have anything
go back to R*ddit nigger

>> No.10833807

How do you identify these memes? Google trends?

>> No.10833809
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fuck my life, i read this whole thread hoping to find someone that's lost more money than me. and there isn't even one that's lost as much in 8 months as i lost in a single night on december 23rd. this ruined my day, fuck you faggots. also, if you guys are that depressed you're weak minded as fuck, you don't even know how it feals to lose millions

>> No.10833819

True. A major part of successful trading and investing is getting out when the getting is good. Never celebrate gains until you've sold and have that cash safe. After that, don't be too eager to jump back in on dips. Wait for the right entry setup. Wait for months if need be.

>> No.10833828

how much did you lose anon?

>> No.10833832

also this. hard to believe you don't cash out enough to even live off a couple of years or buy a property if you have life changing money in crypto. you would have to be a literal <80 iQ retard that accidently bought ethereum at 1$

>> No.10833846

I'm an autistic guy who enjoys following internet rabbit holes of information. For a norman I imagine it would be boring and tedious but it's what I do for fun.

>> No.10833861

I feel truly sorry for "oldfags" that had 6 to 7 digits at peak and did not sell. Even more pathetic than December buyers desu - because you should have seen it coming.

>> No.10833864

"lost" about 5 million but as long as i don't look at it as losing but internet meme money vanishing as quick as it came i can cope with it. also i cashed out 400k, paid 150k in taxes and can live off the other 250k for ages. long enough to see btc moon another time

>> No.10833950

Its all relative. I lost everything bro. What little I have left will keep me going for a few weeks at most. I want to die but my family love me so I can't put them through it.

>> No.10833981

Same here. Anon up there posted about the people who got in early and didnt cash out anything are worse than the normans who bought the dec top and capitulated only down 30%
Im hammered and realize my peak portfolio was like 570k, now it is 39k.
I live on the 23rd floor and could easily jump off and die a painless death
But i go to dinner with my mom on sundays so im not gonna make her live with that. Good luk desu

>> No.10833992

I fucking saw it coming man... I just fell for the masternode meme. I feel like such a retard I honestly didn't have any grasp on the amount of money I was truly playing with. I knew btc was gonna pop but I didnt think alts would tank 95% in sats....

>> No.10833997

330k is a fucking nice house here anon.

>> No.10834019
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Agreed when I /make it/ im still going to graduate from uni and get a job I genuinely enjoy doing. Having crypto will be my backup and parachute so I never have to wageslave at a job I hate. I'll never have to worry about quitting a job I hate on the spot and being unable to pay bills. You shouldn't give up on everything in life just because you made it in crypto. Use that money to better your life and achieve more than you ever thought was possible. OP I hope you've learned from your mistakes and use this as an opportunity to consolidate your portfolio into quality coins

>> No.10834049

damn u guys are fucking idiots just let go you will have way more chances to make your hundreds of K. its only money if u care like this u never gonna make it

>source: rich guy

>> No.10834061

You should send me the 40k and then kys. In all honesty, take a road trip or go camping, go hike a mountain or explore a city you have never been to, get out of your comfort zone, go say hi to that cute chick, dont mean you gotta fuck her just ask how her day is going. There is a whole lot more to life than just digits on a screen you would probably never spend anyway.

>> No.10834134

I wish you the best bro.
120k to 8k here.

I give up on freedom, the chance came and I blew it. By the time I amass enough savings to give it another go, ChainLink will probably be $1000 and i'll be in the mental asylum.

>> No.10834166

You guys don't get what "hodl" mean.

hodl means you're willing to endure bottom-of-the-well lows to get those big gains in the long term. This means that you need to keep studying the thing you're hodling and get rid of it as soon as you notice it has lost it's value (i'm not talking about price!!) in a way it's not coming back.

If you hodl something that has no value you're in for trouble. For such thing you're better off just trading shit.

>> No.10834195

I wish we were irl so i could personally strangle you

>> No.10834213

I think $10 is possible.

>> No.10834220

>mfw I'm a December newfag and I'm still up 700% (2000% in satoshis) because I didn't hodl like a retard

I can't imagine how much of a brainlet a person would need to be to not take profits on over a million dollars in profits and just watch it turn into nothing. Life literally offered you a free ride and you pissed in its face because you wanted more. Mind boggling.

>> No.10834235

hold up, you're CPA is only making you pay on what you cashed out?

>> No.10834236

I feel like a fucking faggot but that put a smile on my face anon. that glimmer of hope is what keeps me going. at 10$ im worth 3 million.
I will wait till $10 or zero.
hold on neets, we're gonna make it.

>> No.10834274
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You saved my life today anon

>> No.10834314

Also there a lot of real tokens will be lost because lots of holders don't know about the swap. The ones that are too late can only swap the old sphtx for new ones at 20/1 ratio.

>> No.10834398

i don't know anything about SPHTX, but here's an old trading axiom:
>you don't have to make your money back on the same asset you lost it on
$40k is a decent stack in the current market if you've got the balls/suicidal tendency to put it all in alts. look around, see what else might moon. maybe it will do it faster. the market changes a lot in a few months. maybe there's new trends or buzzwords circulating. spread yourself out. you only need one moon, so give yourself 3 or 4 different chances to get it.

>> No.10834399

Dude just relax man you’ll be fine. Have some fun dude. Go see a movie, go on a trip. Get away for a while. You’re just getting your feet wet with investing and money. So many normies live their entire lives not knowing. You’ve learned a lot. You have your whole life to earn it back and then some. It was only a quick 1 month that everything went crazy. It could happen again

>> No.10834571

You guys are all fags. No wonder you're gay.