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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10832767 No.10832767 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I need to get my business to make so I can buy a cute boy, load him up on HRT, dress him like this, and keep him under my desk?

>> No.10832801

I could be that

>> No.10832812

wasn't there a pasta about a guy who did this? Kept a trap in a cage or something and fed it HRT?

>> No.10832826


>> No.10832842

I mean there’s probably willing people out there so I assume as much as you would need to feed them and provide hormone therapy

>> No.10832851

It's just not the same if they are into it

>> No.10832866


>> No.10832887

Hmm, I could put you on some kind of agression enhancer

>> No.10832920

What are your thoughts on amphetamines and cocaine?

>> No.10832938

That would be ok

>> No.10832953

Hmm, I wonder what the cost of HRT and food would be

>> No.10832992

Well I’m 115 pounds so that should tell you what I eat. Not sure about hormones

>> No.10832999

Makes me wonder what the cheapest food per calorie is that still keeps you healthy

>> No.10833047

Onions diet. I had someone force me just to eat that before

>> No.10833073

S o ylent ughfilters. That’s a different word

>> No.10833088

Ok I googled it. It looks like enough oats to keep you alive would cost about $400/year, add to that treats and multivitamins about $1000/year

The drugs would be about $1200/year it looks like.

That is surprisingly affordable

>> No.10833115

enjoy your pale skinny fat malnourished white weakling boy I guess?

>> No.10833117
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>Deep dark fantasies

>> No.10833140

Why would he be malnourished? I would give vitamin supplements wouldn't that be enough?

>> No.10833204

I mean, you could just have him do exercise?

>> No.10833221
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>tfw no well fed femboi to hypnotize and feed

>> No.10833243

You probably should just get them like a female fitness trainer that comes over and then have them learn how to cook.

>> No.10833251

That's a bit fat...
That's a good idea but I don't want them talking to outside people.

>> No.10833282

How much is a ticket to Cambodia?

>> No.10833305

About $800 why?

>> No.10833308

this picture disgusts me, Jesus christ

>> No.10833378



>> No.10833396

this is the reality of your cute trap gf, have fun faggots

>> No.10833525

He's over 20, too old.
But we could fix him easily
>reduce 35 pounds
>facial creams to soft and beauty his face up
>let his hair grow
He's like a brute diamond, looks ugly and worthless, but it can become a beautiful and expensive jewry if handled by the right person.

>> No.10833537

Not if you make him exercise and cut his diet
Surgery, don't forget surgery. You can fix his face too.

>> No.10833564

He doesn't need a surgery, we can make it work without it (of course a surgery would be even better, but we can get nice results without it.)
A long hair would be more important than a facial surgery.

>> No.10833586

I wonder how much a full package surgery would cost. Getting all the bones fixed etc. Keeping the dick of course (maybe balls come out?)

Can you get off with your prostate without balls?

>> No.10833588

KYS faggot, like the others

>> No.10833672

Why would I do that

>> No.10833784

No need for much, would be better to just to get a younger boy.

>> No.10833811

I mean for the younger boy. Ideally it would be best to remove the testicles and start at like 10 but if you want to be humane it's already needed after puberty

>> No.10833854

>remove testicles
If you're gonna remove his ball,s get a girl already!
Just start the HRT at the age of 6 and enjoy a cute boy with a cute silk skin

>> No.10833986

But what use are the balls? It's not like he's ever going to use his dick, it's just for decoration!

>> No.10834324

why are you /tv/ guys in here

>> No.10834350

I'm a /v/ guy
I want adult bois not kids

>> No.10834386

oh. well just get an asian
lots of nice fem looking femboys here
t. SE asian

>> No.10834426
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>> No.10834437

Yeah that seems to be it
It seems they last longer too

>> No.10834528

or you know go on tumblr and try your luck there i guess its still different if its white you know.
im 7/10 here, 5/10 in global standards i guess. im upper middle class here too. i just go out every month and pick up some high quality traps in clubs which are much easier to score than girls. hook up and thats it. sometimes if its worth the second run i go for a date or something. if you want quality, you gotta work for it a bit. some things you just cant buy out of the box

>> No.10834541

I’ve cashed out 500k in crypto and want a boy to chemically and surgically transform into a pretty girl that services my every need. I have no idea how to find someone for that though, especially since they’d ideally be straight and cisgender.

>> No.10834993
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what is this shit
I like traps too but I'm starting to think Hitler was right

>> No.10835049

I guess that's the best thing to do.
I mean...

>> No.10835053

literally just use me, I'll gladly do it.

>> No.10835071

>only 35 pounds
you don't understand to be cute you must be under 19bmi.

>> No.10835093

ah yes, Kissxsis, the only anime to enduce boners just by watching

>> No.10835124


>> No.10835147

everyone in this thread kys, me too

fucking cancerous niggers

>> No.10835175
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>posting pics publicly on biz

>> No.10835202

Just hide your face.

>> No.10835388

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.10835525

You sound like my dream

>> No.10835899

I mean, there are a lot of people like him.

>> No.10835969
File: 38 KB, 480x527, 01B860ED-5F20-492A-9FDC-F803E434D89C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread needs to be beheaded by a Muslim. Fucking hell. The fuck is wrong with you dudes.

>> No.10836036

Woah calm down there ISIS

>> No.10836081


I’ve never seen someone as Jewish as you.

>> No.10836093


White men are destined to rule. Stop this.

>> No.10836278

How can every white man rule at the same time?

>> No.10836298

I dont get this meme

>> No.10836607

I agree with both of you

And i would never have sex with a black person

>> No.10836648

what if i paid you 445 dollars

>> No.10836672

Not even for 4445

>> No.10836810

That's a reasonable threshold.

>> No.10836862


>> No.10836937

I get ridiculed on a trap discord by everyone there and am left out.

>> No.10837183

Are they usually that catty?

>> No.10837240
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how much you wanna bet KAMI made this post


probably not much DESU DESU! Ice cream truck costs 20 grand. That is a decent business and great for hot climates!

>> No.10837434

nigga, you clearly know nothing about nutrition. Humans need at least one complete protein, of which oats are not. Also, some variety is required for micronutrients - no, a multivitamin does not suffice as the nutrients need to be bound to dietary fiber in order to be properly digested. You need to feed him eggs and peanut butter with a salad at least once a week.

>> No.10837659

i ate only 1 mcdonalds meal for a year and it was completely fine, get your diet shit out your ass

>> No.10837746

Are you cute

>> No.10837948

ofc, I'll check back tommorow if you linked an email or someshit.

>> No.10837975
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you forget the currently airing sunoharasou no karirin-san which is the first actually watchable /ss/ and singlehandedly saved fanservice and cured my erectile dysfunction