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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1364x848, ING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10831250 No.10831250 [Reply] [Original]

ING confirmed using CL SWIFT Bond test.
Check this out boyos.
Copy that IBAN and lookit up on this site and tell me what you see.

>> No.10831279

Nice find anon. These are the clients that are worth reporting, not super shitcoins that just want to name drop CL.

>> No.10831291

Buy gold with your Link profits or you'll lose it all after you make it

>> No.10831306

25% of your Link profits must go into gold and silver or the Jew will continue to confiscate your wealth through inflation

>> No.10831313


>> No.10831325
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, get-ready-to-see-some-serious-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10831341


That's the plan anon. High interest savings account & dividends stocks. Live off the interest & dividends and slowly accumulate gold & silver

>> No.10831349


>> No.10831359

isn't this just a payment to a client who happens to have an ING account?

>> No.10831363
File: 193 KB, 750x974, 5CE595A0-C67F-4F87-A8DD-BA7C0BE05FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10831364

2 5 0 0

>> No.10831367

It's also important to note that NN is a spinoff company of ING. It was somewhat concluded that AB worked for NN at the time of their appearance too.

>> No.10831369

brainlet here...i'm guessing this is a good thing? What does it mean?

>> No.10831379

Fake. Sell.

>> No.10831385

This is old news. Like from 2017, dude

>> No.10831386

The shitcoins that namedrop CL matter a lot too.
Look at ETH, shitcoins made it blow up.

>> No.10831394

Just more institutional clientele to add to the pile. Chainlink is going to be a Google/AWS level piece of infrastructure, there is almost no doubt.

>> No.10831396

Could it merely be a placeholder/example?

>> No.10831406

This, it's all about adoption.
Even the shittiest pajeet coin brings value to LINK.

>> No.10831407

They matter for moonboy faggots who don't understand what Chainlink is and think it needs normie hype, that's all.

>> No.10831422

Chainlink was always about bringing real-world data to the blockchain, the fact that even tiny crypto startups use CL is a natural result of that.

Seems like you're the one not understanding.

>> No.10831433

Just to rain on the parade a bit with that, you can tell it's just a dummy message that uses a real IBAN number as the customer org ID is CustID12345678900

>> No.10831434

means nothing..

>> No.10831439
File: 81 KB, 1447x880, nt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one linking Northern Trust company to a bond contract.

>> No.10831446

No. You MUST put 10% into gold and silver immediately. That's an order marine.

If you have 4 million it won't matter if you put 200k into gold. Where you end up having 3.8 million to put in other shit

What is your rank?

>> No.10831456
File: 95 KB, 1407x876, NT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10831464

if an ING partnership will be announced 1000 eoy will be FUD

>> No.10831475


>> No.10831698


These look clean as fuck


>> No.10831728

But its from the past dude

>> No.10831731

Kek that’s req

>> No.10831735


>> No.10831808

this is seriously the best place on the fucking internet
thanks anon

anyone else getting the feeling sibos is going to be "we're proud to announce basic financial instruments for institutions via blockchain and the chainlink network. we have been running x,y,z through a closed beta for the last year now and would be excited to share the results from any institutions looking to decrease their costs of borrowing"

>> No.10831860

Firstly how did you get this?

Secondly it just looks like someone uploading and example of a current bond and the person saying "Can you smartcontractify this current example". Having skimmed it there is nothing too smart contract about it.

Thirdly, I work offshore in Norway so it would be lovely if SmartContract got involved in my industry. I would be like an insider. I have even done a little bit of work for Sub C before.

>> No.10831873

how did you find this?

>> No.10831880

There's a smart bond that was paid to an ING bank account. Literally means nothing. Chainlink will be revolutionary but calm the fuck down ya'll.

>> No.10831888

It would be more like "we are proud to announce using blockchain and decentralised oracles ..."
Then there would be multiple threads about autists digging through transactions and what not to see what oracle they are using.

>> No.10831896


Okay I see it now its from the above link. Attached down the bottom. It makes sense now Thanks

>> No.10831897

these smartcontract pages (google site:smartcontract.com) have attachments at the bottom, it's a link to one of those

>> No.10831901

These are literally just examples from like 2016-2017. It's nothing.

>> No.10831944


Scroll down, click "Bond Agreement and Schedule.pdf"

>> No.10831971

List of profiles on SmartContract.com:


>LendingRobot is an automated investment service for Peer-to-peer lending for retail investors.[1][2] It is based in Seattle, Washington,[3] and was the first SEC-registered Investment Advisor[4][5] in the Peer to Peer Lending industry.

>> No.10832015

>Scott Raymond


>Gowalla Co-Founder Scott Raymond Joins Airbnb’s Mobile Product Team
>Former Software Engineer @ Facebook (Crunchbase)

>> No.10832034

wen tether partnership

>> No.10832081

Access denied. Anyone save this??

>> No.10832084

Here is /biz/ official profile:


>> No.10832106

>tfw starting to feel bad for nolinkers

>> No.10832112

uh, no
Moonboy faggots only care about swift and other big players because of le moon. Smart people see the value in small players getting in as well

>> No.10832117


>> No.10832190



>> No.10832218

Triple checkd. This is all the way true. They aren't going to say "with chainlink" it'll just be background infastructure

>> No.10832233

20k stinkies, sir!

>> No.10832259

This is true. Huge companies will prob be given link as an incentive to use their system, or buy it otc. Smaller companies that want in will be buying our stinks on binance at 100x + in the future

>> No.10832266

>ctrl + f “Chainlink”
>0 results
It’s nothing.

>> No.10832305

you guys are really fucked up in the head, buy vechain

>> No.10832313

Are you actually retarded? Even if this is a LARP then it's low effort and you should unironically jump off a cliff while saying sorry to the God Sergey Nazarov

>> No.10832338

lmfao did you just use LARP incorrectly or am i drunk?

>> No.10832351


>> No.10832370

how fucking dumb are you?

These are just tests from 2017. We saw this shit last year. This is only a revelation to newfags. None of these companies are using LINK anymore. We would have heard something more tangible.

>> No.10832400

>None of these companies are using LINK anymore.

proof faggot

>> No.10832463

Want me to post the podcast with the Dutch ING economist who is mentioning LINK buzzwords again?

>> No.10832475

yeah please do

>> No.10832485

I met a stinky linky in Barcelona early in the morning. He was drunk as fuck and tried to convince the (hot) hotel service employee to come up to his room.

I hope he's reading this kek

>> No.10832486

You'll have to learn Dutch though

>> No.10832493

gold is for retarded boomers

>> No.10832500

fuck i hate learning dutch

>> No.10832543

Make a fucking effort anon.

>> No.10832560



FROM 2016-2017



>> No.10832561

Dutch sucks

>> No.10832583

200k is only 5% of 4 mil

>> No.10832627

>not knowing where stocks were first used
you blithering fool

>> No.10832633

who is ING ? tried researching them on google and nothing

>> No.10832645

This is good advice

>> No.10832652
File: 72 KB, 336x250, SV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've speculated before on Siddharth Verma before but nobody really seems interested.

I think this is him and there has been other Deloitte connections posted

>> No.10832664

I own a small amount of LINK and the reason I won't buy more is the amount set aside for clients already. Of course all this adoption is good but it doesn't change that they won't need to buy LINK from the market, it'll be given to them. There's 650 MILLION (65%) tokens set aside for them already. Makes me wary.

>> No.10832667


Lol, you don't know who ING is?


See for your self

>> No.10832675

doen ouwe

>> No.10832692

Boomers don't own gold. Boomers don't know gold is money either. You have to go back to at least 1930 when actual educated Americans all knew gold was money and real savings

>> No.10832693


Man man, niet gedacht er Nederlanders hier waren XD.

>> No.10832695

> You have to go back to at least 1930
>muh gold
>gets confiscated by the government

>> No.10832699

Vlaming, eigenlijk.

>> No.10832748

Haha, "doen ouwe" klinkt toch vrij sukkelig met een Vlaams accent.

>> No.10832757

Ik bootste nen Ollander na. Met opzet.

>> No.10832838

This is a /white/ board. Netherniggers pls go.

>> No.10832886

Ik schijt in je bek en knijp je neus dicht lulhannes

>> No.10832906

Revenue €17.77 billion (2017)[2]
Operating income
€7.27 billion (2017)[2]
Net income
€4.99 billion (2017)[2]
Total assets €846 billion (2017)[2]
Total equity €50 billion (2017)[2]
Number of employees
54,302 (2017)[2]

ing is huge wtf is this real they wouldnt test out the chainlink network would they ? they make 8 billion in revenue per year

>> No.10832950


Well they need a decentralized oracle for their smart contracts don't they? What are they going to use else oralize, lol.

>> No.10833052
File: 6 KB, 323x119, Screenshot from 2018-08-25 22-51-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10833075
File: 25 KB, 566x310, Screenshot from 2018-08-25 22-55-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10833120

literally who

>> No.10833136

you guys are so dumb what the fuck

>> No.10833154

sent a 0,01 payment to the bank account declared in OP post now, and you will know: firstname, lastname, addres, location.

dikke kus

>> No.10833167

why? as all their infra's are spof with just loadbalancers (...) ?

>> No.10833169
File: 168 KB, 1534x389, Screenshot_20180825-230522_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. It's a fake name, the contract is made up

>> No.10833175

level up. i'm glad of you anon.

>> No.10833193 [DELETED] 

imo if you want to know the real name behind the BE number account sent some money there and you will directly know. it's how it's working.

>> No.10833597

i did not know this but if it is real won't the receiver know exactly who you are too?

>> No.10833689

Dude we went through all this like 6 months ago. Above poster is right, so many newfags in link threads recently.
p.s it's nothing

>> No.10833759


>> No.10834218

100k link here and don’t think I’ll ever have 4MM lmfao what a pipe dream

>> No.10834224

Just kidding is 10k enough?

>> No.10834246

focus on learning how to use the potty, pajeet.

>> No.10834282

burden of proof is on you. These were PoC's, nothing more. And the companies may not have even had awareness

>> No.10834306

Where do you get that? I searched for ab and nn together on the archive and no result.

>> No.10834901
File: 194 KB, 718x622, 08-26-18 at 02.10 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 2 iban in the code, one is ing but the other is ???

>> No.10834920

But will normies know ?

>> No.10834952


This makes no sense though, because any early adopting institutions are going to want the price to rise sharply for two reasons: 1) their fat stacks Sergey gave them + that they bought for cheap off the market will go up in value, and more importantly 2) LINK prices need to be high in order for the network to work.

Once everything is confirmed working on the tech side you're going to see so many companies/consortiums namedrop LINK at once it'll make your head spin.

>> No.10834974
File: 391 KB, 1142x646, 08-25-18 at 12.19 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10834977

I dunno, I had my head spin once and it was awful.

>> No.10834984
File: 235 KB, 1433x1062, 08-25-18 at 12.06 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10834991
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>> No.10834996
File: 1.40 MB, 1056x5157, jp morgan report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10834998

>LINK prices need to be high in order for the network to work
That makes no sense, and if you hold LINK you should be glad it isn't true

>> No.10835007
File: 142 KB, 1109x152, 08-25-18 at 01.31 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10835023
File: 225 KB, 860x1210, openlaw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10835043

Linkies are so deluded...

>> No.10835055


>> No.10835426

But why have they been made available now? They won’t be up forever, enjoy them whilst they’re there and see what you can learn.

>> No.10835435

>ING confirmed using CL SWIFT Bond test.
>Check this out boyos.
>Copy that IBAN and lookit up on this site and tell me what you see.
this is pasta

>> No.10835471 [DELETED] 

they need link to have a particular value for collateral payments

>> No.10835505


You're right. Banks will trust tillions of dollars to contracts backed by a token who's market cap is only worth $100million. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.10835532

The higher the price of link, the stronger the network

>> No.10835542

Hmm, possible fellow insider. Don’t fucking tell them. It’ll be great when these archives go missing suddenly.

>> No.10835591

>Northern Trust


Here's an article that just got posted to r/cc

>> No.10835623 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 1079x1904, Northern Trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who was also involved with the world bank experiment

>> No.10835634
File: 370 KB, 1079x1904, Northern Trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who was also involved with the world bank experiment

>> No.10835636


>> No.10835811

Mary Povich?

>> No.10835825

>possible fellow insider

>> No.10835912

>You realize 650 million is nothing compared to the amount that would be need as collateral in a robust oracle system