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10827595 No.10827595 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin will never be lower than 6K again

>> No.10827642

Time to sell

>> No.10827644

its going to 2000

>> No.10827695

Deluded. I'm long with 25x leverage

>> No.10827709

ladder your buy orders between 3.6k-2.8k, but be patient to wait out 3-9 months for this bottoming capitulation

>> No.10827712

I am expecting this as well tbqh

>> No.10827718

For what reason would it go to 3k? You people are deluded.

>> No.10827769

i feel sorry for you

>> No.10827776

not gonna happen either. bitcoin will just move sideways with strong support at $6k and decreasing volatility. there will be no further capitulation unless some sudden harsh news hits the media like a major exchange folding.

>> No.10827806

bears are the exact mirrors of bulls, that plays also for magnitude of irrationality of ups/downs. market operators are loaded from the bull, they are in no rush, they have time. the time is advantageous to let the sheep forget the pain they experienced, to disregard and laugh of the REAL accumulation yet to come, so operators won't be disturbed during it. then the more the public will find itself feelong caught off-guards, by the new mark-up, the more they will fomo at the new highs

>> No.10827829

Wow, I thought the meme chart wasn't real.

We really are at denial.

>> No.10827837

you think this can be only by new mtgox? history doesn't repeat my friend, history RHYMES. The ico craze fallout is your goxxening event of current market cycle

>> No.10827843

that doesn't affect btc at all or as they capitulate shitcoins it only gives support

>> No.10827849

you are delusional if you think we are in a long bear market now. we are in a short one we will hit a new ath in a year around $100k and then a longer dip.

>> No.10827866

public is still in denial, everyone subconciously still believes the eoy run of 2017 will repeat again, they were promised! lot of normans will panic and lose hope since it wont happen

>> No.10827905
File: 340 KB, 1786x835, how-about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a lot of fud but hear me out
i don't really give a fuck when the bull happens exactly because i know not with certainty but with a good enough chance that it will come eventually and within 3 years. if it doesn't happen within a year we could get into a bigger dip but the halving is coming and btc almost reached it's previous ath in previous halvings. so btc will be near $17 at least by 2020. but i think it's more likely it will be near $75k.

but if not that year then the next who gives a fuck i couldn't reach almost 20x in a fey years with any investment i have available anyhow. so i put 10% of my net into btc and wait. i do this gradually buying the lows if there is a new low introduced i will buy that. until i accumulate to my target goal. if btc stays above $8k for 3 months then rampup came early and have to buy above $8k. it can happen but i don't think it's time yet. bleed in september then start a slow rampup in october and that's when you hit disbelief. i put it to the spring of 2019 the new ath for now. but like i said when matters little.

>> No.10827927

Most normans capitulated a long time ago. You don't see their posts because they've already given up on it. The "deniers" are the minority who stuck around and they're not going to suddenly panic sell at this point.

>> No.10827932


Of course it will, just look around.

You permabears don't realize. We won't sell. We will dump everything into crypto. You can't shake us.

>> No.10827980

agree there is no panic left after all these months.

>> No.10828017

yep, I do not care either about timelines, and I an damn sure a new bull will come. and I find your exected magnitudes as fully plausible all I say have a reasons to believe that for market operators, a deeper bottoming and longer bear will result in more solid and stronger bull. why should the whales be in rush? the longer consolidation will only benefit them

>> No.10828030

a 12-18months before halvening is theoretically the best time for whales to make the btc bottom

>> No.10828116

you seriously think people holding shittons of btc have any desire to see it worth even a penny less at any time? that would be like someone neck deep in apple stocks rooting for apple to crash. i hate this retarded whale meme. it's worse than the bogs. market represents overall sentiment. investors would be investors holders and the retarded permabears. everything. it sways with the news and reacts violently to price movements and all but it does follow a preordained mathematical function so long there is demand.

>> No.10828255

the 2017 top concluded the 5th wave of the EW grandcycle from the very beginning of btc. We are now correcting the full cycle started in 2009. watch out for 3.6-2.8k
zoom out

>> No.10828317

look if it happens it happens i will just buy more btc. i got nothing against cheap btc but waiting for it is retarded. it's a pipe dream. sub $5.8k won't happen until something fundamentally changes.

>> No.10828363

This. People expect biz to abandon crypto for capitulation or whatev it was, but there will always be crypto enthusiasts here who know market cycles. Basically biz is not a full normie place.

>> No.10828369

to me the current cycles chart shows it's more and more people who are wise to the cyclical nature of this crap and they don't get scared so easily as in previous ones. of course with increasing market cap you can expect things to chill a bit cycles get longer and less violent in theory.

>> No.10828373

probably for only 10mins, you gotta sleep sometime anon

>> No.10828403

I do not want to be a blind stubborn permabear. Market has its own mind, and I am looking like hawk for signs of strength. I myself had scaled in 100% at 6k range as from bear view we have one more rally up to 7.5k. If we dont hold 7.5, I'm shedding 70% of position and anticipate my stated scenario. For me the data suggest more bottoming than sideways and reversal close to current range.
Thank you for contributing to this thread. I am always trying to challenge my biases in constructive debate

>> No.10828411

>For me the data suggest more bottoming than sideways and reversal close to current range.
but why? seriously no matter how i look at it it shows me slightly lower lows and slow rampup to begin in a month. so what is your reasoning? it's possible that my wishes cloud my judgment is why i ask.

>> No.10828451

I would be very careful calling $150-$200 differences in price as 'lower lows' (do not jump the gun) -I suggest you to pay more attention to weekly chart, not just daily.

>> No.10828454

this meme is oversold

>> No.10828466

also watch very carefully the reaction at 7.5k range, if we get there

>> No.10828478

dont make me get my calculator

>> No.10828483

i mostly look at 3m and 1y lol daily is meh i got my next limit order to buy at $6k. i'm a bit nervous about it not getting hit you really never know what people get in their head.

>> No.10828582

smart. lots of bears got rekt few days ago with the stop raid to 6800 range. now too many stops stacked at 6.3-6.0k range, too juicy to pass up before the rally to 7.2-7.5k. again, watch closely 7.5k range. if it is not breached and maintained on strong green volume - you know the drill

>> No.10828620

yeah if it stays above $7.5k for a while then it's probably the game changer. right now i'm bullish for a few months and bearish for the coming weeks. looks like we are about to go down a bit.

>> No.10828859

Shit dude, I was going to keep trolling you and telling you to buy. But it's kinda sad.

It's extremely obvious that you got into crypto at the soonest in 2017. You think that whales wouldn't crash BTC because muh net worth, but you don't understand their intentions because you have less than 50k into crypto. I can say with 100% confidence that these 2 facts are true.

That said, you are free to believe what everyone is saying and hoping for. 100k EOY right? See you in December dude.

>> No.10828997

>It's extremely obvious that you got into crypto at the soonest in 2017
>You think that whales wouldn't crash BTC
they don't do shit it's a fucking meme and a bad one. it's like ancient people blaming the weather on their imaginary gods. that's what you are doing.

>> No.10829098

the only gamechanger is once btc holds over 12k

>> No.10829120

if you really disregard the interests of the market operators you are truly a 2017 newfag

>> No.10829122

i want to be done accumulating by that point so idgf.

>> No.10829136

no i clearly see the interest of the market operators which are the miners and the exchanges. whales are a bad meme.

>> No.10829147

also just imagine for a minute you sitting on hundred thousand btcs... you want to buy more? or you would rather have it hit $1mil as soon as possible and cash out some? i know which one i would rather have at that point.

>> No.10829161

ok, just stating that bull begins by breaking @12k, everything under is bear/consolidation to take advantage of

>> No.10829235

i feel the same about $10k but sure why not. that's not what i meant with the 7.5k being a game changer. i meant that if it stays above it i will start buying higher than $6.3k.

>> No.10829236

I just worry we haven't hit the bottom yet. I'm a poorfag making like 0.01 btc at best. It's so fucking risky and keep making wrong decisions. I'm losing my hair over this.

>> No.10829249

don't lose your hair for 0.01btc man... wtf

>> No.10829275

wtf, the absolute state of biz

>> No.10829277

>but why?

Because you retarded bulls cant read charts.

>> No.10829291

Dude i'm a third worlder I literally struggle to make money. I've been studying charts for months, making TA... and yet I just can't get it right. I keep entering losing positions. Or if I do get it right, it's a paltry conservative position that will make a paltry profit. I'm so fucking depressed I can't even eat anymore, I just don't know why my brainlet head can't make sense of it all.

>> No.10829301

Then you're retarded because rich people plan moves months even YEARS in advance and they know it will go up again eventually so why not buy cheaper. We know Bitcoin is not dying and so do they. They want more of it. Stop thinking about getting rich quick because you will get burned. Like I said these people are looking ahead years from now

>> No.10829315
File: 121 KB, 680x345, 1517910069370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in spite of the organic upwards movement, MACD cross you thin this is going to go down? How far? Why? Please let us know more. I am trying to learn as much as I can. Thanks a lot.

>> No.10829348

>making TA
don't let ta influence you too much it's just a bunch of meme lines in the end. their purpose is that you can adjust them after you have been wrong lol.

approach this whole thing differently! what do you want to achieve? how can you achieve it? what is your risk doing so? how much you can truly afford to risk? reassess scenarios in that regard. what is that would truly change your life and can you make a bet on it that makes a difference?

>> No.10829362

>Then you're retarded
of course you are retarded if you want cheap randomly moving internet tokens rather than 100 billion dollaridos you can buy land and companies with... oh yeah i'm never gonna make it. fucking faggot!

>> No.10829373

*don't want

>> No.10829375

>So in spite of the organic upwards movement


>MACD cross

meme spread by pajeets on here. It did the same thing in the run to 8.5K and look where we are now. MACD is a lagging indicator that is easily manipulated.

>How far? Why?
Personally I dont know and I'm not as confident in making a prediction as the other guy. I just know that all signs still point to bear market. I'm following the same strategy and DCAing my way if we cant hold 7.5K or fail to even reach it.

>> No.10829378

>reassess scenarios in that regard
What do you mean exactly? I appreciate any practical advice but this sounds an awful lot like hope and a prayer based on my dreams and aspirations. I made this mistake big time once and never want to feel that feeling again.

>> No.10829379

Im actually in the same situation as you, but here is what ive learned, relax when entering a position, if youve got a trading idea set a good stop loss and stick to it. watch the news but dont let it influence you, its a good sentiment indicator, if you entered a good position, let profits run until it doesnt.
Indicators are good for determining trade ideas but dont let it get to you as much, always be cautious and read up on some trading strategies.

>> No.10829397

>what is maximizing profit

you're never gonna make it

>> No.10829416



>> No.10829460

i can tell you with my example.
i know how much of my net i can risk on crypto i got that number down. it's 10% no more. i'm 30% in stocks 30% in real estate rest in cash.

so 10% crypto what do i need to have an impact on my life. if i lose it all meh, it's not changing my course much. it's a risk i can manage. i don't think it goes to 0 anyhow. pretty low chance of that.

so what do i need to make a difference in my life? i need btc to to hit $1million and $100k first if i can accumulate under $10k. if this doesn't happen it will not impact my life significantly. i don't care about that.

i will cash out some of it at $100k at that point i have made a nice profit and also basically at that point i can't lose on btc. if it hits my goal then i cash out most of it only leave a little bit just in case. once i got the cash i will invest most of it in various markets and start a business or two also. i got few ideas.

if this doesn't happen i just do it the hard way. 10 more years of grinding saving investing tops. btc is a great shortcut if it pans out.

>> No.10829468

>what is maximizing profit
you can't do that unless you know the future. you also have to manage your risk and life your fucking life.

>> No.10829514

>you can't do that unless you know the future

Do you understand how small the crypto market is and how easy it is for big players to manipulate? I know you think the whale shit is a meme but it's not and just looking at charts should make it obvious. However it's obvious you cant read charts so ofc you dont believe whales exist. These whales and exchanges manipulate the shit out of the price to liquidate people and accumulate.

I personally do not know the future but these exchanges and whales cartels have a pretty good idea of what's gonna happen.

>> No.10829536

>looking at charts should make it obvious
that's what they call delusion seeing patterns in the stars. i'm not saying the market is not manipulated at all i'm saying it's not people you think that doing it. it's the fucking exchanges man if whales got into this habit they would get rekt so hard it wouldn't even be funny. exchange sees everything it can generate fake traffic and liquidate any position trying to manipulate price and make lots of money on it.

>> No.10829555

Nocoiner normie here
Anyone that says crypto will go up is delusional. You all want to generate fiat money through crypto and that's exactly why it will never grow; no one actually cares about doing transactions using cryptos

>> No.10829569

i do it's just ain't happening any time soon.
mostly because volatility and legislation and the cost off entering and exiting the market.

>> No.10829579

>recognizing patterns and past behavior is "seeing patterns in the stars"

Is your skin brown by any chance?

>all i'm saying it's not people you think that doing it. it's the fucking exchanges man if whales got into this habit they would get rekt so hard it wouldn't even be funny. exchange sees everything it can generate fake traffic and liquidate any position trying to manipulate price and make lots of money on it.

That's what I said, fucking brainlet. You cant read either, ranjesh.

>> No.10829589

and btw you realize exchanges and whales can be friends right?

>> No.10829615

Well if it ever happens it will be a coin backed by banks and it will turn all the other coins worthless

>> No.10829673

>and btw you realize exchanges and whales can be friends right?
well in certain cases but still an exchange takes a lot less risk for manipulating the price than a whale would have to.
no what i meant if the market cap multiplies for btc it could decrease volatility and it could saturate the population enough that there would be no need to enter and exit the market you could earn and trade it directly. but it has to worth a lot more than now for that to be possible.

a bank issued crypto is just an other fiat. technicality...

>> No.10829691

>recognizing patterns and past behavior is "seeing patterns in the stars"
but it's exactly like that you put anything random in front of your eyes you start seeing patterns and make up stories that could be completely utterly wrong.

>> No.10829692

And you do agree for crypto to be commonly used it needs to become rock-stable, yet if it's rock stable barely any money can be made through crypto?

>> No.10829746

it was designed to be deflationary so can not be rock stable but less volatile yeah. we are all used to yearly and even monthly change in purchasing power by a few percent with fiat. if crypto reaches that point then it will work.

also current volatility leads to speculation which leads to more widespread exposure witch leads naturally to increasing price and so on so eventually it will happen.

>> No.10829846

>make up stories

You clearly know nothing of TA. Sure it's not 100% but you dont just "draw meme lines" like pajeets here think. It's not even that hard to learn but apparently too hard for people with brown, shit covered skin

>> No.10829867

>Sure it's not 100%
no it's actually not even 50% which i s a miracle. coin toss beats it often enough.

>> No.10829996

btw the make up stories was a remark about imagining faceless adversaries trying to screw you over on purpose and shit. the truth is the market is manipulated towards higher volatility by the exchanges because it's what makes them money. they make money on trades. more frequent the trades are and with higher amount the better. they want the gold rush but they also want you to lose every fucking thing trying to make it. basically they just want your money.

your only weapon against such manipulation is patience.

>> No.10830049

>zero adoption
>zero adoption ideas in the pipeline
>expecting this shit to moon again

Not till we get some real usage going

>> No.10830112

Please add your own opinions and projections into the mix. Can you explain the short- and long-term motivations of whales in detail? Please elaborate on your post.

>> No.10830149

>btw the make up stories was a remark about imagining faceless adversaries trying to screw you over on purpose and shit. the truth is the market is manipulated towards higher volatility by the exchanges because it's what makes them money. they make money on trades. more frequent the trades are and with higher amount the better. they want the gold rush but they also want you to lose every fucking thing trying to make it. basically they just want your money.
>your only weapon against such manipulation is patience.
seems quite reasonable

>> No.10830844

you remember oil crash in jan 2016 from $110 to sub $30? and how the big oil companies got advantage of that by patiently seeing their small to midcap companies go bancrupt because of non-rentability, and used their whale cash reserves to buy out their equipment and contracts on pennies of the dollar? Forrest fires are beneficial for giant sequoias.
the goal of market operator is to grow his stake in the market together with increasing the importance of his market/commodity and he archieves that by creating and maintaining the market cycles. The goal is not to cash out (he already did that with part of his stack and has comfy cash reserves), the goal is to *not need to cash out*

>> No.10830979

interesting, thanks

>> No.10831015

I would ask you to delete this but these mongoloids won't understand anyway. If you can, please don't give them any more info, we need some "liquidity" (lol you know what I mean) right now and these guys are providing it.

BTC 100k EOY, keep buying guys.

>> No.10831032

You can't compare a "real" product purchased by billions of people to a bunch of meaningless 1 and 0's in a computer

>> No.10831192

It's actually worse with crypto, because it's relatively small market cap allows it to be easily manipulated.

>> No.10831283

to maintain the liquidity pools I hire paki and bangladeshi to shill and paste pre-canned hopium blogs and posts on reddit
I take pity on these /biz/raelis, I once rose as one of them, I want those with brains to make it/ learn to swim with whales.
if these are completely new concepts to you, go study this:http://docdro.id/BFQbDFC
If you get repulsed because it is from 1930's you are brainlet who will never make it. Wickoff documents the practice of big interests in stock market of early 20th century when the stock markets were barely regulated, rampart of manipulation spoofing,crazy volatility, runs and ups and downs and generally a stock market was seen as dubious novelty treated by distrust by the average joe from general public. Sounds like something familiar? Wickoff documenting the market operator (whale) vs retail is eternal. Learn from dead legend and see it applied in crypto

protip: even with all this knowledge you will never make it if you do not learn and bow to the rules of risk management and patience

>> No.10831340

i shorted at $6500 am i fucked? liq is $7600

>> No.10831357

>liquidation at resistance

>> No.10831362

>protip: even with all this knowledge you will never make it if you do not learn and bow to the rules of risk management and patience
thanks for the tips, I take them seriously and appreciate the direction.

>> No.10831384


>> No.10831393

Is there not resistance in between 6700 and 7600?

>> No.10831613

hella risky, better to cut your loss now at 6680, and reshort with much better probability and R:R at 7200-7300 (S/L at 7622).
There is a chance we flash to 6K-6.3K in order to raid those juicy stops and then resume the rally to 7.5k but this is too risky, doesn't need to happen.

>> No.10831658
File: 223 KB, 823x527, 1534804621042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are holding up above $6715 and are therefore bullish.. Indicators are bullish. There is literally no reason to drop the price down.

>> No.10831677

Fucking spoke to soon. Minor drop. If we go under $6600 time to re evaluate.

>> No.10831712

Seriously, we are going up. 8500 end of month

>> No.10831850

thanks cut my losses on that little dip.

>> No.10831905

ta at it's finest lol

>> No.10833024
File: 16 KB, 640x360, mmmm bitcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10833463

No guys, this is what happens when you sell. When you sell, the price of a cryptocurrency drops.

>> No.10833478

Hard push now and we breach 6.8.

>> No.10833488

looks to me like its starting to flatten out at 6k. once it does the closer it gets to the acute angle of the triangle psychology kicks in at the 3/4 mark because everyone can see this.