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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10825287 No.10825287 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so angry.

It is the company's duty to protect investors.

The price of the token shows a lot of meaning.

The loss is too large.

>> No.10825310

The reddit page is a ghost town

>> No.10825391


>> No.10825403

Someone tell me some good news. So I don't lose hope. Please

>> No.10825421

It's over dude. Stuck holding my bag of 200k of this shitcoin that doesn't move, slowly going below 18k soon to be down to 10k..I must've put 25-30 thousand into this shit. Hoping the "insider" isn't a larp because the price going back to 20 cents is the only way the rope isn't being tightened against my neck.

>> No.10825461

please, no, I keep buying the dips....

>> No.10825479

the insider was a confirmed larp anon.

>> No.10825481
File: 1.07 MB, 884x1022, CA74CAD6-2E88-43C8-8EB5-51E7BBC02D98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots need to kys. Literally acting like gooks or pajeets.

>> No.10825493

What insider?

>> No.10825515

the one larping exactly 48 hours ago

also OP is copy pasta from some slope on the TG

>> No.10825526

My head is spinning, I feel nauseous with a pit in my stomach. I've reached the point where I've lost far too much to feel able to comfortably cash out but I know it's over for crypto and definitely over for JNT. Fuck man... should've known how deluded I was when I got fooled by a legit bouncy castle salesman

>> No.10825527

some tripfag pretending he had insider news on a south american connection and that we were gonna take off in 6-8 weeks

>> No.10825528

lol sorry for not being a neet and not knowing what’s happening 24/7 in here.

What did he say?

>> No.10825537

You though something called JIBREL sounded like a gokd place to pit your money?? For real?

I be you were big in confido too...

>> No.10825540

why do asians type so poetically

>> No.10825546

Oh, really? How do you know he was larping tho?

>> No.10825557

he replied to himself without realizing there were id's like a massive brainlet

>> No.10825570

Kek well that’s not bad, maybe he is a real insider boomer. I wouldn’t expect someone who knows how to properly use 4chan to be a real insider

>> No.10825590

Also, I am from a latin american country (inb4 beaner) and I know jcash will be offered here so maybe he wasn’t larping

>> No.10825595

No it was a LARP and a bad one because he exposed himself. He didn't just reply to himself, he replied confimring what he'd said without his trip but didn't realize this board has ID's.

Either hold this shitcoin or don't. Nobody can knows where it's going any more than you do.

>> No.10825596

nah he was like "holy shit i sent talal a message and it looks like the insider was right!" and then everyone called his bluff and he stopped posting because it was obvious that he was larping his ass off at that point. 100% bullshit

>> No.10825600
File: 891 KB, 1280x717, 1535065878787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like you cant be real kek

>> No.10825613

Trusting a bunch of Muslims to keep their word and make you rich LOL being this delusional and cucked.

>> No.10825643

It was totally larping. He got caught posting without his trip claiming they responded to the ticket that someone else made confirming it was true. He didn't know that there were IDs and then stopped posting entirely. Its over dude.

>> No.10825661

Nigga as I said, I am from Mexico (yeah lol I’m a beaner whatever) and I want to use jcash to send some money to my gf who is currently studying in Germany.

I tried to make a jcash account but I couldn’t select Mexico from the list, sent a support ticket and they answered that it was going to be available so at least that is not larp I don’t know if he said anything else.

>> No.10826155

Its far more likely you are the larper.

>> No.10826679
File: 86 KB, 600x337, 1519795399207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fug I just remembered I convinced some random guy from telegram to market buy 100k @ 30cents back in march jejejejejeejjejejejej

>> No.10827334
File: 116 KB, 1200x937, 1520798792566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100$ eoy

>> No.10827395

If the swissejew gave him a banking license he cant be that bad

>> No.10827821

thinking "it's over" before it's even begun lol

all in jibrel.