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File: 176 KB, 602x400, 1528756133830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10824751 No.10824751 [Reply] [Original]

Oh look, we are under $6,800.

Your little "Golden Bull Run" has stopped. Big surprise.

Maybe this time you will listen to my advice, hmm?

There is no denying or stopping what is happening next.

You are simply destined fail if you do not heed my warning.

Plead all you want and fool yourself into thinking we are bullish now.

But we are not.

We are far from the end of this down trend.

Sentiment may say otherwise but we are heading straight down for much longer.

Do not think even for a second that the rest of this year will be okay.

Because it won't be.

Some of you do not like me because you simply cannot handle the truth.

Realize that you do not know what I know.

But here I am telling you anyways.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

There is no way around it.

That is the bottom.

Do not worry as Bitcoin will not die.

But that is the lowest it will ever be.

Pay attention in the coming weeks and you can multiply your stack.

It is really that simple.

If you don't listen to me you will experience the past 6 months all over again in the span of 1.

I am trying to help you.

So once again:

Do NOT Enter The Market.

Things are not what they seem.

The plan has not changed.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

You can choose to listen to me or you can choose to lose money.

My predictions are never wrong.

I am never wrong.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

Clearly the backlash is because people do not want to go that low.

It is certain.

Bitcoin is going to $1,500 in August.

This is the final bull trap before it comes crashing down.

From there I will reveal my next prediction.

But for now, plan accordingly.

I am sure many of you won't apologize for when you are wrong.

I am not discouraged.

I will help as many people as I can.

It is the right thing to do.

Again, do not misunderstand.

Bitcoin is not dying.

But it must burn and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

Many will think they've lost everything.

Seize the opportunity.


>> No.10824760
File: 58 KB, 525x682, TrashPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10824776

lmaoooo ur a clown

>> No.10824798

so short?

>> No.10824800
File: 92 KB, 1000x621, look at this delusional faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt even trip up gaywad. Also there are only 5 days left. You seriously expect big daddy to lose 75%+ in 5 days?

>> No.10824857


>> No.10824996
File: 107 KB, 1405x945, August-2018-Calendar-Pdf-Printable-e1526974228281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count with me:

August 25th - 1
August 26th - 2
August 27th - 3
August 28th - 4
August 29th - 5
August 30th - 6
August 31st - 7

>> No.10825025

is this going off of UTC or...?

>> No.10825028


Setting a short to 1.5k. Wish me luck with 0.1BTC Leverage 100x

>> No.10825098
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1533969267486s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brethren, my predictions are guaranteed 100% accurate. At all times, forever.


>> No.10825117
File: 891 KB, 1280x717, 1535065878787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look

>> No.10825123


when it isn't $1500 in the next 7 days will you shut the fuck up and go away

>> No.10825136

no, he will just say
>Oh look, amusing, you thought I meant August of 2018?
>Your sight is too short.

>> No.10825169
File: 44 KB, 212x153, deather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking I'll be wrong

post tits or gtfo RKG

>> No.10825191

Can you please promise to kill yourself if it doesn't happen? Because it won't and you're a fucking waste of oxygen anyway.

>> No.10825206

August 25th - August 26th = 1 day
August 26th - August 27th = 1 day
August 28th - August 29th = 1 day
August 29th - August 30th = 1 day
August 30th - August 31st = 1 day

that's 5 days, learn to count retard

>> No.10825224
File: 79 KB, 456x342, Accepted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( ok goodbye

>> No.10825237

> oh look, Renko/reaper kek’s shorts got liquidated again. Big surprise.
> maybe this time he will stop shorting and getting rekd, hmm?
> there is no denying or stopping what is happening next, more reaper.gif’s and gay FUD
> Reno-kek is simply destined to fail
> FUD all you want and fool yourself into thinking biz cares what Renko-kek says.
> biz does not care
> do not worry biz because renko kek will die when he kills him self.
> Renko kek will die in August.

>> No.10825255
File: 148 KB, 1405x945, August-2018-Calendar-e1526974228281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10825266


>> No.10825269

it's already the 25th in UTC, so at best that leaves 6 days but you can't count the 31st since the 31st to the 1st is going over into September and we're talking about August

>> No.10825355

>the number 10 is just a combination of 1 and 0 therefore its not a real number and you cant count it after 9
>i live in X so everyone else must live in X

How fucking stupid you sound.

1500 in August. 7 days left. Do not enter the market.

>> No.10825395

>Do not enter the market.
Should I HODL Mooncoin?

>> No.10825400

Look, I'm not defending RenkoBro or his assertions, but holy shit you are stupid.

>> No.10825417

About to pop $6,800 renk faggot...

>> No.10825556

I don't know what binary numbers have to do with this but the concept of binary itself is rather ridiculous and inherently flawed since there is ALWAYS electricity even in a circuit which is in a state of "rest"

But nevertheless you still can't count apparently, in UTC and the majority of the world it is 6 days at best, not 7. Do you know what UTC is?

>> No.10825580

Also 10 in binary is 8, not 10

>> No.10825582

your autism is not strong enough

>> No.10826281

I forgot about that POS. Cheers for reminding me.

>> No.10826506
File: 51 KB, 530x324, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a brit bong. Why are you even trying to debate me for some shit a 4 year old could google and tell you about?

Oh yea? What happened? Tell me about it.

>> No.10826578

bitcoin is going to fall FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in 7 days?

>> No.10826591

I'm not debating anything. I'm informing you that you're wrong.

UTC = coordinated universal time

>> No.10826664
File: 426 KB, 600x791, 1133781483404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>>10825400
The biggest moves happen the fastest.

>> No.10826672
File: 408 KB, 964x995, 1534473427293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning, warning, warning. Bitcoin will never go below 6800 again.

>> No.10826700

RenkoBro please stop. Please make the markets go back up.

>> No.10826728
File: 264 KB, 1071x501, RANKo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> the last time renkobro made this prediction
Unironically all in.

>> No.10827216

This cunt aint a trader if he has all the time in the world to shitpost on biz, and unironically go kys

>> No.10827299

I wonder how much money this clown has lost the past month hahahaha

>> No.10827324

on which day will it first touch 1500 and why
day + time + time zone or GTFO

>> No.10828267
