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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10823599 No.10823599 [Reply] [Original]

The lowest of the low. Filthy, smelly, ignorant. Thinks link is a meme, unironically. Probably browses reddit and/or Twitter while ignoring or mocking biz. Btc maximalists fall into this disgusting group.
Holds somewhere between 500 and 2500 Link just in case link is not a meme. A small portion of their overall portfolio, this is simply suicide insurance and nothing more.
Anyone holding 2500-5k link. Could be a regular poorfag or just someone who isn't sure if link is a meme (is a meme is a meme).
Holds 10,000 link, the generally accepted amount to make it. Probably a wagecuck trying to escape long term misery. Some richfags might consider 10k the appropriate amount for suicide insurance.
Playing a dangerous game by trying to time the singularity. One huge green dildo will permanently wipe out their gains and cause extreme FOMO. Not recommended, but some linkers will hold a % of their stack with iron hands while using the rest to try and swing the remainder.
The future world elite. They are comfy as can be and patiently waiting for the singularity. Totally iron clad hands are all in and plan to hold until at least $5,000 while staking their stack to increase gains
Which are you? Feel free to add your own ranks or modify mine if you think I'm wrong.

>> No.10823604

StinkyLinky reporting in

We're all /gonnamakeit/ bros

>> No.10823615

>all but NoLinker
Homosexual. Should be posting over on >>>/lgbt/ but brain damage convinces them they are already there

>> No.10823616
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Suicidelinker with 70k of this digital turd

>> No.10823641
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>> No.10823654

Here are the original ranks. Could also be a category for presale/ico linkies and linkies who bought over $1.
General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 750001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

>> No.10823656

So stinky

>> No.10823680

>tfw finally Sergeant First Class
feels good bros

>> No.10823682

I genuinely can't comprehend not going all in on link

>> No.10823689

First Lieutenant reporting in. have I made it frens?

>> No.10823707

All in at 30K in link. Make around $60K, great benefits, and 20 days of sick and annual leave. Even if I make it, I'll still keep my job and use my paycheck for any disposable income.

>> No.10823712

How can this guys keep up this? The only reason they dont kill themselves is because they hope Sergey is working on it, instead of working for Swift. That should be the reason for the lack of tweets, right boi?

>> No.10823722

If you hold 30k link and it hits $500 you would really keep working for 60k a year? You would have a comfy passive income from staking

>> No.10823735

Major. Want to be a fucking Lieutenant Colonel so BAD!

Will I make it either way?

>> No.10823750

First Lieutenant reporting in

>> No.10823755
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>> No.10823768

and nothing hurts anymore I feel kinda free

>> No.10824256

Does anyone have a credible answer to how much passive income we can expect from staking ?

>> No.10824321


>> No.10824325
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/allinLINK/ reporting

>> No.10824333


and if there will be a linkpool kind of thing for the US?

>> No.10824412

people still have some incorrect assumptions about the remaining 650M not in circulation. Half goes to the team.
Half are used to pay the nodes. Rory has stated this.
the half used for node rewards will be locked until they are used to pay node operators, namely, us.
Circulating Supply will not exceed 500,000,000 until 2021 (IMO)
Node operators will be paid a dollar amount in link, depending on the number of transactions it preforms.
If you were to be paid $100 dollars in link, would you rather link be $100 (1 link payment) or $0.50 (200 link payment), I hope
you said 200 link payment.
Now arbitrage will not likely last long as the market catches on, link will not remain a low price given a return on Xlinkies exceeds the other investing opportunities
by a significant amount.
I acctually don't think current price is all that far off from a healthy but normal rate of return we may see in the early stages of the network. For example, If you have
A monthly return: 20,000 link in a node (@$0.25) and it rewards 100 link (or $25), or annualized 1200 link = $300. $300 return on initial $5000 investment = 6%.
Now where it gets interesting is when more transactions are processe through the node (more businesses are onboarded), if price were to remain stable you would recieve more link.
So now lets say 20,000 link returns 300 link a month ($75), but that would be an annualized 18% return, this should get people interested therefore buying up link
and driving up the price of link which lowers the amount of link you recieve as reward (but keeping the $ amount of the reward the same).
So in this example lets keep 6% an equillibrium, the price would rise to $0.75 per link and your 20,000 link are now worth $15000 rather than $5000 and your previous rewards that you recieved at $0.25 you could now sell
for $0.75. Continue this processes until link = $1000 :).

>> No.10824434

Checked and US residents can use linkpool, just could not participate in crowd sale.

>> No.10824459

Linklet poorfag

>> No.10824575

I have none. I am at peace with this.

>> No.10824584

makes me wonder how will people deal with taxes on that, will you need to set up some kind of a company/LLC to run a node, include your node running costs as cost basis, or just pay plain income tax? I can already see it being a legal nightmare if someone wants to do it seriously

>> No.10824623


awesome, did not know that!

>> No.10824728
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I have 612 link.

>> No.10824803
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Stinky linker here, see all of you on the other side. Praise Kek.

>> No.10824850


>> No.10824865

LINKlet poorfag

>> No.10824924

What do you mean?

If link was 2500 I would have 1,300,000

>> No.10824930
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StinkLinky college poorfag with 12.1k LINK. We're gonna make it bros.

>> No.10824938

Where do you live, how old are you? That's like 200 bucks.
itll never reach 2500

>> No.10824950
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>> No.10824983

Shit town in Kentucky, how do you know it will never hit 2500 or even 1000, that's fud if I've ever heard it.

>> No.10824990

>decent sized stack of link in MEW that I'm never selling
>small stack of 4.5k link that I'm swing trading to accumulate more

$2500 EOY we're all gonna make it boys

>> No.10824997

20k. I guess I should go for another 5-10k.

>> No.10825035

Sergeant Major here, 12k /all in/. Gonna try for OCS once the price drops (hopefully in mid-September when I'll have another $1k saved up to buy in).

>> No.10825186

Go talk to an accountant anon post singularly anon

>> No.10825196

Kek anything below 100k link is a linklet and won’t make it.

>> No.10825251

Blythe Masters alter ego says you're wrong

>> No.10825369

All in not holding until 5k kek