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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10822536 No.10822536 [Reply] [Original]

So I’m graduating tomorrow with a Statistics and finance degree (2:1 degree, I’m a britfag), and have no job or internship lined up. I have literally no idea what to do with my life desu. What are people like me supposed to do who’ve received no guidance or career advice? Do I just apply to jobs randomly and hope I get in somewhere? I’ve never done this before since I’ve been such an antisocial introverted autist throughout my years in college. Any /biz/raelis in a similar situation? How did you get out of this rut and make it?

>> No.10822547

Just apply everywhere and lie lie lie

>> No.10822563

Try doing market research on a particular industry and then sell your findings.

>> No.10822582
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>> No.10822585

Do a master.

>> No.10822601

Same but Econ & Finance. I'm just building my own financial models and learning to program while living at home. Way more comfy than wagecucking and I have 40K saved from playing poker and trading stocks during university. Have never had a real job. Currently considering a few business ideas, and drafting plans to get to a MVP.

Best advice I can give you anon is to start applying. Ive been out of school for 2 years now and havent even filled a job application out. The funny thing is that I probably qualify for programming jobs moreso than anything Finance related, if I were to start applying for jobs.

>> No.10822611

you should have started thinking about your possible indusrty during last year. But you can do masters so you have more time to think about it.

If that's not an option do what this anon >>10822547
says. Don't stuck in a limbo bro

>> No.10822677

You qualify for nothing you have no marketable skills and economic models, as you call them, are worthless especially from a know nothin 23 yr old like you.

>> No.10822684

Same, graduating in December with a memedegree in finance. I’m going to work for a couple months and continue living at home until I have enough to move away and find any job I can.

Or LINK moons by Christmas in which case I’ll be in European hostels for the next 2 years

>> No.10822722
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>> No.10822776
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Work out the odds of getting a job by going into offices asking to see the manager and giving him a firm handshake telling him you are looking for a job.

>> No.10822792

whatever you do enjoy your 60% tax rate which pays for a state sponsored invasion

>> No.10822836

>Oh, wow, a job huh? Hey, you came the right place because I just heard that the Taco Bell across the street has two positions open! Good luck!

>> No.10822923

I use the same models every other wagecuck uses value all sorts of companies, except they are built from the ground up and adaptable to my own investments. And since when has programming been a worthless skill?

>> No.10823211
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Britfag here as well OP. I'll explain what I did. May give you some insight.

>be 18
>leave sixth form with decent A levels
>Think fuck uni I cba to study anymore (first mistake)
>Waste years in shit tier jobs in construction, restaurants, offices. Do around 6 months a time and leave due to hating the job and being made a slave (second mistake)
>Finally get the balls to join the RAF as a technician at 20 without realizing I will be worked more like a slave than any normal job would (third and last mistake)

All I live for now is pay day. I save 80% of my wage since I have very little bills and screw whores a few times a year in Thailand, also dumping a lot of it into crypto to make it by 2025 and not work a day in my life or work very little.

I suggest to you what I would suggest to my younger boomer self...