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File: 287 KB, 1215x807, Ethereum Transaction 0xf24cd7e6199eb89aaabf10722f5c8fe7f9f8fe3eb1aa1a2218dfaafbcb37985a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10822417 No.10822417 [Reply] [Original]

Guys this is huge news, Vitalik bought into #1 dApp on ETH


"The smart contract dapp on the Ethereum blockchain has been paid a visit by none other than the father himself.

"Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum used one of his public wallets to purchase a small amount of keys from FOMO long."

>> No.10822466
File: 108 KB, 293x349, Peepeth (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the ETH transaction:

and the reference for his peep: https://peepeth.com/vbuterin

>> No.10822474

A scammer getting scammed? Wow.

>> No.10822508


you can it's really his account because it's cross-linked from his real twitter: https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1031748363954397184

>> No.10822559

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.10822600

>i-it's still early!
>t-the chinks are about to come in!

Literally no reason to buy in - you're only going to break even if 4000+ eth goes in.

>> No.10822613
File: 33 KB, 430x574, VITALIK_fomo3d_logo_v1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 1 had over 20k ETH in it, try again

>> No.10822615

>Guy who is worth millions spent $2


>> No.10822632

this retarded ponzi ran out of steam.

round one made it go from 4k eth to 80k eth
round to made it go from 45k to 47k

its over.

>> No.10822637
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, 1516783358604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically a wink at F3D, still a big deal that he's even showing INTEREST

>> No.10822639
File: 100 KB, 600x600, DlBkYFBUcAA7po.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he said ETH is a $7 coin so probably he felt like giving "a lot" on FOMO3D

>> No.10822649
File: 44 KB, 103x170, shut it down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwotm8? shut it down

>> No.10822653
File: 692 KB, 1825x1411, SHUT IT DOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10822695
File: 481 KB, 2000x1333, 1534868936318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purple id too. hmm... i think 4chan not ready, they sleeping on this and would rather pump vaporware or promises and hopes. here you have working product, live community, active devs, actual ethereum developers talking about it, huge pots being won, large amounts of ethereum being exchanged,

and they would rather just bash it instead of take an oppurtunity and make some eth while there is a chance.

>> No.10822772
File: 58 KB, 1140x644, Ethereum Transaction 0xe08a519c03cb0aed0e04b33104112d65fa1d3a48cd3aeab65f047b2abce9d508 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I guess, it's like they hate money or something
Round 1 winner made off with 10,469.66 ETH


>> No.10822835

thats cause biz hates themselves and they hate making money. thats why their all poor fags living under bridges and shilling chainlink still

>> No.10822838
File: 99 KB, 1254x1447, POWHLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10822870

rounds not bad so far. im at over 50% roi and got in about 3.5-4k eth in round or something like that. its not even at 6k yet. r1 had 96k in on it. if this gets even 1/4 that my roi's gunna be amazeballs

>> No.10822896

I do believe this is a genius platform that is here to stay and evolve

>> No.10822904

im in im in im in

>> No.10822920

bought keys in round 1 and made a lot. I'm playing round 2, i might not make as much, but it's not like the market is making any money, i stand to make bigger returns here than anywhere else.

On top of that, it's extremely clear on what it does, how it works and that's more than I can say about 95% of cryptocurrencies out there.

>> No.10822925
File: 104 KB, 463x211, new stats round 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 2 has been up for just shy of 62 hours now, it still IS early
Vitalik is in
Winner pulled over 10k ETH
Round 2 had a carryover bonus of: 5452.9361 ETH
Key cost-wise it's still really early

>> No.10822938

hey pros buy P3D too, it's like, fomo3d with no timer, just divis always... except you can sell, but you shouldn't need to, you weak handed faggot

>> No.10822990

how desperate are these ponzi faggots?

you can trick idiots once, but fewer are willing to be fooled a second time.

1st round went from 4k eth to 80k eth
2nd round 45k eth to 48k eth

its over retards

>> No.10822996

btw fellas keys are NOT scaled to the 6700 eth in pot price, they are scaled to the 1303 eth in pot

this is still early

fomo3d round 1 took one week to gain traction, this might be earlier or later, but it will eventually pick up

>> No.10823003

>45k eth to 48K
are you actually this retarded? what the fuck do you mean 45 to 48k eth?

there was only 6000 eth active at the start that was carry over
fucking actual moron

>> No.10823034
File: 103 KB, 638x676, 1533095259569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about dude :') where are you getting 45k to 48k?

F3D pot went to 22k man, there was 96k ETH dumped into it and distributed to key holders, P3D owners, and other things okay

please illuminate where upon you're getting this information

also Round 1 went on for over 6 1/2 weeks, this is still EARLY hello?

>> No.10823097

sorry meant P3D

>> No.10823153
File: 46 KB, 366x265, DswQefk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are forgiven my child, now P3D is a bit out of scope but other developers have been adding to the 3D Ecosphere, so P3D is actually a really good investment given increased adopted - there are several other projects lined up to leverage P3D, however this is about F3D

Vitalik is, and I repeat, Vitalik is playing F3D, how is that not a big deal?

If you were a Core Dev for Ethereum, would you chuck money into unknown smart contracts?
It's already been audited, we're good to go m8
F3D Quick is on Round #924 for goodness sake. Highly successful given the dApp scene, these dudes are heads and shoulders above the pajeet ICO scammer copy+paste contract monkeys out there trying to bend you over. I've personally been through both of the public Testnets and it's solid

>> No.10823181

please dont be retarded. it needs to get to 90k eth to double your money right?

theres only so much people willing to get in a ponzi. cut your losses and get out while you can.

>> No.10823204

Beauty is price is pretty stable once contract is at a fairly high balance (Where it is now) profit is in holding and collecting divis from volatility.

Hit up that chainlink or ARB tho, that shit is solid bitconnneeeeeeect!

>> No.10823210
File: 633 KB, 500x740, SoTB7vo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright dude, I'm just gonna copy+paste cause this is thrown around a lot claiming that P3D is a """PONZI""" (it's not)

check it out:

A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of future payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products. P3D makes no promises whatsoever, has no multi-level marketing and cannot mathematically collapse. This is no more of a pyramid scheme than other cryptocurrency exchanges that sell currencies and offer referral programs.

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator provides fabricated reports and generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from legitimate profit of financial trading. Operators of Ponzi schemes make false promises and guarantees offering short-term returns that are abnormally high. P3D is 100% transparent and clear about the mechanics and makes no promises or guarantees of anything.

If you must have a scheme, this project can be best described as an "Hourglass Scheme". Unlike a pyramid, where the people at the top benefit, or a reverse pyramid, where the people at the bottom benefit, the game instead is focused on that point right between the two and the resulting hourglass shape they form. Similar to the flowing sand of an hourglass, the volume of eth through our project is intended to benefit everyone holding strongly right in the middle, instead of taking fees from both ends!

Let me explain the joke: P3D is not really a pyramid or a Ponzi scheme. That's the point, it's the literal reverse of what every lending platform says. They claim to be real but are a pyramid. We satirically claim to be a pyramid but in fact are a complete legit cryptocurrency that is ironically one of the fairest and most distributed to date.

>> No.10823229

sorry but you've been brainwashed.

>> No.10823230
File: 208 KB, 756x1118, 1526736905606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man ARB is a total scam, LINK is legit though DYOR

>> No.10823248

PoWH3D is as much a ponzi as Bitcoin is.

>> No.10823262

the novelty wore off, just accept it and stop bleeding eth while you can.

>> No.10823266

>300 ETH in profit

>> No.10823286

>400 eth in profit

>> No.10823375
File: 257 KB, 1500x1500, 71enzFlOuJL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you keep trying to steer things away from F3D, but okay - yeah P3D shot up and people took profit, other people see the vision of what's to come and it doesn't make sense long-term to sell P3D

Projects lined up:
You Di3d

ETHorse tapped into the ecosphere,
KOTCH is in beta right now also using P3D

there are several other developers tapping into this ecosystem and you're gonna miss out.

funny thing is you keep calling it a ponzi or trying to scsam people, that I've been brainwashed - maybe you're just a brainlet, if you change your mind maybe use the official /biz/ ref code when you try to shoot for that jackpot, okay champ

fomo3d website /biz

>> No.10823389


>> No.10823400

Part of the reason I love P3D is because the token price is based on actual eth invested. Can't dump/pump the market cap by 2.5%+($billions) with 0.0005% of the total supply($millions). Pretty cool imo

>> No.10823439

Billions and millions in relation to things like btc. Cool to have a stable price (in so much as it can be when tied to eth)

but I digress, fomo3d round #2 bigger or smaller pot than round #1? Longer or shorter? I personally think it will be longer and bigger, now that people will be on the lookout for gas shenanigans

>> No.10823519

Have to admit, I didn't believe this when I read it first. Really gives the dapp some legitimacy.

>> No.10823724

Powh and all related games are fully audited, nonprofit, smart contract verifiable games with no house advantage. All the money that goes in, goes to the community. And they are working on more games that all time into p3d. This is just the beginning. Mark my words

>> No.10823733

*tie in

>> No.10823839
File: 195 KB, 1200x800, Bitalik and Petrina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord Bitalik, AVENGE US

>> No.10823850
File: 527 KB, 1760x1584, Vitalik Round 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Updated infographic my dudes

>> No.10824112
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1518165777931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This address proves why this is a fucking piece of shit, and literal scam


>pays in 2.5 eth over multiple transactions 2 days 15 hours ago (when round 2 started)
>10 minutes ago withdrew 0.2 eth

You too can be a loser like this guy, if you want...

The reason people shill this crap so hard is because they are losers too, and roping in more people helps offset their own losses.

There are only two winners in this game: people who got in REALLY fucking early, and the devs

>> No.10824186
File: 51 KB, 1106x381, Ethereum Accounts Address and Contracts (75).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be on the left side of the bell curve, bucko

whatis internal transactions:

>> No.10824226
File: 473 KB, 590x590, 32337179_10216117204306204_1296532905903783936_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude made over 1.891295667446873377 ETH, if he (as you just stated) put in 2.5 ETH, then that means his ROI as of not even 3 DAYS AGO is 75.65182669787493508 PERCENT

gj brainlet

>> No.10824239
File: 74 KB, 1767x478, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, withdrew 0.2 Eth, from the 0tx 25 mins ago

Are you fucking stupid or what? Highlighted internal tx from fomo contract


>> No.10824257

Prove it?

You can literally SEE he puts in 2.5 eth in the past two days, and did a withdrawal transaction 25 mins ago

The resulting internal TX (withdrawing all dividends) gave him 0.24 eth

So, a loss of 90%

>> No.10824272
File: 70 KB, 1499x388, Ethereum Accounts Address and Contracts (76).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL HOLY SHIT DUDE, check this out
you are so stupid, my god... not only did they make 75% ROI, but they also had P3D dividends :')

>> No.10824290

There is multiple withdrawals and total is 1.89 you retard

>> No.10824304

Actually, we're both wrong.

Those tx were before round 2 started - hence why he withdrew exactly what he put in directly after.

Only the 1 eth tx went into round 2, and he withdrew 0.24 from it

So, a 75% loss

>> No.10824307

Maybe try it yourself before cuntposting

>> No.10824320

Nah, they were failed txes before round started.

Do you really think by some miracle his divs equalled exactly 0.4148628515625001 3 times in a row?

The guy is actually down 75% from 1eth

>> No.10824332
File: 6 KB, 320x320, 1518669965235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are wrong. Round 2 had already started, that's why they made that much.

You are, without a doubt. The. Most. Retarded Person, ever, I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.10824343

javascript:quote('10824320'); yea i can see it now, but anyway, you act like its over, he will get his money back im pretty sure

>> No.10824354

father of ico ponzis winks at a literal ponzi, interest deserving of news

>> No.10824355
File: 108 KB, 640x640, 1535153751844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


show me the failed transaction bruh

>> No.10824382
File: 61 KB, 1733x291, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually retarded?

You can see he trys to put in the same amount three times in a row, but it gets dumped into the vault as round 2 hadn't started, hence why he withdrew the exact same amount three times in a row

If you honestly believe by some mathematically miracle he withdraws the same amount of divs three times in a row, you are beyond help (this would require the exact same amount of eth going in between deposits, to somehow line up with the magic of maths it'd literally never happen)

>> No.10824389

Fact remains - this guy got in "early" with 1 eth, and only withdrew 0.24 eth almost 3 days later

Anyone getting in now can expect similar losses

>> No.10824438
File: 22 KB, 369x387, DUHPqAeWAAAH3JZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol up

yous be sayin
they be makin money backs?
n it jus' take time n shiet?
shiiiiiieeeeeeeeeettttttttt finna buy me sum mo keys mane

okay but let's look at this...

okay, I see now...
yes very good

>> No.10824466

I have about 110 ETH and have no idea what the fuck fomo3d is.

>> No.10824471

buy P3D instead much better than fomo3d... okay maybe buy a little fomo3d

>> No.10824497

no idea what that is either. I don't follow it too closely.

>> No.10824657

Fomo is not an investment game, it is to be played for the pot. P3d is the investment game. You WILL make money if you do not sell, I guarantee your dividends will be worth the investment

>> No.10824670

Buy p3d or fomo3d or you'll die poor with nothing but regerts.

>> No.10824710

justin sun jumped into fomo3d round 1 with a lot of eth, and is in p3d for over 1k eth. with vitalik hoppin in. its lets you know this shits for real

>> No.10824735

exitscam dot me

p3d is long term hodl for divs

f3d is lottery game that mocks a pyramid scheme pump and dump... buy early(first few TXNs) to win or buy last key to win... in-between and I AM FUCK

>> No.10825324

better than norsefire scam, im in

>> No.10825359