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File: 52 KB, 536x536, 1513527937546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10821336 No.10821336 [Reply] [Original]

>try to make kikebase account
>personal info verification fails constantly
>run around with support over 3 days
>finally non automated response
>they want a fucking picture of a social security card and a picture of a bank statement, utility bill etc.

Imagine being this dumb. Imagine trusting conbase with all of this.

Fuck crypto exchanges.

>> No.10821396

just use monero if you want to buy your HRT faggot

>> No.10821413

What does the fucking coin have to do with anything? I'm trying to buy ETH or BTC to transfer into alts.

>> No.10821442

>t. newfag
just find your nearest bitcoin dispensary.

>> No.10821483

>pay a grand over what a BTC is worth
>have to be a cityfag

You're an idiot "newfag"

>> No.10821929

cute pic, OP. wanna take it to the whitehouse?

>> No.10821931

Coinbase is literally the antithesis of what the crypto trade was intended to be originally. Fucking Jews.

>> No.10822107
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I'm ears for anyone who can recommend me a better way to buy crypto. I'm in the middle of nowhere US so keep that in mind.

>> No.10822138


>> No.10822172

Sounds like it has a lot of the issues coinbase does with verification but I'll give it a look. If it requires ridiculous info like full SSN, and bake statement or utility bills tell me now.

>> No.10822224

Robinhood Crypto
Not real crypto it's better than real crypto they're price contracts which means no waiting 20 minutes for a transaction you can buy and sell your crypto almost instantly

>> No.10822279

Is it really this shit to make a coinbase account now? When I made an account 2 years ago, I only had to upload a photo of my driver's license.

>> No.10822348
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I've not heard of this and there doesn't seem to be much info on it. What does all of this mean for the end user? Is it as problematic privacy wise as coinbase? I'm also interested as it seems you can trade stocks on the platform as well?

Yes the support team emailed and said I had to complete these 4 steps before escalating if I couldn't verify (though I can't complete 2 and 3 because I can't complete step 1)

>> No.10822366
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How about sauce?

>> No.10822381

Don't know it. Just saved the pic on this site.

>> No.10822407
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OP same thing here. I used started using VirVoxx for my purchases of bitcoin. it's a bit more expensive but its worth it man.
All you need is a bank verified paypal account, and if you dont have one of those you can buy them online.

>> No.10822421

>implying you need kikebase to buy and sell bitcoin&ether
>implying you need kikebase to trade bitcoin to usd

>> No.10822449
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I have a bank verified PayPal I'll look it up, hope its not too much more expensive.

Really interested in the robinhood crypto and Gemini right now.

Then how about you post some alternatives and let me know what you use that's so much better? I'm all ears.

>> No.10822499

>some alternatives
buying/selling bitcoin: gemini, localbitcoins
trading bitcoin to fiat: gemini, every exchange with USD
There are too many exchanges to name them all

>> No.10822558

I'm going to try and make a Gemini account I guess I see lots of people recommending it as an alternative.

What information was required and are there any limitations to be aware of? It is owned by the (((Winklevoss))) twins after all.

>> No.10822927

No not too expensive, i dropped 110 by paypal through it and got 97 dollars in BTC.

>> No.10823457

That's pretty high...

>> No.10823508
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>no control over keys
>better than real crypto
off with your head

>> No.10823562

You will want to use bisq for this

>> No.10823618

No exchange gives you actual control over the crypto until you actually transfer it anyway right? Thought that's how coinbase worked as well. Your coinbase wallet is just a promise of the BTC you have and it only actually registers in the "system" when you transfer it to your actual wallet.

>> No.10823699

haven't used gemini but afaik the winklevoss are not kikes

>> No.10823808
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Just looked and robinhood crypto isn't available in my state. (KY)

>> No.10823935
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Gemini requires a social security number. Jesus Christ.

Im done. Unless there is an exchange that doesn't blatantly violate your privacy and has good prices I'm not even going to bother investing in this shit. Fuck regulatory kike bullshit.

>> No.10824264

go for an ATM if you must. I suggest mining or setting up a dummy bank account for wire transfers to Kraken.

You can do this if you want, but know that your paper bitcoin cannot be redeemed for Bitcoin. beware of fiat.

>> No.10824270

they all do it to be compliant with global KYC / AML rules. Dirty money is everywhere and they're trying to crack down on it. Crypto is an absolute nightmare for agencies.

>> No.10824308

and i thought i had is bad with them... all it took was a photo of my id card and a mugshot. fucking assholes.

>> No.10824309
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The closest atm is about 2 hours from me and the price is 7700 USD per BTC

Fuck them. I didn't ask for these laws and I want no part of it. The real reason is the fucking (((IRS))) doesn't want anybody to avoid paying a cent to their fucking fat cat kike asses.

Fuck kyc and aml, meanwhile banks knowingly launder for big crime and get a slap on the wrist. All I fucking want to do is buy some fucking crypto as an individual.

So fucking tired of the fucking state and fucking kikes. Fuck every single one of them.

>> No.10824316

It's FDIC insured for USD though. That's all that counts.

>> No.10824326

i have used localbitcoins before it's pretty chill experience.

>> No.10824348

and no i haven't met with anyone i just sold some bitcoins and got paid via paypal

>> No.10824351
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That's what I'm going to look into next. It seems a little sketch and I'm not really sure how it works, also I'm not going to be able to physically meet anyone there. I've never used escrow payments before, assuming that's what this is.

I don't give a fuck. I'd transfer it instantly to a wallet like any sane person. Sick of this centralized statist garbage

>> No.10824359

Just tineye it and give us the results.

>> No.10824373

>I've never used escrow payments before, assuming that's what this is.
it's exactly just that. the seller puts btc into escrow localbitcoins releases to the buyer once seller confirms funds. if there is a dispute the bitcoins are stuck in escrow and i don't know how but they will try to determine who was dealing in bad faith.

>> No.10824391

it gave me shit cunt
I need sauce

>> No.10824398


>> No.10824437

I've never ever done escrow before but that doesn't sound too awful bad as long as you deal with someone who has a good reputation and keep the transaction amount on the lower end of reasonable.

Haven't tried making an account there yet, I'm assuming its the same deal.

>> No.10824495

sure you can do multiple small transactions.
you can sell btc for paypal but nobody will take chances with the reverse. you can't buy btc with paypal because apparently paypal purchases are reversible.

>> No.10824520

but you have to understand something an exchange where you can put limit orders in will always provide you with a lot better prices than a sell/buy with various fees and mediators.

>> No.10824531

So if I can't buy with PayPal I have to give a stranger access to my bank account number?

Unless the market rises and there are listings on localbitcoin with pre rise prices right?

>> No.10824574

What an angry young anon

Pay your taxes you shmuck

>> No.10824589

No one is going to try and steal your identify for the $500 in your account you self-important poorfaggot

>> No.10824604

the bank account number itself is useless other than sending you money it's like the bitcoin address which is a hash of the public key can't really do anything with it. it's a bit worse that you have to give them your real name with a wire transfer.

some people exchange btc for other coins or online wallets tho. stuff like paysafe cards or moneybookers / skrill (which i actually used in the past but meh)...

>> No.10824618

Your day will come Jew.

Like that's all I have. I'm worried about whats in my bank not what I initially invest in crypto.

Is the escrow payment a wire transfer? Aren't they like 40 bucks at most banks?

>> No.10824633

I know that's all you have, so don't worry about someone actually wasting time to try and hack your little mickey mouse account

>> No.10824635

no just typically the sellers that offer reasonable price and not like $8k don't accept paypal but only wire transfer (low risk for them) you send the money directly to them. and yes it will cost you.

>> No.10824658

oh and it can take days for the transaction to confirm... online wallets are fast as lightning tho. and they shouldn't get your real identity. but first you transfer funds to them which will cost you then they convert the payment which will cost you and then the transaction fees again cost you. it's fucking highway robbery. you can easily reach a 10-20% markup on your purchase in total.

>> No.10824663


is this a thinly veiled payfair thread?
if it's not you should just use payfair OP. no kyc bullshit

>> No.10824679

literally have over 80k in savings but okay sport. Still chump change for some but doesn't change the fact ID theft is real and if it gets out its out forever.

Jesus Christ. I really don't want to give out my SSN but it seems like that's the only way to not get raped in pricing.

Never heard of it.

>> No.10824687

Any exchange you sign up for and want to wire real money to is going to do KYC, so it's not exactly something you're going to get around. Or you could go the localbitcoins route and meet up with all manner of sketchy fucking losers.

>> No.10824695

even if you do reg to coinbase you still gonna get raped it will take a few % to get your money to the exchange and they will charge about 5% on your purchase.

coinbase pro on the other hand is not so bad, with limit orders and no fees like on quick buy you can get away with a lot less paid out of your ass.

>> No.10824703

it's KYC rules you retard. They don't want to get mixed in with the mafia and go to jail.

>> No.10824709


Don't worry, I got a new phone and their retarded 2fa is so shit I had to keep my old one just for kikebase, and I can never sign out. Support is exactly as retarded as you'd expect - what about the phrase "my 2fa works on every other site and exchange, it's not my fucking time clock needing to sync" do they fail to understand?

>> No.10824722

of course you still pay to the exchange even with limit orders make no mistake about it. they will never find your order a pairing if it's not profitable for them which means somebody has to sell lower than what you are buying for.

>> No.10824740


>imagine complaining on the internet posting smug anime faces


>> No.10824843

Do you people actually think this shit is acceptable? Like how brainwashed and submissive have we become where we accept that buying fucking crypto should be subject to all of this?

If I ever just succumb to the Jew and give my SSN I will likely just use Gemini.

>he questioned the Jew better insult him!

>> No.10824860

>he buys the government spew shit

You're a really fucking good goyim idiot. The mafia is only so because of the government and the reason this shit exists is so we can't tax evade like the big corps can and the (((IRS))) sucks out every last cent.

>> No.10824869

>be non-brainlet
>trade cash for BTC off-exchange
>identity not compromised
>gains not taxed
>dont have to trust counterparty with my money
>dont have to wait days to be (((verified)))

>> No.10824888
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tfw unironically do this

>> No.10824890

What do you think is being discussed here idiot? Not everyone lives in a city or an area big enough to meet people to trade this stuff. Not to mention how much over value did you pay?

>> No.10824905

Extra? Usually I trade at market price, and if you dont live near a major city, you are the minority in the USA.

>> No.10824907

Any time you open any kind of account whether it be an actual stock trading account, anything where the recipient company has to recieve and send real fucking money, they need to do KYC or they themselves will get raped by regulators. I don't know about that SSN shit but they definitely need some personal information on you.

>> No.10824929

I already said earlier I'm not a cityfag.

I expected personal information, even photos of my license, just surprised that all of this shit apparently requires SSN by law. Its disgusting.

>> No.10825248

I feel your frustration. I don't have an SSN to give so it makes it that much more difficult for me to do just about anything. I managed to get an account on Coinbase without them asking for it but I'm sure they could give me a hard time if I try to cash out. Money laundering laws are bullshit, it's really just about making sure taxman gets his pound of flesh

>> No.10825326

I have no idea what to do honestly. Maybe I just won't ever buy stocks or invest so I don't have to give my SSN

>> No.10825362
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One more reason etf would be handy. Would be much easier to buy btc. Europeans already buy etn

>> No.10825366

>I wanna be so hardcore and not play by the rules.

Children of crypto.

>> No.10825383

No it's clearly an overstrtetch to send id and bank notes to shady exchange. You obviously have done just that...

>> No.10825401

Have you heard of Omicrex.com? You can wire money from your bank account to your Omicrex account and then buy cryptocurrency.
I used Omicrex when it went public because conbase tried to jew me out of my money before.

>> No.10825410
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>Like how brainwashed and submissive have we become where we accept that buying fucking crypto should be subject to all of this?

You're totally free to ignore all rules, laws, international trade regulations, treaties, claim a shitty mud hole stretch of land in former russian territory, then tell the world you're a special snowflake.

Tell me how that works out for you.

>> No.10825414

See, all your fuckers that can't even take a proper picture of your ID are the people I'm going to be burying when it's time to sell because all of you will still be trying to buy.
Just like last time.
Fucking normies.
Hahahaha who else remembers that shit? "I'm a bitcoin WIZARD, let me tell you every fucking thing about it! It's really taking off right now! Want me to tell you ALL about it? Btw I'm trying to buy some but I cant get it to work"
Ha ha ha ha ha.

>> No.10825434
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Bitcoin is the most american nonsense ever. That's why africans, nigger dictators, the chinese, and even russians are making so much money from all this bullshit. Stupid american teenagers who can't deal with giving their ID when they want to do business, so they go get raped at a local bitcoins shit meet, or have their 'life savings' social engineered out from under them.

>> No.10825442

send some money from your bank account to your omicrex account and buy whenever.
not many crypto sites that you can hold USD or EUR, most sites try to jew you into holding Tether.

>> No.10825589

Kill yourself kike slave.

>> No.10825605

Dumb fuck nigger you literally can't even read. I said I would've been fine with ID apparently you can't read where they want bank statement and fucking SSN card as well.

Shoot your fucking self.

>> No.10825766
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I was only able to get this far, no clue what it's actually from. Maybe some kind anon will help us solve the mystery.