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File: 473 KB, 1148x1498, august 24 flash crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10820679 No.10820679 [Reply] [Original]

I think the Bitcoin Bull market began back in 2015 and ended in December, 2017. We're currently in a bear market - this is obvious but hear me out.

I think you can pinpoint the moment of the Bitcoin bull market beginning to August 24-25, 2015. Prior to that, Bitcoin was still reeling from the effects of Mt. Gox. What happened on August 24-25? A "flash crash" in the stock market. Outside pressure, including drops in equities in Asia and Europe, forced traders to sell into a market with low liquidity. Tons of traders dumped stock at what turned out to be "exactly the wrong time". They panicked. This was the "cause".

What's more important is "the effect". When the market corrected, selling pressure from trading firms disappeared. There was a "herd mentality by traders desperate to buy protection against further market declines at any cost". Enter Bitcoin. Some traders became more heavily invested in cryptocurrency to hedge their longs. To further prove this theory, look what happened around early November 2016 - massive spike in BTC price, followed by a big sell off, followed by slow gains. How does this prove "traders hedging their stock market bets"? The election. Trading firms were slightly panicking and unsure what the future would hold when Trump won the election. This introduced uncertainty in the market and more traders flocked to Bitcoin as a hedge. Volume picked up and the bull market continued, but stronger.

Analysis: the stock market has a bigger "cause and effect" on Bitcoin than many give it credit for. Easier access to cryptocurrency trading for trading firms, coupled with positive press, will be the tinder for the fire during the next "August 24-25 flash crash" (the next spark won't necessarily be a flash crash, but something that causes the same effect). The stock bull market won't last forever, and there will eventually be a perfect storm for a new bull market to begin. (continued)

>> No.10820691

lol. OP believes in MSM.

>> No.10820703

That's what I always told. Next equity bear market will be our time to shine.

>> No.10820719
File: 80 KB, 1166x700, btc 10-13 to 9-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase, Binance, trading firms, and even the SEC are creating the infrastructure for the next Bull run. I think /biz/ should keep an eye out for the next "flash crash" spark and be ready when it comes.

Look at this chart. Look familiar? This Bitcoin bear market lasted two years. Hold.

>> No.10820720

>believing this pile of horseshit
Also you forget that the world doesn't revolve around America and that a large quantity of buyers we're chinese.

>> No.10820765
File: 740 KB, 1520x802, crypto skeptic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't understand where you're getting that from. Here's the article I referenced: www.cnbc.com/2015/09/25/what-happened-during-the-aug-24-flash-crash.html

It actually has nothing to do with Bitcoin and the only reason I used this CNBC article is because it details what happened during the "flash crash". It goes on to argue some boomer points about when the market should open and shit. Everything I wrote is my own thinking and opinions.

>> No.10820795

August 13, 2018 seemed like a crypto flash crash, and things have developed nicely since. Bull on!

>> No.10820798
File: 24 KB, 494x482, hmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This introduced uncertainty in the market and more traders flocked to Bitcoin as a hedge.

I might be in the minority here, but I don't believe that if we see market downturns that people will hedge their money into crypto, or bitcoin.

I know a lot of people tout that as the world goes to shit in the next few years and economies collapse, they'll hedge in crypto. I just don't buy it. I know there is some capital flight occuring in BTC in various countries (China, Iran, etc.), but ehhh... All the people doing so?

I think they'll just go to fiat. Crypto is too volatile ,and the last thing they need is to buy bitcoin, only for it to crash further because miners and early adopter NEETs who own thousands of this stuff can dump.

Maybe I am wrong, but I think it was retail traders, investors, slowly migrating. Enough of that migrated to create a clump of people that started building the floor higher. I mean back then, the market was very illiquid - and it still is.

>> No.10820821
File: 277 KB, 1036x421, biz board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, the flash crash happened in large part because of the Asian markets. The herd mentality of hedging your bets obviously carries over to Asia and Europe. In no way does Bitcoin revolve around America, but explanations in volume increases/decreases are surely affected by current events/politics/regulations in America (and to a lesser extent Asia, Europe, etc.)

>> No.10820833

>but ehhh... All the people doing so
Where did you see we need all the people to start a bull market

>I think they'll just go to fiat
Hedging in fiat during a financial crisis is plain dumb. All you need is the central bank deciding to print money to restart the economy and you're fucked big time.

>> No.10821216

Wondering if the eventual ETF approval could have the same effect on the crypto market.