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10819979 No.10819979 [Reply] [Original]

We have RISING prices. Cost of living is SKYROCKETING. That is literally the only issue. Rising prices means a more worthless dollar.

When the dollar was as good as gold under a gold standard we had cheap prices. A min wage earner in 1964 making $1.25/hour had twice the purchasing power as someone making min wage today. Because if you take those 5 silver quarters to a coin shop today you'll get about 18$ for them. So a min wage earner in 1964 had the purchasing power of someone making 18$/hour today.

This board is full of NEETS throwing their money in shitcoins otherwise you can't make it because the dollar is dying unironically because gold doesn't back the dollar anymore.

>> No.10820008

>this board is neets throwing their money in shitcoins
Go rant on plebbit

>> No.10820014

In 1981 100k went a lot further than it does today. So because we don't have a gold standard EVERYONE. Becomes poorer. Min wage earners.... those making 50k .... those making 100k and even millionaires are poorer today than in 1981

>> No.10820346

>the dollar is dying unironically
because of your stupid president pretty much sorry!

>> No.10820431
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This is pretty much the kind of thread I expect from a faggot gold bug

>> No.10820463

this is why you buy tangible assets like property

>> No.10820742


So your saying gold isn't an asset?????

>> No.10820754

Homes are for living in. That's what they are used for.

Gold is money... and protects wealth. That's what it's good for.

2 different use cases.

>> No.10820774

>buying property while Baby Boomers are still alive

>> No.10820804

>and protects wealth
except that's a lie perpetuated my merchants

>> No.10820870

Just accumulate real estate if you want to protect your wealth

>> No.10820909
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or just hold the fuck out of stocks or bitcoin (shitcoins are too risky)

>> No.10821045

And what happens on a currency crisis? What happens to all your overinflated dollar denominated assets and stocks?

Nobody is saying not to invest and go 100% into gold....

But on the flip side it's insane that one would be 100% in equities considering everything is inflated by criminally suppressed interest rates and cheap money.

Your telling me it's stupid to keep even just 20% of your wealth in actual real savings? Gold

>> No.10821059

And what happens in a deflationary collapse? You don't think housing prices are inflated by cheap money?

If a house is an asset why did so many people go bankrupt and lost their homes in 2008?

>> No.10821074

>And what happens on a currency crisis? What happens to all your overinflated dollar denominated assets and stocks?
they will rise in value more than anything else long term no matter what happens in a given year that's the point nigga. gold is stupid it's useless for the foreseeable future because it's mined at an exponentially increasing rate while world population growth capped. until those mines run dry gold will not move except down.

>> No.10821076

How do you protect you wealth than? Their is no true savings vehicle except for gold.

"In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value." - Alan Greenspan (1966)

>> No.10821089

>And what happens in a deflationary collapse?
then gold gets hit hard also.

>> No.10821093

If you knew the dollar was gong to fail next month. You had 1 month before 100$ doesn't even buy you a pack of gum...

What do you do?

>> No.10821108

It is truly incredible how amazingly the Jew has infected your guys' brains. I find it fascinating. Not realizing that gold is real savings.

Literally the dumbest most brainwashed group of people in the last 5,000 years.

Being anti-gold is like being anti-water

>> No.10821124

No it doesn't. Gold is savings.

Did gold all of a sudden become valuable when the dollar was created? Of course not.

So why in the world would you be valuing gold in terms of dollars?

Literally the entire point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam and you want money and wealth for when it implodes

>> No.10821145

>What do you do?
euros and btc obv

>> No.10821152

>No it doesn't. Gold is savings.
in deflation cash is king learn it already! every deflation gold gets hit also like all asset class. and in inflation stocks outperform it.

>> No.10821165

>there is no safe store of value.
well real estate is actually a pretty safe store of value. it performs about 1% over inflation on average.

>> No.10821212

you really would buy bitcoin to protect your money? what a faggot :D

>> No.10821238

i would it protects against various things like confiscation and taxes. long term it outperforms everything. but i would only go like 30% tops. rest is 60% stocks (just different market then what's crashing) and 10% cash.

>> No.10821240

for how long?

>> No.10821263

We have money printed out of thin air
so each unit is losing in buying power. Uniformed people think the prices are rising. Central banks are buying your time with numbers on the screen. Then they'll shut the money stream and collapse the market and collect the real tangible wealth you built during the boom. Rinse and repeat

>> No.10821265

just saying if you want your wealth stagnant and not make profit for you but also safe real estate is the thing. the upkeep should be covered by rent. maybe if you are lucky you make money on it even.

>> No.10821313

People talk about value and how to store it. The real value is intrinsic value. A house to live in is a house to live in. You can't store monetary value, money is a medium of exchange.

>> No.10821395

Anon, you're retarded. Our wages don't buy us as much as they used to because they aren't increasing to match the inflation rate. Inflation itself isn't a bad thing. Kept within reason, inflation helps an economy grow. Compare inflation before and after the gold standard was dropped, and you'll see it used to be much more volatile in the past (which is bad).

Wages aren't increasing because workers' rights have been steadily eroded and we've lost the bargaining power we used to have.

>> No.10821438

>You can't store monetary value
sure you can that's the whole point of savings.
>The real value is intrinsic value
what kind of faggot talk is that?

>> No.10821454

the best combo is gold + ALTS

ALTS for the speculative gainz, gold for the hedge against collapse

btc is unreliable

>> No.10821469

The US is headed for a deflationary collapse, which the government will try to solve by mass printing, which will then cause hyperinflation

>> No.10821515

>literally buying NoseBergStein's rock collection

>> No.10821539

in which case qe goes straight into stocks once more. which means gold would first drop then stay the fuck down.

>> No.10821624

Stop being dense and think physically.

>> No.10821640
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>> No.10821642

Inflation is managed by the Federal Reserve, who do so by controlling interest rates, not through printing currency.

>> No.10821666

I got silver, gold, bitcoin and ripple...obvious the 4 equally best assets

Will buy a house after the crash...

Good luck fellas with you "hurrr only crypto" "durr only metalls" """strategies"""

>> No.10821674


Dollar has been rallying since election but stay deluded

>> No.10821724

and now it freefalls

>> No.10821728

explain this to a brianlet or post an archive link to this thread so i can do some learnings

>> No.10821743
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The dollar was doomed since its decoupling was used to finance pointless conflicts that don't benefit the US with printed money

Where as China uses its fake money to buy up rival nations infrastructure and gain an edge

>> No.10821815

>finance pointless conflicts that don't benefit the US
oh boy of course it benefited the us greatly war is big business unless it's fought on your own land.

>> No.10821916

we'd make more money selling all of our guns out in the open to african nations that have zero chance of uniting to form an actual threat, and putting the more useless troops to work in gun manufacturing plants

>> No.10821965


Your brian is small and weak

>> No.10821988

you think african nations can dish out the sort of money it would take to buy any current hardware? don't make me laugh.

>> No.10822433

Gold doesn't outperform anything. Gold is just Gold. It's a store of value. Gold was there as money 2500 years ago. 2400 years before the stock market or dollar even existed.

You don't buy gold for the same reason you buy stocks you numbnuts

>> No.10822456

Lol QE going into stocks and inflating their prices isn't going to make you come out ahead since costs of goods will be going up as well.

Geez... all we need to get rich is to have the govt pump funny money into the stock market.

You really think that's how it works?