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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, VeChain-Teams-Up-With-INPI-Asia-To-Incorporate-Nanotech-Digital-Identity-Solutions-In-VeChainThor-Platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10818922 No.10818922 [Reply] [Original]


btfo salty walties and stinky linkies

>> No.10818929


>> No.10818930

the rumors are true...

>> No.10818945




>> No.10818963


wow a nfc in a stained fruit of the loom polo wow

literally doesnt mean anything.

>> No.10818996

so this is one of the scumbags that shilled this shit

mind belowed

>> No.10819022
File: 5 KB, 220x229, muh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh adoption

>> No.10819039




I'm pretty sure Waltonchains RFID's can scan a whole inventory with one fluid motion of the scanner from meters away

Try harder OP

>> No.10819089

Walton and vecjain alreafy had this last year.

>> No.10819138

why is that shirt covered in shit? is it Big Mac crumbs from sergey

>> No.10819189

muh china hustle

>> No.10819444

Wow you've really convinced me that this project is undervalued at $818 mil I just bought not 100k, but 100m VET you're a hero

>> No.10819479

Literally buying right now.

>> No.10819718

Is there proof it's scanned to the chain itself? Or are we just watching any old scanner app?

>> No.10819736

zero proof. No hash ID or anything

chink scam

>> No.10819898

A chip in a shirt is worth $800m market cap. Do people really believe companies will be spending $billions on tracking their shitty products? And using VeChain for it?

>> No.10819984

Just realized this. I'm going to ask about it on reddit

>> No.10820050

I also just realized something. Most people who are buying counterfeit goods are aware that they're counterfiet.

I don't think LV has a problem with counterfiet merch ending up in their retail channels.

>> No.10820094

It doesn't matter because VEN is so much more now. ICO platform, lottery, you name it.

>> No.10820121
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder

>> No.10820175

Wait what. The phone practically touched the shirt. Just like regular old NFC. Didn't show how the chip was embedded into fabric, could of been sitting under the shirt for all we know.
The Walton video I saw showcased racks of cloths and items being scanned with their own scanners from a huge distance but more impressively with their own long range chips made in-house and proof it was on the block chain.

Can't believe you fags tried to convince me 'VeChain is decades ahead of Walton'. This shits amateur hour.

>> No.10820185


>> No.10820216

yeah, kinda like how those parents were aware that they bought counterfeit baby powder to kill their babies

>> No.10820347

If only they had known about VEN

>> No.10820585

Your kidding right? There's 2 markets for counterfeit goods. The semi-legit "you wanna buy a really good replica?" market and the anything but legit "look here..100% genuine with certificate of authenticity but we get it cheap direct from manufacturer with huge discount" market.

>> No.10820688
File: 80 KB, 951x484, 1532919538731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Transactions just went bye bye lol

>> No.10820713

>chinks scamming chinks
>surely adding another chink middleman scammer will help remediate this

> buy "look here..100% genuine with certificate of authenticity but we get it cheap direct from manufacturer with huge discount" market from shady Chink website
>see that it's lacking official VeChain Thor Power Pokemon Go Edition NFC Chip
>try to return it
>turns out they're scammers

T-thanks sunny! VeChain offers literally no benefit over existing authenticity certs in this context

>> No.10821407

He’s the subreddit’s main mod, another delusional brainlet

>> No.10821680
File: 48 KB, 500x749, 1534978781092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10821906

after seeing this I'm glad also being invested in WTC. NFC is okay for the end-consumer, but imagine to scan every piece with NFC instead of RFID in a warehouse. Hopefully, Vechain will also implement RFIDs from a third party.

>> No.10821993

Vechain supports anything that can store their VID, including NFC, QR codes, RFID and others.