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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10816910 No.10816910 [Reply] [Original]

Friday / Weekend Megathread Edition

Welp, we made it once again. How is everyone spending their meager wages and two day reprieve? Condolences to those who are receiving neither...

>> No.10816938


>> No.10816975
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Payday means calculating another semi-arbitrary amount of money to throw into index funds.

>> No.10816984

Had 2 interviews today. Wageslaving... Here I come!

>> No.10816987

How'd they go? What jobs are they for?

>> No.10817006

IT. No idea. I'm a nervous autist.

>> No.10817022

Being a nervous autist is par for the course when it comes to IT. You're probably head and shoulders above the other candidates if you can just apply a solution off Stack Overflow and do fizzbuzz.

>> No.10817048
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we made it bros..

>> No.10817072
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It took a long time, but he finally made it

>> No.10817134


>> No.10817153

Going to a former classmate's place for the weekend, it's kinda a tradition now, he invites all of us and we spend the weekend eating bbq and, going to the river and drinking wine.

As for the money, I never manage to spend more than half of my salary anyways.

>> No.10817174

These threads trigger me

>> No.10817248


>> No.10817262

Trying to stay active and studying for CFA l1 in December

t. first year real estate buy side guy

>> No.10817280

I wanta be a wagie but it just never happens.
Literally applied to hundreds of places.
I once handed an application in at a Mexican restaurant and saw the man drop it in the trash can.
I'll never get to be a wagie.

>> No.10817284

Cuz I'm getting ready for work right now.

Is anyone an independent NEET?

>> No.10817341
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>Tfw asked my wageboss for a wage increase and he gave me it.

>Tfw I'll be wagecucking at $25/hr

>> No.10817507

OP here

In the office...

>> No.10817619


>> No.10817701


>> No.10817757

8 more hours bros...

>> No.10817838

gl anon

>> No.10817901

>be last Thursday
>tomorrow be payday
>clutch shits out right as I turn into home
>have car towed to shop, get rental car etc.
>auto shop calls
>"clutch be fucked, need to be replaced"
>be Tuesday, get car back
>"that'll be $2,650 anon"
>whole paycheck wiped out before I got a chance to spend it

My weekend is going to be spent taking my dog to the park, sleeping, and avoiding spending any amount of money

>> No.10818067
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Waging on weekends as well. Living the dream.

>> No.10818119

ha.... another day in paradise

>> No.10818288


>> No.10818324

>How is everyone spending their meager wages and two day reprieve
I'm leaving the office an hour early to take a vacation for 11 days. Won't be back until September 5th

>> No.10818377

Congrats anon

>> No.10818540

have fun anon : - )

any plans?

>> No.10818619

I'll be flying Oregon until the 28th, then I'll take a train up to Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo convention. Pretty much will just be chilling with friends for about two weeks

>> No.10818663

haven't been paid in months, pajeet boss makes me me want to end my life.
only reprieve is the females and the other degenerates i see daily

>> No.10818721

why work if you're not getting paid?

>> No.10818779

>haven't been paid in months
That sounds illegal. Sue them for a couple million $$$

>> No.10818876
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>> No.10818882

he was on vacation I am gonna ask today, lets see what happens. I wish i never bought a fuckign gaymin pc and went into debt to pay it back.
I genuinly miss programming my life has no meaning.

>> No.10818965


>> No.10819043

is this some permutation of the nujak?

>> No.10819060

whats for lunch fellow slaves

>> No.10819070

Good thing I'm a faggot which gives me immunity to women's charms :3c

>> No.10819087


>> No.10819132
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>he finished ?
>activate saturday shift

>> No.10819147

Potato curry with pita bread

>> No.10819326


>> No.10819341
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This week went by fast.

But I have a feeling the weekend will go by fast too.

>> No.10819498

it will :(

>> No.10819639

It went by slow as fuck and I only worked 4 days.

>> No.10819799

Is manual labor worse than office job? I've been a painter for 3 years and man this shit sucks. Long days can be very hard on your body and I'm breathing in dust and fumes daily so I'm looking to get out.

>> No.10819837

Yes, manual labor sucks ass. I used to do shitty factory jobs for four years before finally landing an office job. The grass really is greener on the other side. Factory jobs are for low-IQ NPC's

>> No.10819855

I think I quit my job today but I'm not really sure yet

>> No.10819923

Jobs are like women, ask around enough and one will say yes.

>> No.10820851


>Finished new iteration of predictive model
>Its complete shit
>Still better than random chance though, so that's nice

>> No.10820857


Unlucky. But I know the feel.

>be neet for years
>finally get a fucking job after years of searching
>first day of the job I leave extra early so I can give a good impression
>on the way there I hear a bang from the engine
>it fucking gives out
>literally dead in the water on the side of a major road
>have to call a towtruck to get it towed
>have to call my mum to pick me up
>have to get it repaired
>first two weeks of work was just saving up to get my car repaired so that I could drive to work
>only bought the car so I could get a job in the first place, didn't need it otherwise
>because of the car breaking down I was late
>boss fired me on the second day of the job

Fucking cars man.

>> No.10820927


I've never been an office cuck, but nothing on earth will get me back to being a manual laborer.

I watched Office Space and the ending where the main guy quits his job and becomes a construction worker and he's somehow happy now was fucking retarded. I literally have done that sort of work and it's most soul crushing, body destroying shit you can do. You have to spend your day with sub 80 IQ brainlets everyday and all of my workmates who were over 25 had major back problems and other health issues because of the work being so physically intensive and strenuous. It was pathetic to see fairly fit looking late 20's and early 30's guys complaining about their backs and constantly holding their back after doing any heavy lifting.

Not to mention it fucks up your hands and you get callouses and hard skin all over them. Literally feels like you are jacking off with fucking sandpaper, I had to cover my hands. You also get home fucking exhausted and too tired to do anything in your free time.

Anyone who willingly does a trade or any sort of heavy manual labor for longer than a few months is an absolute cuck or a brainlet among brainlets.

>> No.10820936

Today was my last day. Feels really good, man.

>> No.10820950
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tfw left shitty long hours high paying software job and lined up boring normal hours average pay software job so that after a couple years I have enough experience to get an actually interesting high paying normal hours software job

>> No.10820954

Not him who you're replying to but personally find any desk job soul crushing. Mostly because at home I spend my free time in my small bedroom at a desk. Enrolled in a barber course so we'll see how that goes.

>> No.10820978

>interviewing on a Friday
>HR fucks off at noon to get an early start on the weekend
>leaving you to sweat it out for 48+ hours wondering if you got the job or not
I fucking hate this country

>> No.10820992

boss treated me to a buffet today

based and shekelpilled

>> No.10820997

Same bro, about to go wage it up until midnight and then sleep away my weekend

>> No.10821034

on a sidenote, my boss told me I could get my work certificate "by emailing the HR department".
Guess that's not happening.

>> No.10821189

almost done guys, can't wait to get my 820 dollar paycheck for working 80 hours a week. Isn't it great to be employed, even if it's just $13 an hour?

>> No.10821215


Maybe they are both soul crushing. I guess office work might be more mentally draining as you have to put in actual thought to what you are doing, and you would also be thinking about stupid projects and shit while you are at home. But trades are physically draining as fuck, I literally felt like I was going into a mental stupor from the exhaustion. I would use up so much physical energy that mentally I felt like I was drained afterwards anyways. At least I didn't have to think about work related shit once I knocked off.

>> No.10821230

Has anyone else had an experience where they lost respect for their coworkers, like a whole team of your coworkers and some event suddenly made you realize just how cucked they all are by their boss/manager? Like they let their personality's get shoved aside just to keep their jobs?

I used to work in a kitchen. We had some pajeet chef and he was easy going, rarely talked. So the rest of the kitchen staff were laid back in how we did things. It was a good and easy job. Some important info. We had this ageing Stacey who would gossip all fucking day and plan trips with her friend, some hard working asian lady who would banter with customers, some friendly girls who I liked to work with and they'd always bitch about whatever manager was shitty or whatever and they'd play the radio loudly and listen to music in the kitchen. But generally it was good until one day the pajeet up and left and we got a new female chef. She was a fucking bitch and a complete control freak. I ended up quiting my job and working as a bartender instead right after she started. But I was shocked that I was the only one who put up any resistence to this new chef. I was the only one who put in detailed complaints to managers about this new chefs shitty attitude and how handing off half your fucking workload to your underlings doesn't make you a professional especually when you finish an hour later than the previous pajeet anyways. Manager was butt buddies with her. But in my last two weeks notice before I left. I couldn't not believe the old Stacey actually just put up, she was always haughty and acted like you wouldn't cross her. But now she was sucking up fucking hard to this new chef, who had a rule that you aren't allowed to chat in the kitchen anymore, only talk about important work related things. My first though was that the old Stacey would kick up a shit about that since she spends her entire day gossiping. But no, folded like wet toilet paper.


>> No.10821245

The old asian lady, she had her workload tripled and just zipped her mouth, not a word, no banter with customers, begs others in the kitchen to help her out with her workload when chef isn't around. The other girls who were my friends, on the first few days they bitched about the chef when she wasn't around, now it's silence, and no radio either. Music is gone. I was actually fucking shocked and how everyone just bended to the will of a new chef just because management said this is the way it is now.

Fucking cucks man. I was the only one to resign over it. And my manager was actually shocked and visibly surprised when I told her I was resigning too. Felt like I had entered an alternate reality, they just let their fucking personhood be trampled on by others for a paycheck. Did they even look for another job. I literally got the first fucking job I applied for as well BTW, wasn't hard at all. I lost respect for every single one of my former workmates for putting up with that shit. No wonder middle managers think they can take a shit all over everyone. Fucking plebs actually put up with it.

>> No.10821298

Fuck Saturday overtime. I want my wagie 2 day weekend sleep

>> No.10821334


people will put up with anything. Especially if they are older and have been working for a while. They are used to being shit on, it's just normal for them. A lot of people don't want to rock the boat because even if they know they are right, they won't want to get on the manager's bad side or risk being fired.

Other people simply don't like any confrontation. For them the stress of a confrontation is worse than the daily bullshit they put up with. Some people simply roll over and take it. Be happy you aren't one of them

>> No.10821362

we're on the home stretch brehs

>> No.10821649
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>> No.10821654


>> No.10821659

>tfw 4 more hours of this shit

>> No.10821661

ket and chill

>> No.10821927


>> No.10822070

I got an interview for an accounting job with Boeing but I smoked a joint last month am I fucked?

>> No.10822160

nah you're good

>> No.10822167

30 mins

>> No.10822461
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alright.... . . . . .

who else is




>> No.10822550
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Not if your a grounds crew worker at a public university.

you don't get paid a lot, but man you do nothing all day

>> No.10822593

I’m already home and it’s only 10 after

>> No.10822596


I believe Boeing only piss tests. So just don't smoke the reefer until you know if you did or didn't get the job.

>> No.10822619


>Be in line at lunch today
>Guy standing ahead of me in line is in his early 30's and drinking a Monster
>Start giggling like a retard & am barely able to put in my order

What have done to me /biz/?

>> No.10822702

what happens when shit hits the fan? am I going to lose money? that's what I am afraid about

>> No.10822707

>Decide to finally not be a neet
>Go through training and qualification for a job
>Declined at the last step
back to being a neet

>> No.10822778

Love my wagie job
>paramedic on the sunshine coast in Australia
>got a 33% wage increase last year
>every day is different
>pay is super good

Why aren't you one anon?

>> No.10822787

I'm making 20/hour and am up for perm hire soon. Do you think I can get away with asking for 25/hour? It's a somewhat high cost of living area, average rent is like 1500, and I have a degree for this work.
>he bought a beater cage
>he didn't buy a bicycle

>> No.10822937

I'm working this weekend and Monday Tuesday. 4 on 4 off rotation is super comfy and the pay is high. Best job ever when the workload is low and you get a holiday pretty much every week

>> No.10822986
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Does anyone know where I can find a third world slave to do some python scripting for me?
What is the rate for them?

It doesn't need to be pretty and it's all a standard template I just need to adapt it to a few thousand websites.

>> No.10823069
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Ahhhhhh. Another week in the bag. Time to crack open a cold one, relax, and play my guitar and video games. *sip*

>> No.10823243


Because I live in Australia and the job I had was an hours drive away. I imagine with a bike I'd be better of sleeping at work, by the time I got home I'd have to immediately leave for work again.


>he thinks he has the energy to ride a bike after doing tradesman work all day

>> No.10823803
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just today I realised my goverment taxes the minimal wage 22% and I knew that 15% is healthcare tax ,so if I have a car that uses 1k per year, reducing all of that from the measly 6k euros per year min wage I get 2780 euros PER YEAR FOR 8 HOURS A DAY .
Like holy shit I had some little hope for work, since I want to buy my own apartment but fuck now it doesnt even seem possible,because I thought minimum wage exempt from tax.Thought I would be saving 4k/annum.
End me now.

>> No.10823862

how long're your shifts though bro?

>> No.10824108

>I watched Office Space and the ending where the main guy quits his job and becomes a construction worker and he's somehow happy now was fucking retarded.

Funny you say that. They cut the alternate ending because it was too depressing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK43Ureuiqc

>> No.10824203

Stocks don't lose as much value as you'd think during hyperinflation. If an entire continent goes under, index funds are diverse enough that you're only fractionally fucked. And many crises are transient, so hold out a year or five and you're back to where you started. If the crises are permanent, the economy's fucked and your crypto will do well. If even your crypto doesn't do well, there'll be enough warning for you to invest in bullets, lighters, batteries, and farming supplies.

Because in the US that means hauling around ungrateful fatties. You should watch My 600lb Life sometime.

You check fiverr?