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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10809038 No.10809038 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours does /biz/ work per week?

Musk says he does 120 and even one hour less is "not an option"

>spend all your time literally tweeting, taking vacations, making videos of yourself with flamethrowers, fucking Grimes and getting her to legally change her name after knowing her for 3 weeks. (doing this with a girl when you are only not working 6.5 hours per day 7x per week)
>also spend time watching all the news, keeping up with what is trending and building meme submarines that won't work out of FALCON HEAVY (TM) ROCKET TUBES and calling anyone who is on site saving children that points out the sub is too big.. a pedophile
>have Banks over to your house and let her watch you cry and beg the saudis for money all weekend

how many hours do you think he really works per week?

>> No.10809064

I am legit at my desk 45 hours per week

But a solid 20 of that is shitposting

>> No.10809085

There arent even 120 hours in a week

>> No.10809122

>There arent even 120 hours in a week


>> No.10809239

nobody works that much

what is going on with him

>> No.10809270

Kek he is just trying to be special, it get sad ATM.

>> No.10809422

what is ATM

>> No.10809439

48, would do more if I could. I think I'm Also developing some kind of sadomasochistic tendencies

>> No.10809450

168 sweetie

>> No.10809461

I work 120.1 Musk BTFO

>> No.10809494

Officially 40, actually 1 because it's a government job

1h of work a week and my boss thinks I'm a top performer, inb4 he thinks I'm autistic and is being easy on me

The rest of the time I do whatever the fuck i want at work

Musk is a fat liar, no one works 120h a week, bet he works 60 MAX

>> No.10809512

did about 100h a week for 9 month before I completely lost it.

I lack a lot of memory from that time because I slept 4-5 max per day and not even in one sitting, usually 2-3 hours twice sprinkled over the day whenever I just passed out from exhaustion.

Progress was insane (self employed maste race) but this is no way to live over a longer period of time, absolutely dreadful with zero life quality outside of business

>> No.10809542

he's just trying to shitpost his way into office

>> No.10809808

not working

>> No.10810178


>> No.10810253

Too fucking much. I'm a freelancer so it's totally my prerogative to work less, but less work = less $, and right now is peak season in my industry.

>> No.10810291

43 a week

>> No.10810302

must be muh shitcoiner/muh jr. dev

>> No.10810329

freelancer work for myself
47 hrs a week. 8.5 weekdays 4.5 saturdays 0 on sunday. I pick which day is which but I hold myself to that so I dont get fucking lazy and my profits are up every year last 5

>> No.10810340
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>> No.10810384

What job? CS background and I'm trying to find something like that.

>> No.10810405

nope, he actually does "work" 120 hours/week.. he's active at both of his companies however he might be inactive lots of the time

>> No.10810408

God the more I read his Tweets the more I want to down 30mg of Ambien. He's a madman

>> No.10810456
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Just this picture alone proves he uses or has used in the past recreational drugs, look at his pupils.

>> No.10810478

He probably counts the time he is not in his mansion as work. That includes driving to work, reading news, lunch, dinner, shitposting on twitter and other internet activities

>> No.10810500

>Tfw you will never trip on DXM with Elon

>> No.10810524

All time medium

>> No.10810682

Every time the topic of number of hours worked, almost nobody focuses on whether it's "time wasting", shallow or deep work (this only with respect to mental work).

If we're talking about deep work which requires 100% focus on complex things (e.g.: mathematics, programming, etc.), I believe 40 hours a week of this type of work is actually quite a fucking lot for a single week.

Now if we're talking about shallow work, which might involves emails, meetings, presentations, negotiating and other kinds of crap like this, I'd say about 70 hours of week of this is possible.

And I'm not even counting time spent browsing the internet, reading the news, catching up on LinkedIn/Twitter/Reddit, which is purely "butt in the seat" time but a vast majority of people also count that as "work" (let's call this "time wasting").

All jobs involve these three types of works, but it's usually the ones whose jobs mostly consist of shallow work and "time wasting" (say 80% or more) that mention working a ridiculous number of hours per week.

Without an agreeable definition on what counts as work, all this dick measuring contests of time worked during the week is fucking stupid.

>> No.10810696

Fpbp and same

>> No.10810700

God damn what a perfect post

>> No.10810712

what does tweeting about pedophiles count as

>> No.10810753

he is doing 120 american work hours. Meaning that "working" isnt real work, he just kinda hangs out at the office and answers phones sometimes and talks to people every few hours.

>> No.10810771

personally out of 43 hours a week:

deep: ~18 hours writing reports/programming
"shallow": ~6 hours reviewing, researching, business emails, setting up notes and bulletins, talking w/ coworkers on projects
physical intern shit: ~9 hours fixing shit and carrying equipment
wasting time: the rest = ~10 hours a week (5 day workweek)

im just an admin & research assistant

>> No.10810824

About 65 a week. I hate it

>> No.10810832


Indeed, this number of hours worked bragging is a very American thing to do and it's fucking absurd (I'm a eurofag).

>> No.10810847

Time wasting.

>> No.10810898
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Don't let this distract you from the fact he has a massive cock.

>> No.10810902


That seems a good balance, a quite typical hour breakdown for software developers and other non-management personell that dwells in the IT related roles.

>> No.10810916

8 hour days with 2x 10 minute breaks and 15 minute break

>> No.10810938

What did you do?

>> No.10810956
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LINK 1000 EOY!

>> No.10810981
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Given that this thread is somewhat work related:

I'm an electrical engineer and I'm really interested in working for what I would refer to as "privacy market". Stuff like crypto is one of my interests, but also in general anonymity, stuff like Tor, onion routing, etc. I wonder, could I make a living out of this? Any /biz/bros out there who could perhaps share some insight? I also don't live in the states so I don't have access to bigger companies, I'd kinda have to freelance my way through all this. Any bros that know anything about this segment of the market? Is this a child's fantasy? I feel like I'm wasting my talents at my current job, and it just hit me with the force of a thousand suns that my work in a sense will be my legacy, and I'd like it to be something that is closely tied to my strong ideals of morality.

>> No.10811031

Proof money cant buy class

Stupid bitch

>> No.10811086


>> No.10811148

Literally all of the startups pushing VPN stuff right now. You could look into one of those. Don't have any insight, but I see the same trend as probably being much more popular in the years to come. We've been lacking in the security/privacy sector for awhile and people are feeling that itch, it's about to hit full force soon - especially after the next bust. Just how I'm feeling things are going to go though. Best of luck to you bud.

>> No.10811230


>> No.10811338

ye 'ole IT-slave cuck working that assist job
feelsgoodman ive learned a lot in the last year

>> No.10811391

>How many hours does /biz/ work per week?
40, but real work is only like 8 hours a week at best.

>> No.10811471

EE here, I would say no

>> No.10811473

About 25-30 hours of actual work per week. Software dev.

>> No.10811738

>About 25-30 hours of actual work per week. Software dev.

>> No.10811765

40, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I work to live, not live to work.

>> No.10812178

I only work 112 hours per week. Get two days off after every 16 days though!

>> No.10812743

>I only work 112 hours per week. Get two days off after every 16 days though!

>> No.10812747

based government employee

>> No.10812899
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You don't get bi-monthly weekends?

>> No.10813158

ask your mom

>> No.10813187
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>rich people still talk and act like poverty niggers

>> No.10813197


>> No.10813214

typically just 40-50 is common, a few 60+ and every few years I get into the 80's

Life tends to suck if you go over 50/week and stay there for any real length of time.

Most relationships tend to get fucked up if you go into the 60's and stay there for more than a few weeks.

>> No.10813313

45 minimum, average is 50, some weeks it gets to 55 if things are crazy.

I work in finance.

>> No.10813346
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About 30 hours on schoolwork and about 70 on my "side" business.

>> No.10814070

70. It's a tough life but the pays too good to leave

>> No.10814158

Please tell me what your job is.