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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, blockcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10807779 No.10807779 [Reply] [Original]

I will start.

>> No.10807841
File: 24 KB, 1235x616, ODN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one apparently fell like a rock after the devs were charged with gang raping a dog in public

>> No.10807860


>> No.10807865

anything popular on biz and unheard of elsewhere has all died, without question.

doesn't bode well for chainlink.

>> No.10807875


I got dumped on hard with that one. Still holding the fucking coins lel

>> No.10807877

This cube...oh fuq

>> No.10807894
File: 2 KB, 275x183, iocoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh no ico
>muh no premine
>muh fair launch
>muh team only in charge of development
>muh community in charge of marketing
>muh cryptocup
>muh eth is Swiss cheese code
>muh everything the Puerto rican rapper doesn't agree with is fud.
>muh we are a community
>muh we don't listen to ideas from the kuh-mul-nih-ty because lol you trying to pnd
>muh worth less in sats than before the crypto boom in EARLY 2017
>muh Dions with the worst feature launch in crypto history
>muh Chameleon in 2030
>muh blockbid listing
>muh qiex listing
>muh not a security
>muh low volume cause accumulating

>> No.10807900

I still think this thing has potential based on the usecase but these bags are burning a hole in the floor

>> No.10807911



>> No.10807943

to be fair, blockcat was shilled during the ico, and it went up almost 5x a few days after launch, only literal retards held for that long

i wonder if that dumbass gook boy still hasn't got that internet connection

>> No.10807954

Geez people got BTFO REKT on that one.


>> No.10807974
File: 80 KB, 400x300, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was pretty hilarious.

>> No.10807975

Unironically, this will still pump hard asf when fork happens.

>> No.10807989
File: 66 KB, 1592x1000, d0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no idea how something with a logo like this managed to get so much attention and shilling here.

>> No.10807990

If you don't remember this, you didnt get in early enough

>> No.10808005


>> No.10808012

Chaiiiiinliiiiiink over $7999 EOY STAY STINKY

>> No.10808032


>> No.10808049

I fell for this shit.

>> No.10808051

0xBtc, nobody outside this board even bothered with this one

>> No.10808205

Experience Points (x500 in a month lol)

>> No.10808229

this is the only place I've ever seen it mentioned, same as link and req.

>> No.10808244


>> No.10808248

You forgot Mona, POSW, Ark, DGB, Kidscoin, Swarmtoken, weedcoin, genecoin, Musiccoin, Bitcoin Gold & Bancor

>> No.10808253
File: 13 KB, 318x159, E435F874-2EEC-4E04-9764-493D814E1F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipped 3btc into 25btc with this.

>Muh passive income

>> No.10808259

Syscoin because a certain autist had a hateboner for ETH
Also Bitbay, SafeX

>> No.10808264

literally every coin that anime-chan ever shilled here

Blackmoon (kek)

>> No.10808334
File: 363 KB, 980x980, WABI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that really takes me back.

>> No.10808338
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1508004816406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was sooo promising ;)

>> No.10808345

this shitcoin went 10x though

>> No.10808357

>dead shitcoins
It may be dead in terms of volume but the devs are still going strong w/ updates, beta just released and the full platform will be out Q1 2019. Market cap is ~$1 million so I see it as a moonshot considering we enter another bull market. The only other thing I hold besides LINK is BNTY, and I think you should own some as insurance. Inb4 bagholder bingo; I bought back in at the current price.

>> No.10808395

A lot of these shitcoins went 10x and even more at some point. The thing is that eventually they all fell into oblivion. Forgotten and at low market cap.

>> No.10808486

What ever happened to Chainlink? Exit scam?

>> No.10808594
File: 7 KB, 240x240, FRsSf4F7_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go all in pic related exit at 100x after that go all in shipchain ico wait for the binance listing pump and exit with millions!

>> No.10808639
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>> No.10808719
File: 567 KB, 1600x1600, 1532672830005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The frnch baguettes. I lost money on this and its not my fault but their marketing problem. Why dont they market their coin saying people to buy it so that it would moon they must be really retarded because look at ven how succesful it is. They will never succeed if they do not pump this coint to 5b m cap with marketing, but i cant see marketing its dead project look how much better is ven they have marketing

>> No.10808748

LOL AGRELLO, really fucked my ass very bad

>> No.10808753

Its volume is dead but yeah still a solid coin. Might scoop some more when we've hit a clear bottom

>> No.10808767

Kids Coin
The coin for data scientists whose name I can't recall

>> No.10808797
File: 84 KB, 800x800, LOGO_LETTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened to this?

>> No.10808800


>> No.10808822
File: 113 KB, 300x300, 0_HDFLCA2cvI7tebU_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Newfags with tiny bags

>> No.10808851

>The coin for data scientists whose name I can't recall

>> No.10808852

steaming pile. they closed their offices

>> No.10808853


That one made people POOOOR

>> No.10808871

stop reminding me of better times

>> No.10808875

For sure, the bottom may be soon if you look on KuCoin the buy orders on the BNTY/ETH pair are pretty thin, I’d say a good price to buy in would be 2800-3100 GWei but I personally bought back in at 3760.

>> No.10808898

The memes were scant, but the joy of watching it MOOOON was enormous <3

>> No.10808931


What was this called?

>> No.10809000
File: 2 KB, 200x200, descarga (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz has always been full of shit

>> No.10809018

>Biz has always been full of shit

>> No.10809021


>> No.10809041


>> No.10809063


>> No.10809794
File: 41 KB, 645x800, 1526246106518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit

>> No.10809982

team still on vacation probably

>> No.10809998

I made 500 bucks with that lmao

>> No.10810019

I can't believe anyone fell for shitcoins like this. I don't know anything about PolicyPal but all I need to do is look at the name to know its dogshit. This is the pets.com equivalent of crypto.

>> No.10810077


Would give my bank account for that qt

>> No.10810102
File: 20 KB, 400x400, yWRigl6B_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the FUCK made me drop my entire stack into STOX near the top?


>> No.10810106

It’s backed by paypal

>> No.10810127


ALMOST bought that after the shilling.

>> No.10810131

you didn't hear? sergey got addicted to big macs and had to be rushed to the hospital. supposedly he has no memory of chainlink or crypto at all now

>> No.10810132
File: 7 KB, 400x400, fx7uoJNS_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace

>> No.10810137

Oh man. You are irrevocably fucked. Condolences.

>> No.10810425

wow thats worse than getting Confido'd

>> No.10810439

It literally said in the whitepaper that the token only conferred voting rights. People still bought the fuck out of it. Absolutely mystifying.

>> No.10810470
File: 55 KB, 2048x1082, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit

>> No.10810565


Potcoin used to be shilled hard here a while back, most of u newfags won't remember

>> No.10810597

Holy shit an old faggot!
I remember its first pump from 70 sats to 5600 sats
Also, newfags won't remember Hash Ocean (that's quite recent)

>> No.10810598


>> No.10810640

power ledger

>> No.10810658


>> No.10810759

Almost fell for this one.

>> No.10810778

Wait I thought niggercoin was a /pol/ project?

>> No.10810828

i know too many of these feels

>> No.10810892

Glad I read this. Just sold what I bought 2 days ago. Thanks fren

>> No.10811305

ATH Market Cap: 65 million
Today's Market Cap: $700k

>> No.10811368
File: 10 KB, 400x400, trumpcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stupid coin did at least 50x if you were patient enough. I had 13k of those and sold them all at loss before it megapumped

>> No.10811465


goddamn right in the feels. hearty fucking kek for remembering this little gem of a larp.

>> No.10811591

What i made tons on bitbean

>> No.10811753


god damnit I fell for this meme, but I got out really fast with about 1% loss + ltc transfer fees, I still do not understand why I fucking fell for it.

>> No.10811791

and you also had cannabis coin, those were competitors. CANN was such a shitcoin too I don't remember that faggots name, but it's a known scammer that made it.

It really had potential due to the ones who initially backed it, they had everything read for these dude weed shops to this big canadian dude weed guy, but that fag had to be a fucking scammer. Have had lots of both these shit coins, dreaming I could turn them into weed, never happened ofc

>> No.10811805

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee delet this
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee delet this
I got in the WABI ICO but I sent it to an ETH wallet I didn't have the private key for so I was stuck seeing it moon from 25c to 6$ until the support team managed to send me the tokens back when it was at 2$.

>> No.10811807

Their idea of code was a word document with code-like things in it after six months of promising that work is being done.

>> No.10811831

FUN and BeanCash are legitimate projects

BeanCash will most likely overtake LTC as the prime currency. shhh

>> No.10811853
File: 51 KB, 530x530, 1532407334480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this eventually

>> No.10811904

damn i'm surprised no one has mentioned chaincoin. The first crowdfunded pump and dump i ever saw.

>> No.10811916

Tfw I still have xp bags

>> No.10811944

just buy $5 worth man!!!!

>> No.10811956
File: 291 KB, 531x710, Jezus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay poor faggot. Jezus will never fail us.

>> No.10811957
File: 16 KB, 240x270, 1515914431583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10811962

how does it feel to be poor?

>> No.10812134


>> No.10812997
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>> No.10813002
File: 101 KB, 1933x1680, xby_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10813118

>No one mentioning CFI and how it got btfo by some anon rotating the coin's symbol into a crying face and it never recovered

Other than that this thread is missing RDD, though if you sold in June 2017 you'd have a nice 80x

>> No.10813176

Kyber is going strong though.
Others I agree.

>> No.10813184

Holy fucking shit I remember this thread.
Feels almost strange knowing I'm still posting with the same anons I was back then.

>> No.10813204


All the funny namecoins /biz/ made in like 2016.

>> No.10813211

This was fun. I still have massive bags of this but made something like 60x my investment so the bags I'm left holdimg are relatively small.

>> No.10813212
File: 14 KB, 225x225, bazinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies will eat this shit up
what? haven't bought in yet? kek

>> No.10813230

Hahahahaha Niggercoin was my favorite. Remember when it got delisted from Waves exchange and that kimd of proved Waves wasn't fully decentralized?

>> No.10813244

God dammit. NOBODY fell for this kek.

>> No.10813245

These shills had the best thread girls

Fapped like 4-5 times because of their threads

>> No.10813261


>> No.10813303

tried to look for that blonde with the nice ass on the beach for nostalgia sake but couldn't find it

>> No.10813397
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, 1505092907551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice ass
only blond I could find on the beach in the bazinga threads but she has no ass.

>> No.10813471
File: 103 KB, 720x714, arklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deluded here

>> No.10813474
File: 24 KB, 1000x1000, ark logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10813558

Tfw I was one of the first miners and dumped on you retards, made almost 8 btc. I losted it all margin trading on bitmex after that

>> No.10813593

tfw I realize we’re all just the same faggots circle jerking around the same coins.

Now that the normies left only oldfags remain. Ty for the laughs bros

>> No.10813670

>hash ocean
Man that brings me back... Fuck those guys

>> No.10813694

>we’re all just the same faggots
This. by the way, remember PoWH (Proof of Weak Hands, aka Ponzicoin 3.0) from earlier this year? I was one of the guys behind it and was one of the first 7 guys to buy. Made a bank.

>> No.10813710
File: 5 KB, 225x225, powhcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10813742

You guys workin on anything new or are you done?

>> No.10813838

I haven’t done anything of the sort since then, and didn’t keep contact with the others either. It was a one time thing in a privileged discord room (for me at least).
Though I am individually working on something related to crypto and smart contracts to release later this year and shill here, but it’s something completely different and won’t come for a while.

>> No.10813861
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, 1514227634691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10813871

>Every ICO ever/thread

>> No.10814014
File: 147 KB, 641x443, 18ED6005-CCB9-4A10-AE14-E47E716DF69A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>back in the day there were bo ICO scams. I’m tellin’ ya, we all had to mine our bags and we loved it. Ethirium is a scam

>> No.10814093

You can still trade NGR between wallets. The Waves DEX is no different than IDEX or EtherDelta.

You can always launch your own matcher and get NGR trading again.

>> No.10814114

ah my first alt coin purchase. Early 2016. Turned 2.3 btc, at the time worth around $1200 into 7 btc, at the time worth $4200. Not a huge deal but it was my first very profitable trade and I still credit Trumpcoin to being where Im at today.

>> No.10814130

At least you have experience

>> No.10814137

i fell for this thread. got free shipchain too. I was stuck holding bags because I couldn't sell on coinegg after an update for U.S.A users. Got a VPN then went to okex to sell but they disabled the erc20 deposits and INT was one of the last ones they let deposit again. I dumped that shit so hard when it was finally available. Lesson learned and came out of it with 2 percent loss on it.

>> No.10814177

Chink scam

>> No.10814209

interestingly, it's not dead and up (in eth) from the ico. So buying the ico when it was shilled was a better decision rather than holding eth, lol

>> No.10814233
File: 53 KB, 300x300, dogecoin-300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys really just gonna forget about the original memecoin? every other thread was about doge in early 2014

>> No.10814248

dogecoin is not dead

>> No.10814300


Remember last year we stuck "e-" onto ERC20 copies of every major coin including ETH itself kek

>> No.10814305

Holy shit it's you again. I know it's still ppssible to trade between wallets but how the fuck is Niggercoin going to replace Bitcoin if normies can't buy it om the main exchange?

>> No.10814314

Dogecoin is alive with a reasonably strong community and devs actively working on it. This thread is about dead coins.

>> No.10814391

i remember in 2017, a whale used to come here whose name i forget, and he made some really good predicitons, and one time he said to buy heavily into "shipchain" and that it would x100. it actually sounded like such an awesome project, and i went all in on it. needless to say, that didnt end well.

>> No.10814555
File: 11 KB, 1920x1080, 36313684req.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10814583

>devs are working on it
What does it...do?

>> No.10814612
File: 22 KB, 500x486, Yamero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
