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10806204 No.10806204 [Reply] [Original]

Icebreaker: how have you handled difficult situations with management in the past?

Yesterday my boss sent me a pretty rude email claiming certain things weren’t string done and that I needed to put in writing my method for finishing a task as opposed to walking to their office to explain so they could hide behind their screen, so I did that and explained I never received training for the task they were complaining about.

>> No.10806405


If I stamp my feet in ragie will it make me feel better about being a wagie

>> No.10806544

Unfortunately not fren because you still have to go into work the next day.

>> No.10806576
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Yesterday my boss called me and asked that some of the work that is mine hasn't been completed. Look into the log that she hogs most of the day, that I'm supposed to use. Start naming some stuff listed. Second one I name is a bunch of hers not completed, did it on purpose. I get the feeling she trying to make me feel bad even though the other superior praises me for the hardwork and mocks my boss behind her back for her incompetence. This woman is annoying as fuck and is always checking in on me even though from what it sounds like that compared to her prevous underlings I'm one of the hardest working. I know she has low self esteem but man is she annoying, no plans on a 2 week notice if I get a job outside the organization. Not much I can do since she will get butthurt over the slightest thing.

Like when I got an on the job injury and was complaining, she became serious and told me if we need to go over the job duties. Told her not to worry about it since I'm looking for another job hahaha, not a great idea but she gave me a long lecture. Worst part is she tries to act like we're friends.

>> No.10806600

>so I did that and explained I never received training
people that use this excuse are always the first to be laid off

>> No.10806620

You don’t think it was your responsibility to tell them before the deadline that you didn’t know what you were doing and needed training for those kinds of things? Or to seek that training out on your own? How the fuck do you expect to survive in this world without ambition?

>> No.10806640

Retarded boomer mentality
>why aren’t you doing this! We told you to do this specific task this way!
>well you never gave me an account to this specific program, a point of contact at the organization or any info on how to setup accounts for this specific task
>....... your fired!
Shit like this is the fuel for the fire to make it and escape wage cuckoldry.

>> No.10806664

My company I work for is medium size and the HR woman is a psychopath, she takes everything personally and emotionally. Ask for a raise? "How could you do this to me?" type bitch. Literally the only reason she works there is she is the bosses wifes cousin.

>> No.10806668

never going to make it mentality.

you don't wait to fail on a given task to tell people you weren't trained. you immediately seek help if there is something you can't do. or if you're not retarded you figure it out on your own.

>> No.10806674

What happened after?

>> No.10806687

> Yesterday my boss called me
> She

She sounds like a shitty manager lmao

>> No.10806754

I’ve explained to them more than once no one has shown me or given me any info on setting up this sort of account or given me a point of contact, I’m sure you will make a great manager one day bootlicking faggot.
>do this without being shown how
>but you ne-
>are you retarded? I said just do it and put it in writing why you have failed this past time despite my lack of direction
Nothing at all this happened at the end of the day yesterday and my last email outlined my previous method for a specific task and last I heard was them nitpicking my method and I responded by asking if all I needed to do was email who originally asked for a specific thing from the other company and give them out employees email, name and location ID to setup their accounts and my manager never responded. We have 0 performance gauges at my job so it’s hard to tell if you aren’t living up to their standards. When you get an email in the format i did it makes you worry a bit though.

>> No.10806767

just rolled into the office 2 hours late, just me and the boss here shooting the shit chilling

feels good man

>> No.10806771

Wage is not relevant when ypu hold liiiinnnkkkkkk 7777 eoy

>> No.10806775

look you're a shit employee and the company hates you, hence the disciplinary action. enjoy your no raises ever.

>> No.10806779

New timeline 7777 eoy confirmed

>> No.10806780

In the future if you don't know how to do a task or weren't trained on it asked when it's assigned or find a coworker to assist you.

For now realize you made a mistake by not asking and move on.

>> No.10806821
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I haven't waged in my life(18 yo zoomer made some ok money with hustles and crypto). Is it really that bad with bosses? Like if someone starts yelling at you, can't you just say something like "let's keep it calm" or something similar? It works in school with the teachers lol. Basically keeping it cool and using social psychology to make them feel stupid.

>> No.10806852

Hey there’s 0 chances for upward mobility at this little company anyways and any raise I would ever potentially get would be absolutely minimum. Lucky for my my side biz makes 2-3x as much money as my wage cuck office job so I’m not too worried about money.
I’ll take your advice and cool on it for now, I asked in my last email to my manager asking the format for completing the task and still haven’t gotten a response. So next time I Have to set up something similar I’ll just go ask them again I suppose.
I’m jealous

>> No.10806893

Actual 30 year old boomer here. Unless if you caused something absolutely catastrophic, like set the building on fire, if your boss yells at you that job is beneath you.

>> No.10806911

Many employers are incompetent. Getting yelled at by a higher-up is like a wild animal randomly attacking you because it is confused. Fuck you money is key, and knowing how to stand up for yourself when you know you are right beyond any doubt.

>> No.10806924


>> No.10806949

In the corporate world I’ve yet to see someone actually yell at another person, it’s usually low skilled or trades where that kind of stuff happens. In a white collar environment it’s a lot more of passive aggressive/ bitchy emails and smiling in your face so they can save face.

>> No.10806968
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PhD student here. Pay is shit but it won't cost me anything to get some credentials to virtue signal with (even if all I can do is make useless chemicals and exaggerate their applications).

Boss if very chill, tries to be my best friend. Its a mixed blessing, I abuse it and do very little work and learn programming in my spare time.

I know i'll need to switch fields to tech to make any money, academia is ironically a daycare centre for naive idiots. It takes so much energy to pretend to give a shit about all the chemistry talk.
>tfw boss brings me for coffee every few weeks to talk about "chemistry"
>usually ends up 2 hours talking about life, philosophy and a little bit of actual work
>Ooh anon did you see that paper? Really interesting stuff
>Yeah boss totally very interesting

Its draining to play a character 9-5 every day, but at least it gives me some debt free time to learn a useful skill after making shitty choices with my college degree.

>> No.10807001

I've been in both worlds. Assholes exist everywhere, there are just repercussions for being an ass in a corporate world with HR. Our transportation manager just got fired after repetitive complaints to HR by his drivers for yelling and attitude.

>> No.10807011

I feel bad for your boss. You’re a dick.

>> No.10807041

ragie wagie detected

>> No.10807098


That feel when anon. Exactly the same boat here. Doing biogeochemistry PhD. Fucking hate it, it's stupidly hard to play the academia card and pretend I give a shit.

My favourite is when they push you to publish because it will help you get an academic post. I'm sort of glad because I can do fuck all in the day (for example haven't been in at all today) and read up on crypto/other shit.

What year you in?

>> No.10807110

Unless like in my case your boss is above HR and is senior management. Then they pretty much have free reign as long as you’re in the “in” circle.

>> No.10807121


It's not his 'boss', it's a supervisor, and they're usually autists that wouldn't survive outside of academia, and stupidly assume everyone else is as interested as them at whatever dog shite idea is in their head.

Other than messing around in a university their whole lives, the academic is useless. It's usually industry and engineers who drive innovation, 99% of scientists generate data for data sake and do nothing practical with it.

>> No.10807132


for this chill work, you are paying 20k a year, since thats probably what you would have gotten extra in the industry. this is why they treat you nice

>> No.10807167


PhD students in the UK get paid, i'm assuming anon has a similar set up. I get paid for mine but it's crap money.

>> No.10807188

Boss told me to stop accepting less prioritary projects. I still accept them but now I leverage cakes or other niceties for my skills.

>> No.10807252
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Pretty chill place here, never been yelled at because I'm a good wageslaving boi who arrives first and leaves last

The highlight of the day is that it's some dude's birthday so we get to eat cake

>> No.10807277

>browsing the ch0n on a company device
Whew lad, can you imagine being called into HR and them being like “so we see you are visiting that nazi website that distributes CP we heard about on the news during the trump campaign......care to explain why you are wasting company resources on this vile sexist and bigoted website?”

>> No.10807286
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>open office


>> No.10807293


yes its crap money, the difference in what you get in a "real" job is the money you waste as opportunity cost. i estimate it to 20k at least. so he "pays" 20k for the chill time

>> No.10807302

Not in the US, my boss is right next to me and he doesn't give a shit. Pretty chill plus there's plenty of time to research memecoins

I've never not worked in one

>> No.10807307

the absolute state of USA office jobs

>> No.10807317

>my boss

>> No.10807326
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You literally have no idea how soul crushing academia is. Imagine working with a bunch of 30 year olds still living in student accomodation with random people, and all you have to look forward to is the newest edition of (insert shitty fps or mmo game here- pic related)
This guy gets it. Just starting my 3rd year. Academia is a meme that naive undergrads are groomed into believing is a necessity. Most recent PhD graduates struggle to find any job even closely related to their field, and the really useless ones stick around stuck in the postdoc trap (see sad 30yo life, above). Its a gigantic circlejerk with no real world impact. There is no competition, its a daycare centre for adults. The only legit postdoc that has a good publishing record and a chance of making it in academia has become suicidal in the year since he started in this institute.

I'm in too deep to quit but it crosses my mind everyday. I'll stick around and learn code in my spare time and probably have to bite the bullet and do a msc in comp science if I want to get a real job.
Yep the opportunity cost crosses my mind every day. All I can do is try gain a better skillset, science is so oversaturated at the moment due to the rise of pop science that you need a phd and 5 years experience to even start on 40k.

>> No.10807391

Does the company produce medicine type of things? ':D sounds extremely familiar.

>> No.10807431

I get my own office so I phone post all day, hey if your boss doesn’t care it sounds comfy. I never get yelled at but have gotten several catty emails from women who think they run the place which is beyond annoying.

>> No.10807434

My company tried to block porn on the network and the productivity of week-ends and night shifts dropped so much they unblocked everything.

>> No.10807438


40k dollar? a year, you should get that with a bachelor, what country is this?

>> No.10807458

Ireland. The average is around 50k but you aren't going to start on that straight out of college, phd or not.

>> No.10807462

I'm in this extremely boring weekly meeting that requires me to check on all the other developers statuses to make sure their work doesn't conflict with some infrastructure stuff.

My managers peer also goes to the meeting, and a few times she quizzed me on things I didn't ask my teammates about. I said I would ask them post-meeting and then send out an email. She did this a couple times and then complained to my manager that I didn't prepare enough, that I seem uninterested in it. It is boring, it is an infrastructure project that literally no one cares about and I'm only there to give information, not doing any coding for. Plus the infrastructure people (or her) could go to our board that has completed tasks and just check there

My manager is a bro, said he has to tell me that she complained to upper management about it (managers manager) that I wasn't being a good representation. He said he didn't care, but just letting me know that she is upset.

I could've cared more, but the project manager actually running the infrastructure project said he liked working with me on this project so I think she is just bitch desu

>> No.10807475

Yeah but in the US people making six figures have to live in trailers because the cost of living is way too high.

>> No.10807518 [DELETED] 
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>work at a startup from the beginning
>fun, flexible work time and just fucking around
>but skeleton crew, needs more people
>boss hires a couple of people
>hires fat dyke as product manager
>"hey anon, dyke here part of the new backup"
>"can you change your profile picture and and complete profile information so we can be more productive please"

>> No.10807553

Women in the workplace was such a huge fucking mistake. They literally just bitch and moan and waste money on retarded shit like diversity training and get betas in upper management to sign off on it because they think it might get them some pussy. How companies haven’t done cost benefit analysis of females in the workplace is beyond me.

>> No.10807561


Had an abusive boss when I was in Corporate Finance. One Friday I was staying late to finish a relatively unimportant but time consuming analysis said boss had ordered and decided needed to be done by the end of the day because she was a fucking psychopath. It's about an hour after normal EOB with the project taking another expected hour to complete & I get a nasty email from her where she assumed that I already left without finishing the project & is chewing me out. My office was within eyesight of her office door. The fat bitch couldn't be bothered to roll her chair 5 feet over from her desk to check if I was still there before dedicating paragraph long email to calling me out. I immediately walked to her office, gave my two weeks notice & left for my weekend. The project was never completed.

>> No.10807576

lunch time bros, what's on the menu?

where's based ramen poster

>> No.10807578

That's because cost-benefit analysis is sexist and racist. Same reason genetics and iq aren't funded in science.

>> No.10807679


Thanks anon for allowing me to find someone in the same situation as me lol. That fucking feel when.

I'm also almost in my third year come september. I did try to quit, but got reeled back in because I've already nearly published a paper and I came to a compromise whereby I'd publish a very short thesis. I now realise it was just bullshit to get me to stay.

The most ironic thing is my undergraduate was in a field that is heavily understaffed and pays well even to shitty graduates. I got the highest grades in my year, and got told I should 'consider a PhD'... I was flattered because I grew up in a crappy working class area, and so I took it without much thought.

Still, in the meantime I've learnt about crypto, started a business, and I'm fairly sure I can carve a job for myself in crypto as part of my master plan.

It's just the whole atmosphere is fucking shite, people who are mid-thirties rotting in student accomodation with no vehicle and going to the pub every night with their 'friends'. I avoid literally everyone and do cash in hand work whenever possible to lead a semi normal life.

Made even worse by the fact I worked in physical labour jobs before uni and loved the banter and normality.


Thanks for the vent /biz/

>> No.10807693

>how have you handled difficult situations with management in the past?
I clocked out and walked out lol. Didn't come back, didn't answer any phone calls to tell them that I quit.

>> No.10807715


Also hate all the cry baby socialist wankstains in academia.


>> No.10807717

Millennial employer here

I'm amazed at how useless, lazy and scummy people are- especially my peers and zoomers. I opened my business with good intentions, giving big incentives and bonuses for doing well. Instead, employees managed to turn it into this negative; a passive-aggressive race to the bottom, as entitled employees are motivated not by being rewarded for hard work, but how little work they have/how much they can get away with compounded by perceived unfairness in workload (I do everything around here! I'm going to stick it to everyone by taking lots of bathroom breaks to text and go intentionally slow with tasks. That'll show them!).

Having worked on both sides of the coin, I can now see why the animosity develops in employment relationships and why employees get treated like trash. In most cases, the average employee simply doesn't deserve any better, while people who do are promoted upwards.

>> No.10807723

Can confirm. Retail and factory jobs usually have managers who think their superior to everyone and treat people like shit just because they can

>> No.10807730

Yes, I have noticed this as well, although I have never been an employer. I think if I ever start a business, I don't ever want to have employees. Too much hassle, too many rats thinking you owe them more than the agreed-upon wages. Just not worth it

>> No.10807766

>get rejected from a job offer
>HR has the audacity to keep sending surveys to me about my thoughts of the hiring process

They do this just to remind us we're subhuman, right?

>> No.10807775

They dont have to, they choose to. Saving 80%+ of your income requires sacrificed your typical normie couldnt make.

>> No.10807791

>If I start a business I dont want to have employees
So you just want to be a wagecuck with a fancier title?

>> No.10807811

You already are even as a business owner with employees. Your wages come from the customer, the customer is your boss. Suck the customer's dick

>> No.10807847

Yea I don’t get what 4chan autists don’t understand when you own your own business you are at the ultimate wagecuck
>50% of small businesses fail
>no sick or off days you work or your shit gets JUST’d
> 2 years on avg before reaching a break even point
>regular 60 hour work weeks
>there is no leaving your work at the office
>still sending all your tax dollars to Israel

>> No.10807879

All of that, PLUS being liable to your employees, with them demanding things like "living wages," benefits, etc., all the while you're doing every thing in your power to keep them happy so they don't form a union

>> No.10807968

Oh boy where do I start.

I worked @ HAL ^^ for about 6.5 years in total. Let me the draw the setting for you - a boomer manager who worked there for 30 years and thinks its still the glory days of the personal pc era, a pajeet supervisor who wasn't that much of a bad guy but a shitty developer who got intensely jealous if somebody did better than him, all coworkers in early forties to mid fifties people, except for three chicks who left after a year.

My biggest mistake was fixing an issue that my supervisor attempted to fix three years before but failed (a concurrency problem where you can't just cntrl-c cntrl-v shit from the web but actually gotta know what you're doing). After this the pajeet shat on me to the boomer manager destroying any prospect in the company (not that there were many with 0.5% "raises" pear year). The boomer also managed to get one of our projects outsourced to the Phillipines kek. For the past one and a half years before I quit I mentally checked out so at least that was easy for me. Wrote some of the worst but working code in my life. The moment I gave my notice I felt like I was stepping out of prison, I wake up everyday with the same wonder that I had when I was 12 and everything is new. Trying to build my own projects now, but will have to wagekek if I run out of money before that.

>> No.10807969

what field is this that pays well on undergrad?

>> No.10808074


>> No.10808452


>> No.10808471
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>Show up for interview for promotion at 10:15 for 10:30 interview
>interview is actually at 10

>> No.10808623

is it over

>> No.10808803


>> No.10808884


>> No.10808948
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Shitty corporate food as always

>> No.10809008

looks like the slop you get at IKEA cafeterias kek

>> No.10809152

You take the beatings when you are green, argue for more or better training, hopefully get better and dutifully complete your assigments and get better and more skilled

All of a sudden, you will be in a position where your skills are important to the company, the bosses know it, and you can tell them off when they are treating you wrong/making the wrong decisions.

Then again, I'm a proces operator in a factory that technologically remains in the latter half of the last century, so you need all kinds of mad skills and concentration and years worth of experience to be an asset and navigating through a complex proces where some parts involve turning a valve, and others in making adjustments on the screen that take 4-24 hours to make their impact on the production.

I'm not a priceless invulnable asset, but my training and skills litterally makes me worth millions. And I treat my bosses that way.
When I was a greenhorn I bumbled around like an idiot and failed more often than not though. The first fase of your employment iis where you eat shit and say thank you.

>> No.10809342

>misusing the word kek
That's a felony, faggot