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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 476 KB, 669x669, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10805327 No.10805327 [Reply] [Original]

We are here

>> No.10805346

I'm feeling pretty depressed and I'm still up since january. I cant believe the guys down 90% havent offed themselves yet.

>> No.10805351


>> No.10805356

we're still in anger

reminder that BTC was selling for 200$ in 205 after reaching 1k in 2013

>> No.10805706

can no one use a log plot

can no one even understand what a n s uptake curve is.

Why do fintech guys or fin guys have any idea, or ta or fundies in the face of entirely de novo sui generis tech.

arghhh...see you all at 100k then 1M a coin or at least 500K. by them it should flatten out

>> No.10805863
File: 8 KB, 250x232, 1534684861145s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are all in a dream somewhere in denial and time passes by much slower. maybe if we off yourselves we wake up to 100k, but that is just speculation.

>> No.10805867

If you think this is bad just wait a year or two.

>> No.10805919

This post proves we are at the denial stage

>> No.10805922

Can't XMR just stay at 100 usd

>> No.10805924

this post proves we are in the depression stage

>> No.10805936

I'm not even smiling at this joke, depressed as fuck.

>> No.10805937


>> No.10805938

When moon

>> No.10805997

Can someone explain what is the point of log chart? Why use it instead of others?

>> No.10806001

how about denial

>> No.10806031

humans experience life on a log scale. its why when you are 10 years old, 1 year seems to take forever while when you are 70 years old, 1 year goes by in a blink. to the ten year old, a year is a whole 10% of their life. so your brain experiences the passage of time differently (on a log scale)

>> No.10806071
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log if your chad, linear if your boomer

>> No.10806945
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>> No.10806951

I usually say it once a day but I’m too pussy

>> No.10806993

yes this but it will flatten at about 500K to 1M

>> No.10807012

Your senses too. A sound that is twice as "loud" has 10 times the energy

>> No.10807118

i want to believe

>> No.10807141

4.7k what the fuck? Are we not about to eneter the fucking bull market, or at least move up? I'm gonna get rekt again.

>> No.10807521

>50m BTC
Imagine being this delusional I pray to god this is real but do you really think the ZOG would let that happen? You would have NEETs with Rothschild money at that point. Not gonna happen.

>> No.10807577

Compound interest/decay is exponential and log is the natural scale for exponential processes.

You take the exponential part and put it in the axis so us dumb humans can see changes in the growth rate. Good luck seeing changes in the growth rate in linear plots, esp over longer time-frames.

>> No.10807589

Nope, denial. Your post is evidence.

>> No.10807591

I’m down from 240k to less than 5k.

Life is pain

>> No.10807641

Nope, depression. Your post is evidence.

>> No.10807732

And I thought I was REQt

>> No.10807735
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I think no

>> No.10807739

Some retard will say we are at complacency still

>> No.10807746

Bears are in denial, market is depressed.

>> No.10807752
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>> No.10807800

its obv not linear based its log based

>> No.10807823
File: 410 KB, 2003x928, real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My prediction. Instead of completely ignoring how much closes the highs get to the min line I focused on the high line with a "curve fit". It becomes very obvious that exp growth is decreasing.

>> No.10807845

Holy kek

>> No.10807873

If I had cashed out on january I'd be fucking rich, wanted to cash out on early january but I was all in on nano and mercatox wallets were frozen, crypto was a meme all along.

>> No.10807874

So you think we will never reach an ATH again why????

>> No.10807923

This is, hands down, the worst projection I've ever seen in my entire life. Literally a just a fucking copy & paste.

>> No.10807930


>> No.10807947
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, btc-big-if-true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your meme line is stupid this is the most realistic scenario i have ever seen.

>> No.10807956

most likely because he doesn't understand elementary math and econ basics.

>> No.10807965

>100k by the end of 2018

If we're lucky by the end of 2020

>> No.10807992

don't take it too literally imo more like spring of 2019. but that's not what's important the important part is it's bound to happen. when exactly matters very little.

>> No.10808119

any time you assert that you are defintely 100 percent at the part of your market experience where it is just about to go up and only go up for a long time so everyone should feel great because being depressed means we are all about to makeit and everything will be awesome again soon so buy buy buy

You are at denial.

>> No.10808171

there is no point to a log chart

>> No.10808184

What about the fees though? They'll be like $1k at that point no?

>> No.10808281

Until /biz/ stops coinposting we will never be in depression. So far we are not even close. A few more years if ever is most likely for this bear to play out.

>> No.10808313

>any time you assert that you are defintely 100 percent at the part of your market experience where it is just about to go down and only down for a long time so everyone should feel bad about being in denial means we are never about to makeit and everything will be awfule soon so sell sell sell

>You are at depression.

>> No.10808473

Unless they get lightning network up and running it’s not going to 100k

>> No.10808500

That's bullshit since biz is not a full normie place. There's always going to be people posting about crypto on biz.

>> No.10808570

>not full normie
Oh sweetie, we’s the normies now

>> No.10808579

>they think its anything but complacency
have a special K

>> No.10809091

i think about it but im not a coward

>> No.10809126
File: 532 KB, 669x669, shere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to my calcoolations, we are right in this red box

>> No.10809139

We are to the left of the graph

>> No.10809159

No just $1.40 w/ SegWit if the amount of transactions stays the same

>> No.10809171
File: 49 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, 5700 was depression, then we rose to 8400, crashed to 6300. we will go back to 7800-8400 two more times, and then the bullrun will begin. prove me wrong nigga

>> No.10809199

Denial is where we are at, ETfs, new exchanges, bitcoins hash rate going up, altcoins roadmaps being on "track" media talking about 4chan being the go to for investors, and governments still taking about regulations, it's denial that so how all of this will be fixed and people will get there money back. We need to get to end of year, with bitcoin being around 3-4k, alts websites closing and people going to jail, the shit show has not stared yet, I don't see any new interviews where people are asking how did it happen, I think 2020 will be the next stage. U need a new batch the ones who though they where smart getting in at 6k to then loss money first. The last hope so to say.

>> No.10809225
File: 5 KB, 226x223, images (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your short position then

>> No.10809238

true, just figured out my retirement money is gone...

>> No.10809247

I'm a miner in a university campus, I just mine, and buy check used 1080s to mine and slowly hold TUSD, I'll buy back in when it's at the 3k-4k range, even the big boys ate trying to hold 6k they will cave soon. Bitcoincash is leading the way first.

>> No.10809249

same, my life savings got wiped out thanks to REQ and OMG. but there is hope, I will buy back after the second crash from 8k and then its moon tiem

>> No.10809253

I'm pretty sure we're on the next valley, but definitely in depression.

>> No.10809260
File: 4 KB, 211x239, images (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll buy back in when it's at the 3k-4k range

>> No.10809287

Ikr? Buying anywhere above 1k is literally throwing money away.

>> No.10809316

Lower the better. I stand corrected. Fuck it 150

>> No.10809317

I started with 1400 eur. Highest amount I've reached is 40000, I'm now down to 14000. Just fucking kill me already.

>> No.10809323
File: 62 KB, 582x462, shere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could be right.. would be nice if true

either way inconsequential

>> No.10809338

U still holding on, what u waiting for 500,sell now my frind sell now.

>> No.10809401
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>> No.10809437

peaked at 330k now im only at 30k ish I can confirm I want to kms everyday.

>> No.10809519


>> No.10809561

permabears man... you never get tired of being wrong do you?

>> No.10809926

godspeed anon

>> No.10810022

These are both equally retarded

Likely, except for the bullrun supposedly coming up in a few months. There needs to be a catalyst for a bubble to form. IMO Chainlink has the potential to cause another massive bubble but we'll see. I'm definitely going to sell a LINK for a few BTC when we start mooning.

>> No.10810048

>definitely going to sell a LINK for a few BTC when we start mooning.
going to sell one link for a few bitcoin hell yeah fucking right

>> No.10810096

kek, meant *some LINK. I think we could see <100 LINK = 1 BTC in the future. At Ethereum's highest satoshi value I think it was <7 ETH = 1 BTC

>> No.10810542
File: 57 KB, 940x627, 8834718-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US stocks have been on a long Bull Run after banks were declared 'Too big to fail' in 2008 and this will cause the biggest, worst depression in history to occur sometime in the future that my crystal ball cannot predict. Prepare accordingly.

>> No.10810911

Time will tell my optimistic fren

>> No.10811079

rofl you seen this?

>> No.10811122

gotta look at the whole crypto market cap graph not just bitcorn

>> No.10811170
File: 307 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-222750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again just to back up what I'm saying check pic..

>> No.10811266

what do you think BTC is?

>> No.10811292

Not understanding this is the exact reason I held way too much through January. "It's just a bubble for Bitcoin" is how I justified it to myself.

>> No.10811683

This. Exponential growth peters out over time as humanity becomes saturated DUH