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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10796489 No.10796489 [Reply] [Original]

who /self employed/ here?

>> No.10796503

Me. I'm a financial analyst.

>> No.10796520

Cryptocurrency investor, circa 2017.

>> No.10796535
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thinking of taking the plunge. the age of wagecucking is over... most ppl cannot make it anymore wagecucking like in the past.

i have so many niche ideas, what is the best way to get started and build confidence? side hustle etc

>> No.10796608

What does your work entail friend?

>> No.10796752

Is buying a shitload of stuff on alibaba and reselling it for 200-250% over a reliable way to make side income?
I'm talking vaguely novel things like 90 degree lightning/usb C charging cables, not Wong brand headphones

>> No.10796791

yes, but remember it is extremely saturated, and you will have to pay some big boy fees if you import it.

>> No.10796861

analyzing shitcoins and shill them on /biz/

>> No.10796870

Freelance videographer. Just moved to LA. Not rich but breaking even and thinking about an easy side wagecucking job to break even in the meantime (or expanding my business into software too)

>> No.10796872

Duly noted, guess I'll need to figure out how much extra uncle sam will tack on during import

>> No.10796886


the hack is to import it as a domestic deliver to the customer on order, but its pretty much ilegal and risky.

>> No.10797894

that is interesting to be honest.
Currently in the making of becoming self employed.
Should be up and running in around 6-8 months.
Let's hope crypto is doing an 2-3x at least until EOY and I can do it even faster and chilled.

>> No.10797964
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More like a funnylooking anal-cyst

>> No.10798030

Possible. I tried that with yin and yang chains. I bought twenty for <$20. Kept one for myself, sold two, each for $6 including free postage. Now of the remaining necklaces, the white parts have turned yellow. I don't think I'll be able to sell any more.

>> No.10798052

I don't understand this but it sounds funny.
What's const? Like, consistent or something?

>> No.10798091

the variable / return value or whatever can't be changed and is fixed.

desu it's sad that that pajeet gets praised for this shit.

>> No.10798097

Constipated, used to mark parts of the source code likely to run into race conditions. The compiler picks it up and applies some optimizations to avoid deadlock etc.

>> No.10798132

It stands for 'constant'. All it means is that the particular variable can't be assigned another value later on after initial declaration.

Non const eg:
int variable1 = 3;
variable1 = 5;

So here variable1's final value is 5.

Const eg:
const int variable1 = 3;
variable1 = 5;

Here it will show an error as the second statement is not allowed for a variable of type 'const int'

So basically all she did was go through the source code and add the word 'const' in front of other variables.

>> No.10798157


I don't know if she is retarded or she is a genius actually.

BRB, I'm going to add static and extern keywords in Linux Kernel if nobody did it already.

>> No.10798193

if you have penis or if you are white, you can forget it.
Except you have a penis, but declare yourself a pansexual black lesbian female of syrian heritage.

>> No.10798304

Been self employed running gay porn sites for 20 years. I'll blow my brains out before I ever wage cuck.

>> No.10798427


it is in their genes to do this. most Indians anyway. They have no concept of doing a job properly, just duct taping or cheating their way to what looks like a complete task is fine in their mind, and even when presented with clear evidence they will deny it.

this is why im not afraid of them taking tech jobs. they wont ever be able to replace competence at all. even the indians who are educated in the west, due to their culture or genes, cant do it right. in my classes i remember many doing thinks like copy pasting code form the internet, but putting white colored letters inbetween every word as a fake space to avoid the plagiarism detection. then when easily caught, and asked why by lecturers, they would deny it and say they didnt do it and start crying. what in the fuck?

>> No.10798535

>duct taping or cheating their way to what looks like a complete task is fine in their mind
So true. They call it 'adjusting', which in Indian English means just putting up with something that's inferior or shitty because the people who are supposed to do it right don't do their jobs properly.

>> No.10798574

I always wanted to make niche porn search engine. I like german porn. Do you think it's profitable idea?

>> No.10798641
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>Digital Marketing
>Consultant on the side

I've been self-employed for two years now. Doing surprisingly well for someone my age.

>> No.10798737

Anyone have experience with buying and flipping small businesses? I’m thinking of buying established (5 years or older) companies, financing them, boosting cashflow, and then just selling them for cash after paying off the financing in like 2-3 years.

>> No.10798822

Yes, this works but generally you may want to do rollups to sell for an acceptable multiple. Make sure to practice due dilligence. You should operate like a mini-private equity firm if you want to have lasting success. Dont cuck yourself into buying a seemingly profitable business only to find out you have to wagecuck full time in it to pay the bills and later realize nobody wants to buy it.

>> No.10798874

Well yeah. I don’t plan to RUN the things myself beyond strategy. I intend to just hire good managers.

>> No.10798984
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Mitt Romney used to do that. It was hated on by liberals for how he preyed on businesses and the people who worked in them.

>> No.10799041

That's fucking hilarious. Like adding a bunch of full stops to sentences.

>> No.10799206


smart contract developer

>> No.10799628
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>smart contract developer
Developer as in programmer or in the business end?

I knew a Computer Engineering guy from college who's also doing 'smart contracts'. Last year it was blockchain, before that it was cryptos or IoT.

He couldn't code for shit in college, but was good at schoolwork because he would stay after class and get lecturers to spoonfeed them.

Now he's living in China, jumping from one bubble to the next as a 'coder', making crazy money taking advantage of the stupidity of 'idea guys' who "just need an engineer" to create their product.

Anyway, my point is that if anyone here is a pro/g/rammer, doing what he does is a good way to make money.

>> No.10799704


You're still a cuck with no conviction though.

>> No.10799713


OP you're not in NYC are you?

>> No.10799732

Why are you lying?

>> No.10799765
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Self-employed crypto trader. Now I am free to do what I really wanted to do with my life, which is write, and as long as I'm doing okay with crypto, I don't have to worry about writing what will sell or not -- crypto has given me the freedom to write what I really want to write, fuck pandering to audiences.

Satoshi saved my life.

>> No.10799793

Is correct. I learned this from the normie news story the other day. We're all independent financial analysts.