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File: 20 KB, 254x299, 1510511889710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10792186 No.10792186 [Reply] [Original]

>bitcoin will make me rich someday if I just buy in and hold for multiple years

>> No.10792194

ye we know

>> No.10792197

it will, if you arenn't a retard and understand that the old money is such a fucking huge ponzi pyramid with fucking huge ass cheat codes, like printing extra money..

yes , bitcoin is the currency to hold if you don't want to be robbed by the fiat top

>> No.10792212

this, bitcoin is /ourponzi/

>> No.10792213

Imagine being a btc maximalist fag
>measure in sats bro
>world will use btc as currency bro
>only use alt coins to accumulate sats bro
>all alts are trash
>don't buy LINK, btc will render it worthless by 2020 like every other "hot" alt

>> No.10792216

Isn't that what Buffet did with his boomer stocks?

>> No.10792252

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10792285
File: 23 KB, 410x525, Oktobewhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the old money" is backed by state violence. Bitcoin is not.

Money has to be printed because people vote politicians who spend more money than the state has. The difference must be printed. Such is life in socialism *sighs*.

In short: Blame the people who vote for welfare.

>> No.10792286


>> No.10792298

get a clue ancap weeb

>> No.10792304

it worked for me, kek
t. thanks bitcoin! <3 kek

>> No.10792339

>"the old money" is backed by state violence. Bitcoin is not.
Governments can only afford having an army because people they can easily collect tax on their own issued currency, people didn't have any other choice. New technology changes the logic of violence.
>Blame the people who vote for welfare.
Soon it doesn't even matter what the people vote for. The technology undermines politics, you can't stop what's coming.

>> No.10792354

>everything will be fine once people stop paying taxes

>> No.10792385
File: 272 KB, 953x1200, Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a minarchist, not ancap.

>> No.10792418

I wish taxes could be avoided through bitcoin, unfortunately I don't think it is true. Once bitcoin gets big enough it will be shut down. People using it and not paying taxes will be punished.

>> No.10792420

Bitcoin won't exist in 5 years, it's obsolete

You can screen cap this and look at it before you jump off that overpass when you lose everything.

>> No.10792443


>> No.10792470

whatever. All money is printed, not just the difference. The money the state spends, and the money business takes as loans. You should check how much % goes to public spending vs private. Dont forget the military spending, the thing keeping your country from getting its ass kicked, has accelerated this printing aswell

>> No.10792485

Even brainlets get it