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10789346 No.10789346 [Reply] [Original]

What would be your lame excuse for not going all in on QASH and holding for an easy 100x minimum? I really must know.

>> No.10789407

Only liquidity coming from QRASH is when you piss yourself after you get kayamori'd... again

>> No.10789412

Fuck off with these threads we're starting to look like faggot link shillers. Fuck everyone who isn't in this already they don't deserve it

>> No.10789825

10k or 20k?

>> No.10790522

I come here for Liquid threads only. There are thousands of references to fuckin LINK shit every hour, but not even one thread on this project all day. Making this thread was warranted.

>> No.10790557

How many Lambo's do you want?
In all seriousness, I made this thread because it's unfair to you all to keep this a secret. I feel guilty watching you all dump money on ChainLink while I'm holding an actual gem.

>> No.10790559

I relate to both of these equally. Love seeing this project talked about, but this shit is pearls before swine here

>> No.10790698

I agree. Legit was partly disgusted with myself when I made this thread. At least I won't feel any guilt though when this project succeeds. These stupid LINK holding faggots won't be able to say they weren't warned. Pieces of shit.

>> No.10790744

Yes, atleast 1 thread/day. Hope this goes to $100 someday

>> No.10790852

I think link has its place too, but this thing is going to absolutely explode in Q3. Once Reddit catches wind it’s game on. Should have a lot of steam going for it even before LDL

>> No.10791226

What price are you picturing for Q3? I might throw in some more money for short term profit while I wait for my long term holding to pay off, because why not. Thinking about purchasing a 2-3k stack for this purpose. What will it be worth in the near term?

>> No.10791350
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>asking anonymous people on the internet to tell you what will happen in the future
It will be worth a hundred bajillion magillion Yen, you stupid fuck

>> No.10791396

Yeah who the fuck knows. If Liquid delivers then I think it’ll clear $1 easy. If they nail the LDL alpha/beta and the tokenomics are comfy then $5 with a bull run by EOY is not unrealistic.

>> No.10791430

Im not sure about this one.
What will be the worth of the QASH/Liquid Token when the plattform works perfect? i mean there is no guarantee that the token price has something to do with the success of the plattform or is it bound to some kind of % of the trading volume?

bought 10k some time ago at 0.20$

>> No.10791669

Ok seeing as this threads here anyway I might aswell throw in my two cents worth
Everyone who works for quoine is heavily invested in Qash so giving it good utility that drives the price up is in their best interest
Mike is a financial Japanese lord and a respected person in the finance world, if Qash/LQD fails to deliver what he promises it will tarnish his reputation and he will have to kill himself for the shame of defeat is unbareable for a lord like mike
His life is literally on the line
We're gonna make it

>> No.10791779

I'm holding around 4k I bought at 2$

>> No.10791851
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you just justed and here im sitting with 65k

>> No.10791861
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OMG , look at quoinex landing page.
Is the new platform incoming????

>> No.10791881

its happy NING

>> No.10791899

Rough. The only answer is to big more

>> No.10792258

DCA you dumbfuck

>> No.10792906


>> No.10792986

>tries to shill his exchange coin
>instead talks shit about the project everyone on this board loves
Might want to change your strategy there lad

>> No.10793006

What kind of absolute dumb fuck would invest in a coin before they even know what it’s utility is?
You Qashlets are worse than stinky linkies if you think this will ever go above 5$

>> No.10793124

Someone post a list of bullet points explaining why this is better than the 50 other exchange tokens out there. I will unironically buy 20k right now if you succeed.

>> No.10793133

you will 2x with some luck, and thats if you sell. Looks like you wont so you will actually go -99%

>> No.10793157

Only 20k? Why you so poor?

>> No.10793296

It doesn't have bullet points, it has one feature that it lives and dies on. Global order matching to provide far higher liquidity.
Watch this (for about a minute):
If they can deploy a functional product across the whole crypto/FX that brings that sort of Liquidity to the table then you have a product that high volume/institutional traders will select over any other.

>> No.10794029

just refreshed.
nothing changed :(

>> No.10794903

try now...

>> No.10795827

Can’t believe this is still so under the radar

>> No.10796996

Cant believe this keeps getting bumped

>> No.10797212

looks cool but without knowing the tokenomics youre basically just funding the project and getting nothing in return. currently qash gets you a 5% trading discount which makes it next to worthless.

>> No.10797555

What’s bumped?

>> No.10797568

you just described every ico

>> No.10797678

This is about the best educated gamble you could make in crypto

>> No.10798063
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Thread or any of liquid threads no point shilling this plebs will buy high anyway

>> No.10798494

What this board is not aware of is QASH is not an "exchange token", it is an ERC20 token right now, but soon it will be replaced with it's own decentralized blockchain and renamed to LQD. In the words of the CEO, the coin will out live the company. This is the video where he explains it. https://youtu.be/sE70-p2AQ5s

>> No.10798561

this plus full banking license, the blockchain will be custom-made geared towards financial services which will be all built on top of LQD and powered by the LQD token. but why do you even bother anon these retards cant wrap their puny heads around what this project is going to do.

>> No.10798579

oh and of course muh kayamori'd, nipped, gooked, hurr durr discount token

>> No.10798818
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>> No.10798832

Yeah, this is way too high level for the short attention span people have here. This requires deep analytical skills. Mike Kayamori broke it down and implied that the value of the LQD ledger, if successful, could be worth hundreds of billions or more. He said the value of cryptocurrencies are based on the value of the protocol, yet even a lot of QASH holders till this day believe the value of their investment will rest solely on the "utility" and perhaps the profitability of the Liquid exchange. They obviously cannot do research either. In those cases, there wouldn't be much upside. Anyone who buys this should really be speculating on the success of the Liquid Distributed Ledger Technology. Quoine will be the first company to use it. That's a good start.

>> No.10799262

no change bruh

>> No.10799296

This why i bought in and will buy more before the Liquid launch. Im already 68% in btc so taking .5btc to get up to 50k Qash stack is a good reward to risk potential.

>> No.10799310

Its also why i still have an XRP stack as well.

>> No.10799501

Fucking this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pumped for Liquid, but the LDL is where the true potential lies. I don’t think people understand what an enormous market they’re targeting.