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File: 5 KB, 300x168, am_i_a_cuck?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10787523 No.10787523 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been seeing this total fucking 7.5 out of 10 in the elevator constantly. I do NOT even fucking know her or her name. But there is something about her face that wakes up the betaboi bitch inside of me. I googled what this means and people say its called "onenitis".

The cure for "onenitis" seems to be fucking a ton of other girls. But I already fucked over 80+ different women (mix of escorts and flings) since I was a teenager and its still not working. Some are even hotter than her but they dont have that appeal.

I've been awake for 24 hours now and still can't be productive. This happens EVERYTIME I see her on a fucking elevator because I rush out to get casual sex or escorts if i cant get laid. Which ends up wasting a ton of my time.

What do I do biz? 100% serious here. This happened today, and yesterday as well. Wasted 2 fucking days of my productive time.

>> No.10787549

Start your day 10 minutes earlier or later

>> No.10788090

fu k her

>> No.10788120

Talk to her?

>> No.10788130

Sup /biz/, giving little bitch boys dating advice again? K Bye

>> No.10788177

>Start your day 10 minutes earlier or later
I meet her completely randomly not constantly in the morning etc. Which is why I saw her yesterday then I immediately went out to fuck some escorts. I promised myself I'll be productive today then at a completely different time today I saw her again then I went out to fuck other girls again.

I wasnt even horny before I saw her but I suddenly had the urge to fuck someone which killed a huge chunk of my productive time. She's not even a complete stunner just cute.

>fu k her
I wish I could to get this shit over with. Normally when I fuck a girl I get bored after 2 to a maximum of 3 meetup sessions.

>Talk to her?
That would be creepy as fuck lol. I dont have an excuse to talk to her.

>> No.10788183

Beta male

>> No.10788188

Its career advice as well lol because im sure you guys also got distracted at one point at work because of a chick.

>> No.10788246

hey, I know what you do. kys faggot
>I've been awake 24 hours
stfu u little beta cuck

>> No.10788280

>that would be creepy as fuck
this is bait as fuck and you are a faggot
>I just go out and get casual sex whenever I'm feeling sexually frustrated
>but no I can't talk to this girl

in the event that you're actually retarded, have you ever considered just making her your permanent girl (solving your sexual frustration problem)?

>> No.10788454

Why the fuck are you so angry bro? Did you think the girl in my post is your mom? kek

>> No.10788480

>in the event that you're actually retarded, have you ever considered just making her your permanent girl (solving your sexual frustration problem)?

Lol wouldnt it be great if we could just make any random girl whos name we dont even know our GF. The absolute state

>> No.10788519

nice bait

>> No.10788609

Lol I baited him with mom jokes but I'm 100% serious about this thread.

>> No.10789298
File: 6 KB, 250x167, 1533177029151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is infatuation?

protip: You are your only chance at love. People will never love you. They will only love what you can bring them.

>> No.10789357

stop fighting your mind. just let your mind think about her. you don't have to actually do anything.
eventually your mind will settle down and you can do other things.

>> No.10789378
File: 206 KB, 458x446, 1533997200493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What zoomer shitcoin is this? Sage

>> No.10789471

I have a gf of 2 years but to progress in my career I have to move which means leaving her

what do

>> No.10789506

>What do I do biz?
take the stairs. to the top.
>and you know what comes next

>> No.10789516

Watch the movie Weekend at Bernie’s and you will be given the answer.

>> No.10789536

you think you have it bad? Imagine sitting across from the sweetest, most attractive girl you've ever met in the office but she is married to chad. she either talks about chad at work or about other guys she thinks are hot. not to make me jealous though, just to subtly announce that she is desirable and i will never have a chance

>> No.10789551


I left. See if she wants to go with you

>> No.10789966

If Jamal can do it why can’t you?