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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, ren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785634 No.10785634 [Reply] [Original]

Get this now, mainnet soon. darkpools, maximum 10k nodes. almost free money

>> No.10785650

Delete this

>> No.10785667

why is this needed when you can already do hidden orders on bitfinex?

>> No.10785686

because the logo looks cool

>> No.10785690

>almost free money
how much for a node in $

>> No.10785709

I think around $2200 now
Logo is cool, also less effect on market/price

>> No.10785728
File: 72 KB, 646x767, X-NgvK029jaJVQAnAGs_5RHiBCeuveXdIRLHfGq08t8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Already got my node, no fiat left for a second..

But this project worries me. If they make the best darkpool protocol and no one has even heard of them, how the hell do they hope to succeed?

They need BIG liquidity partners right from the get go.

>> No.10785745

hm I remember looking at this a few months ago. iirc polychain capital invested like $10 million into this. Only saying that because they are probably the only non meme hedge fund in crypto.

Had a look and seems theyve made some progress on the testnet since I last looked. The UI looks like dogshit though. Also, are orders all settled onchain? i.e. you have to pay ETH fees? Why not do this on EOS instead.

>> No.10785755

>BIG liquidity partners right from the get go.
I think they do. They have polychain capital. They have $1 billion+ in liquid crypto. I dont know if polychain is still hodling though..

>> No.10785767

Valid concern. I suppose this is the biggest risk of investing in this one right now.

>> No.10785776
File: 18 KB, 280x280, 41pABlB2jzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The logo reminds me of one of these. Who used to play with this as a kid?

>> No.10785804
File: 531 KB, 1800x1350, ferrari-f40-S2834180-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what you're talking about.

Bitfinex has an OTC desk, and it's literally a desk, manned by a guy in a suit, who takes calls and emails, and matches orders via Skype. I know because I called the guy, probing around for information and how they operate.

>> No.10785828

well that makes sense. You still need OTC even with dark pools because even if the orders are hidden, they size of the order still indirectly influences the price. So if your buying 10's or even hundreds of millions, you'll do it OTC. Even if you have access to a dark pool exchange

>> No.10785846
File: 36 KB, 300x315, 1500142596758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they do.

I meant like an exchange. They need to partner with the equivalent of a Kraken or Binance as their go-to dark pool service.

Ideally, if their protocol is slick, they hope to link up orders from multiple exchanges with their APIs, so theoretically, it's possible for them to become the go-to dark pool matching service which would be amazing.

Of course the risk is, that it will fizzle out without anyone ever hearing of them.

But such is life investing in VC and crypto shit.

>> No.10785851

thoughts on this? https://blog.airswap.io/introducing-conversational-otc-trading-358f15d8e9e4

>> No.10785875

I think they said its not tied to Eth, can be run on a different platform as well in the future if needed.

Not sure how flexible the atomic swap layer is. Not my expertise.

>> No.10785906

Dude, it looks like some IBM tier shit, holy fuck, I might invest just because of the logo

>> No.10786599

My initial investment got REKT, but this was always a longer play.

>> No.10787280
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 08 - Sakura's Rival Appears.mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2012.09.22_16.20.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
