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File: 74 KB, 800x534, hes17yearsolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10782451 No.10782451 [Reply] [Original]

He just hired a lawyer to get that crazy cunt Bank's phone because he wanted their text messages and photos they have been sending back and forth. He is trying to buy her phone to keep them secret.

What the fuck is going on, how did Grimes get him this drugged up in like 3 months.

Also, "Funding Secured", "Pedo Guy", and that interview where he cried a few days ago, claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day

full psychotic break from reality

>> No.10782459

forgot link


>> No.10782483


>> No.10782552


Just a regular boomer going through mid life crisis, nothing to see. Move on.

>> No.10782576
File: 53 KB, 483x350, ivanadonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's genX

also he has an important job in teh /biz/ world ^_^

>> No.10782585

>claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day
you do know rich people have every second of the day accounted for. Even when he fucks of its scheduled out. They are not like you and me

>> No.10782600

You're mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.10782608
File: 550 KB, 926x666, Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 8.43.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're mentally ill. Seek help.
lol what?

Musk is having a literal nervous breakdown, and is being investigated by the SEC for his tweets and I am mentally ill for stating facts?

>> No.10782640


just le'm cool off mate. Just a regular dude trying to launch shit into space and building electric cars. Kinda run into every day issues and every day stress, dude gotta crack a cold one open with the boys head over to Zuckersnerg and smoke some meats in his backyard.

>> No.10782677
File: 1.07 MB, 1394x1102, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 8.22.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do know rich people have every second of the day accounted for. Even when he fucks of its scheduled out. They are not like you and me
So his schedule was like "9:04am -11:09am, tweet about a submarine you are having your engineers build out of a Falcon Heavy (TM) Rocket Tube, and from 11:09-11:16am call anyone who is actually on site and says it won't technically fit... a pedophile"

>> No.10782744
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>investigating tweets

>> No.10782745

sure. Or he could be doing that shit from his phone in meetings

>> No.10782756

>>investigating tweets


>> No.10782839

Why is the Stock not getting hammered

>> No.10783038

According to that CDAN site he will be kicked out from Tesla in a matter of a few months or less

>> No.10783083

Who's that kid?

>> No.10783101

He's getting fucked cause he called out the (((media)))

>> No.10783280

>He's getting fucked cause he called out the (((media)))
seems more like it's his own behavior desu

>> No.10783485


>> No.10783649
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He's just hangry.

>> No.10783686

Elon upset the elites in control of the media, now his life is being hurt for it

>> No.10783714

Damn how could he even get an erection?

>> No.10783735


it was a different time

>> No.10783766
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Hm, wonder who's spearheading this

>> No.10783938

>musk goes batshit insane and does batshit insane stuff on drugs
damn jews!

>> No.10783942

Grimes is literally a backstabbing crazy autistic rat dweller.

At least now we know Elon has a big dick.

>> No.10783968

Musk ruined his life by dating Grimes, can't make this shit up.

>> No.10783980

verga, jajajajaja "Mr. Noseberg" graphic description

>> No.10784132

Why does he always go for these types of women?

>> No.10784164

What a time to be alive!

>> No.10784211

it's almost like dating retarded drug addled women is not a good idea

>> No.10784265

>it's almost like dating retarded drug addled women is not a good idea
but she writes songs about being raped, so it's ok

>> No.10784289

Honestly this is just Banks getting free publicity.

>> No.10784308

yeah because Musk has been 100% stable lately and having that crazy bitch over to his house then trying to buy and destroy her cell phone is not weird at all

>> No.10784334

There's no evidence he did that. He didn't even meet her. Grimes just invited her over for some collaboration shit and she got the idea to create a scandal and use his name for free advertising.

>> No.10784354

What is that thing Mr president
She has to go back

>> No.10784386

>There's no evidence he did that.

>> No.10784421

Musk is right to do these things.
Best CEO except maybe Bezos

>> No.10784436

Imagine defending an insane egomaniac who's had 5 unrelated scandals just this year alone.

>> No.10784452

He's like Warren Buffet if Warren Buffet were a skank fucking coke snorting 4 time divorced insane megalomaniac who called people who saved children pedophiles

>> No.10784517

Truly the hero we deserve

>> No.10784567

You can't molest children if they are dead...
Must was right again

>> No.10784579

He is totally coming back from a few month long drug trip.

>> No.10784581

Just the equivalent these days. No one is like old boomers like Warren. Gotta throw their own flair on it.

>> No.10784585

what's the story behind coke? I know only about his Ambien abuse

>> No.10784611

>She then went on to ask Business Insider to write about her cosmetics range.
I feel like she is the one going full psycho

>> No.10784630

>he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week

>> No.10784655

she has always been a psycho

musk had her over to his house while he and grimes were doing drugs and crying, and today musk's lawyer is trying to get her cell phone destroyed and musk deleted his instagram page

>> No.10784666

And you are basically relaying words going straight out of the mouth of a pyscho bitch

>> No.10784694

This. He called out his own kin and is being (((removed)))

>> No.10784696

Musk admits she was there, he admits he took down his instagram page and there is evidence his lawyer is trying to get Bank's cell phone.

Yeah nothing is going on, banks and musk have never met, banks is just making everything up

If Bill Gates had Charles Manson over to his house and then tried to destroy the records after admitting he was over there... would that NOT be weird because you think charles manson was "crazy" to start with?

>> No.10784701

the story is that someone on biz said he does coke

>> No.10784715


>> No.10784730

They met, but this psycho bitch is doing a psychic episode, she sees things that weren't. that's it. People have been attacking elon for years now, saying he is doing a mental breakdown, his company will fail, blabla it's all the same it's just boring at this point

>> No.10784770

His biggest mistake was letting his degenerate girlfriend bring a crazy nigger into his home. He's from South Africa, he should know better.

>> No.10784776

i wonder why people keep saying that about elon, i wonder why they have been saying it more lately? has anything been going on lately that might make people say that?

it's not that they "met" like at an airport, Elon, who has been doing drugs lately, had that crazy bitch over to his house for a weekend and did a bunch of fucked up shit with her and now does not want anyone to know what happened

>> No.10784783

Elon has always done crazy shit and drugs, read his bio

>> No.10784794

I've read it pedo guy

>> No.10784802

sleep deprivation. not even once!

>> No.10784855

Sleep deprivation doesn't do this. It's all part of a plot that he plays a role in, they are turning Elon Musk into a Spiderman-Villain-like supercriminal. It's all scripted.

>> No.10784879

>16 posts by this nose
why were you ordered to make this thread? is israel worried gentiles look up to musk?

>> No.10784892

i wish i was elon musks son

>> No.10784903

He's got a fetish for mentally unstable, male-abusing, cunts.

See his 2x ex-wife, Amber Heard, this latest creature.

>> No.10784931
File: 16 KB, 404x399, 1481819723621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mebe he needs bizza.

>> No.10784959

>why were you ordered to make this thread? is israel worried gentiles look up to musk?

>> No.10784960

I've read it and don't recall any drug use

>> No.10784972

He is a CIA nigger implementing reverse engineered tech

>> No.10784981

meh it wasn't explicit, but it was clear for me when they talked about his weird side and the party he was throwing

>> No.10784989

yes, he has proved himself to be a freethinker, uncontrollable by the media.
now there is this coordinated attack on his character from all sides. elon is starting to crack, but it's because he has the weight of the political crony-capitalist machine on his shoulders.

>> No.10785054


It’s like Apple he can be as fucked up as he wants and people will still love the company and aspire to be part of it, jobs was a massive cunt and people love him and his company

>> No.10785059

Not to turn this into a /fit/ thread, and you aren't wrong on what you said. But... if Elon really is on sleeping pills and is grinding himself down on 120hr workweeks, then sleep deprivation is surely messing with his reasoning and judgment by a good extent.

>> No.10785195

If by people you mean thots and tech illiterate boomers, I agree wholeheartedly.
>sent from my iPhone

>> No.10785832


>> No.10786296

Um. I would say that would be plausible but Elon is actually tweeting this shit out. No other billionaire CEO's are building meme submarines that are dogshit for publicity, then when someone makes fun of the submarine, he calls them a pedo...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is Elon's own doing. Always thought he was a HYPEJOB. His businesses suck, and basically have a bunch of reddit fanboys buying the stock because it seems like r/ futurology type of escapist reality bullshit.


>> No.10786391


yeah he hosts coke fuelled sex parties at his mansion attended by (((hollywood elites)))

>> No.10786460

How do you drink onions? Like a smoothie or something?

>> No.10786503

this insane art school bitches will burn everything down then blame you

>> No.10786616


>> No.10786691
File: 210 KB, 1156x1180, 1518199928382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 posts by this ID
What's the longnose tribe's endgame with Elon and this constant astroturfing?

>> No.10786714

Not an argument

>> No.10786758

This unironically

Tesla's meltdown will be spectacular.

It was retarded to begin with to think he can juggle tesla and spacex

>> No.10786807
File: 35 KB, 560x577, 1530914284337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not an argument
Not an argument.

>> No.10786814

>that interview where he cried a few days ago, claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day


He’s so full of shit

>> No.10786839

Forgot to change your ID. No shekels will be deposited.

>> No.10786857


>> No.10787607

reminder he is filling grimes


>> No.10787745

Based elon

>> No.10787827

Why would you ever deal with Azealia Banks that girl is a walking dumpster fire who fucks up anyone she comes into contact with. Honestly wtf grimes YA BLEW IT

>> No.10788109

agreed. hes losing it. (((they))) have finally got to him

>> No.10788809

>autistic billionaire calls out the media
>gets fucked on all sides
technically Elon should be one of our boys and have support here

you fucking summerfags seemingly don't know the history of this website

>> No.10788822

she got dumped over it

after having plans to have his children and get pregnant in a few months with him.

>> No.10788829
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1527610453638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>billionaire risks it all to work hard and lose it all for no benefit
>loses sanity
>company gets stolen from him
>wasn't his company in the first place
>nothing of value was lost

>> No.10788839

zerohedge/drudge/breitshart and other types are all anti-elon aligned for some reason, probably advertisers or something.

Not sure why, they are dumb for it

>> No.10788856


musk is an autistic retard. learn from his mistakes biztards. Only chads can be chads and fuck emos and maintain sanity.

>> No.10788909

Drudge/brietbart/zerohedge love relying on oil countries, love relying on power plants, etc. Tesla even if you hate it as some liberal company because of subsidies is pushing decentralization technologies that disrupt global chains like oil and power.

There is nothing better than solar panels and EV cars for decentralization.

>> No.10789258


>[citation required]

>> No.10789267

Elon fell victim to a very common thing, he was Cunt Struck

>> No.10789324


>> No.10789389

>citation needed
think about the technology brainlet, do you seriously only think or accept something when someone tells you on 4chan?

solar panels and batteries are small, portable and work anywhere on the planet you can get sun. think about oil now. massive cost and operation for extraction, processing, refinement and transportation for you to use.

>> No.10789417
File: 52 KB, 524x574, 1528920292892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man can't even manage his own life. You expect him to manage multiple companies and be a father figure to his kids?

>> No.10789435
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1528324093210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Elon dust is the only person capable of creating a solar panel battery.
>We should reward failures.

This is you.

>> No.10789442

Musk has always been s government subsidized con man

>> No.10789461

apologies fine anons, i thought the topic was decentralization pushed by solar tech, not if elon can personally bring decentralization about himself with the tech. in the case of the latter, no i think elon is a raging homosexual that lied about teslas finances for a lot longer than anyone realized.

>> No.10789573

>full psychotic break from reality

>> No.10789734

I like watching bad things happen to Musk only because so many Reddit nerds love him.

>> No.10789779

close to becoming the next howard hughes

>> No.10789894

Hughes would post on /r9k/

>> No.10789946
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk is exactly what happens when betas try to cheat reality with money.

>> No.10789964

wtf cuckerberg looks like a child hahahahahah what a fag

>> No.10789999

>meet on twitter 90 days ago:


>grimes does some usual grimes shit that she has been constantly doing for 15 years and hangs out with a weirdo


>> No.10790016

Nice get

There’s something seriously wrong with musk

>> No.10790031

I've noticed ever since he told MSM to fuck off and has gotten back on the Trump train that you shills seem to be out for blood with him.

>> No.10790036

>claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week when he spends all his time tweeting, going on vacation, fucking grimes, lurking news in 3rd world countries building submarines as a meme and god knows what else all day every day

Did he really say he worked 120 hours a week?

>> No.10790058

>Musk gets high on drugs and does a bunch of hilarious shit in public including saying arabs are buying out is company and fucking some drug skag who invites over the craziest bitch on earth for a weekend party
>we laugh at his drugged up public antics he goes out of his way to broadcast all over the world to anyone who will listen on twitter, instagram and TV

>> No.10790072

Yep this and only this.

>> No.10790090

Holy shit this

>> No.10790102

Why are all the relationships were the man is more than 3 cm bigger than the woman always so fucking bad ?

>> No.10790107

You have literally no proof that he was tweeting "high on drugs" or being drugged up in public or otherwise. All you have is some room temperature IQ nigress's word, with obviously isn't worth shit. Keep being delusional, though.

>> No.10790114

>This. He called out his own kin
Musk is a goy

>> No.10790121

They constant anti-Musk shilling is reaching a fever pitch.

>> No.10790123

>claiming he works at the TSLA factory 120 hours a week
rich faggots always do that. they basically add all and everything to "working time". checking emails while surfing the web for 2 hours? -> 2 hours of work. sitting in the company for 5 hours while actually only drinking monster zero ultra and jerking off -> 5 hours of work. driving to work -> worktime. sleeping -> its work. thinking about work -> its work work. vacation -> its work because its to relax for work.
rich people claim they work so hard, when they actually dont. they just wanna justify why they are so super wealthy.

>> No.10790162
File: 371 KB, 569x914, 18101bdd-296d-4245-b222-955f05da433f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you tards even believe a word out of Bank's smelly jagged ass mouth?

This shit is so fake it hurts. No two people on this planet can text, send, and receive this much information in literally 1 minute. Go ahead and try to recreate this and the other texts on your phone and see how long it takes you to type, send, and receive. Even if you could, you'd have to be typing and reading as fast as humanly fucking possible. Banks just trying to make some easy publicity and throwing a fit for Grimes ditching her punk ass.

>> No.10790194
File: 776 KB, 590x590, 1530253670642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you tards even believe a word out of Bank's smelly jagged ass mouth?
Because she told the truth and Musk lied.

In the beginning Bank's said she was there for 2 days and heard musk crying a lot and she was waiting for grimes.

Musk said he has never met her or seen her.

Musk then changed his story and admitted he lied and she had stayed in his house all weekend while he cried and grimes consoled him.

When you invite the craiszet person on the planet over to your house, that's where you screw up. you can't do that and then later say "that bitch is crazy, so it's ok", well the issue was you had her over, not that she is not mentally well

explain to me what part of this is confusing to you and i will explain it again using smaller words

>> No.10790224

>Musk then changed his story and admitted he lied and she had stayed in his house all weekend while he cried and grimes consoled him
Putting words in his mouth, all he said was he saw her 30 secs before she left. Musk has multiple massive houses, very easily could have been in another house for the first day/not seen her just due to the sheer size of the place.

And if you think that """leaked""" text is real, you have brain problems. Most people can't even type that much on a keyboard going as fast as they can in under 1 minute, let alone two drug-addled whores casually conversating.

>> No.10790244

Zerohedge is run by Russians

>> No.10790248

She was at his house, he had her over then lied about it.

It's hilarious.

He won't stop calling people pedophiles who say negative things about his submarines or tweeting about selling Tesla to the Saudis or making his child like pop gf change her legal name 2 saturdays after their first date and broadcast all this on a world stage begging us to watch his psychotic break in real time

that's all

>> No.10790255

>he doesn't use a mbp
>he doesnt understand female texting ability

>> No.10790263

It’s the Jews fault

>> No.10790272

crazy bitches can type 120wpm on a phone like it's nothing, i like how that is the one part you don't find factual

>> No.10790300

All he said was he hadn't met her. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, dude is too busy sucking Saudi cock and popping ambien to pay attention to every smelly slag Grimes drags in. If the Rihanna wannabe is lying about the texts, she's probably lying about all this other bullshit and making a stink like she she's always done in the past so she can try to be "Kanye-famous" by getting in fights with people.

>> No.10790305

>All he said was he hadn't met her. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't,
what is wrong with you

>> No.10790322

Actually now that we know she was there, everything she says makes perfect sense I don’t think she’s smart enough to make up a narrative about hearing musk cry and beg for funding over the phone from strange people

Given the fact that we know that she was there now it’s more likely that’s exactly what she overheard then it is she’s smart enough to make all that shit up and keep up with the teslas ongoing issues from a corporate standpoint to make up such a believable narrative

>> No.10790328

>crazy bitches can type 120wpm on a phone like it's nothing
Exaggerating. It's not the one part, it's just the most blatant thing. The world record for phone typing is about 75 GWAM. Both these whores would have to be casually conversating at around 65 GWAM not even counting the time to send/recieve/read each message. It's just not at all plausible.


>> No.10790348

christ son get it together

>> No.10790352

>I don’t think she’s smart enough to make up a narrative about hearing musk cry and beg for funding over the phone from strange people
Literally all she said was "he was looking for investors". All you'd have to do on your 9+ hour flight back to NY (that she was pissed about) is type in Elon's name and see the shitstorm of articles erupting about "WHOA DOES HE REALLY HAVE FUNDING SECURED ELON FOR PRISON 2019" and say "I saw him in the kitchen he was on acid" just to get under his skin. Bitch lied and said Russell Crowe raped her in front of a bunch of people too, she's not unfamiliar with lying, this one isn't even complex.

>> No.10790353

You moron

Everyone under thirty who has friends and and a phone can have that convo in under a minute

This post was written in under twenty seconds on mobile...

>> No.10790369

If it's so easy go ahead and break the world record right now then. I'll wait.

>> No.10790372

apocalypse plz

>> No.10790374

Being the crazy bitch she is if she wanted to make shit up she would have said he was doing blow off an endangered narwhal corpse.

She was there, Musk lied about it, she saw him crying and begging investors for money. Now Musk deleted his instagram and won't give her back her phone

i believe her

>> No.10790398

Elon doing LSD makes perfect sense, though

>Sheltered adolescence
>Open minded
>Girlfriend does drugs
>Under a lot of pressure
>Erratic behaviour

This is exactly what happens when undersocialized nerds get thrown in with the rave / electronic crowd.

>> No.10790413

there's irony in the fact that reddit has actually become the new pre-2007 4chan
this place - i don't even know anymore

>> No.10790423

Musk never said she wasn't there. If Musk was really crying and begging investors for money, those same investors would have leaked those details to Wallstreet when they were throwing their fit for not having the insider knowledge about Musk's plan. Lol, like he'd really be calling investors up "can ya spot me 40 bill man I made some fucked up tweets?" instead of the Saudi's we already know he's talked to.

>> No.10790434

>Musk never said she wasn't there.
This is hilarious, reach harder bro. He spent the fucking weekend with her at his house then lied about it, it's not fuckgin complicated.

people lie

>> No.10790441

I agree but "Elon does acid" is not the same headline as "Elon does so much acid he cries and calls random investors looking for 40 billion in the kitchen and taps a random NY rapper's phone for two weeks for seemingly no reason"

>> No.10790452

He was crying after he realized that he fucked up by dropping acid and announcing to the world out of nowhere that Tesla was going private

I don't know why you're stuck on "crying and begging", the most damaging part of this is the confirmed drug abuse and social naivety of Musk

He's going to be removed as CEO. They'll let him step down gracefully.

>> No.10790470

Sorry you're so retarded you don't understand what a lie is. Seek medical help

>> No.10790475

Yeah of course Banks's story is exaggerated but the CEO going in emotional acid trips (and not being smart enough to not use social media while under the influence) is damning enough.

I say this as a successful engineer who goes to a few raves each year -- the worst part is that Elon can't handle himself. The rest is forgivable.

>> No.10790488

>he actually truly believes Musk would get kicked out over some random trash-rat "rapper's" twitter rant
Look I get that everyone hates Musk for being a smug cunt, I do too, but this is insane. Not like he'd be the first Silicon Valley nerd to microdose.

>> No.10790490

I like how the musk defenders are saying "she didn't hear him crying" how do they not get that him doing drugs and having that crazy bitch over to his house is the issue?

>> No.10790499

He's dating a pop-artist, not a crime to let her bring people over.
Not uncommon for Silicon Valley CEO's to microdose, provided she's even telling the truth, which she very clearly isn't.
Not defending Musk, just not believing trash like Banks either, not my fault you don't know the difference

>> No.10790503

Funding Secured, Pedo Guy

>> No.10790517

>Not defending Musk, just not believing trash like Banks either
we know she was there, we know musk does drugs, we know he was crying in an interview just this week on TV

Her seing him do drugs and cry is exactly what we would expect. He has been doing drugs, he has been crying.

wtf bro

>> No.10790521

first off, since when is elon a jew? hes a white south african
youre fucking retarded and you need to fix your j-dar

secondly, hes been working WITH the media since the credit downgrade to get retail to flip short. then he writes puts on his "antics" or whatever FUD he throws on himself, and squeezes retail after releasing some immaculately timed press releases (then everyone else piles on too for the squeeze). i literally cant even remember how many times hes done this at this point. at least 3 times this year

so whats the difference?
look at the class action against him. most importantly the names suing elon.

it wasnt just retail that got trapped short this time, it was big boys and hedges this time. and a lot of them. they do this kind of shit w analysts upgrade/downgrades all the time, so they know DAMN well what it looks like. however musk didnt go through the usual channels, nor did he have a very good plan this time. so he tweeted out this half baked idea (that, if the funds were NOT secured, is most certainly blatant securities manipulation) and now has to somehow scramble to get the saudis to give him the money and make it look like they did it weeks ago. if not, he IS going to prison, and then the saudis will probably buy it anyways, so i cant see why theyd bother to tell the lie, just to help him out of a jam

well see though
regardless, i hope the SEC is bothering to look at all the rest of the obvious times hes been manipulating his stock to rob shorts. its the reason that the stock is trading where it is now in the first place. theres a laundry list of securities fraud from this year alone. naturally though, it took some big fish getting squeezed before the SEC decided to take notice

>> No.10790532

It would be like if she was hanging out at Hulk Hogan’s house over the weekend and she said she saw him lift weights and eat hamburgers and everybody called her a crazy bitch

>> No.10790540

Sending you my regards for your expired TSLA options, I hope you can find another way to afford brain surgery

>> No.10790545

>It would be like if she was hanging out at Hulk Hogan’s house over the weekend and she said she saw him lift weights and eat hamburgers and everybody called her a crazy bitch

>> No.10790568

He's going to jail, dude. He's not going to run the company from jail. That was securities fraud.

It's interesting to note that Musk may have been on LSD on or around the time he did engage in manipulation, and it may weigh on board members to remove him sooner rather than later -- but either way, he's out.

>> No.10790570

Interesting observation.

>> No.10790576


>> No.10790589

Cause only these type of women would tolerate this guy. Proof that no matter how rich you are, you'll only get what you can.

>> No.10790596

>That was securities fraud
Literally all he needs to get out of a security fraud charge is verbal proof that a deal could feasibly go through. The Saudis still haven't denied what he said about the multiple meetings, it's pretty likely they really did give him "no doubt that a deal could be made" and that's all he'd really need to get off those charges. Deal going through is a different story though (Saudi's will probably let a deal fall through just to fuck him and eliminate competition for their other electric)

>> No.10790604

He traded in for a new one. Twice!

>> No.10790649

sounds like a fucking g to me

>> No.10790652

Do you really think the Saudis offered him $420 / share?

They might have made an offer. If it wasn't $420, the world's most expensive ever pot joke from a country that kills anyone found smoking pot ... He's going to jail.

>> No.10790685

Saudi's can make plenty of offers they have no intention of following up. They could have said $900 per share and they could STILL back out and Elon STILL wouldn't go to prison because they gave him some verbal confidence in a deal and that's all he really needs to kill a lawsuit.

>> No.10790687

tbf, black people in America is much crazier than in SA.

>> No.10790690

Yeah Zerohedge is really obvious about it. Every single article about Tesla is fanantically bearish in a really clickbaity way. And it's never about SpaceX, only Tesla.

>> No.10790699

AHAHAHA. Can't believe he fell for the same trick twice.

>> No.10790705

No. It has to be exactly $420.

If it was some other number, and Elon changed it, he's fucked.

There also has to be evidence. The Saudis are unlikely to back him up. They gain nothing from doing so.

>> No.10790711
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>> No.10790725

It really doesn't. If they said "we can offer funding for up to 70 billion" that's enough for him to make a $420 claim. Gives him room to budge it up to 450+ if there's a "no" vote.

>> No.10790768

elon had no clue what the fuck was going on. grimes invites over some nig rapper and musk okays it flippantly because he has way bigger shit on his plate than whatever the fuck grimes is doing. little does musk know this bitch is literally fucking insane and ruthless, like psychotic level insane but also a loud black woman on top of that. i'm sure musk had no fucking clue at all this bitch was around and he was probably on drugs and kinda losing his shit from all the stress.
if you've ever lurked on /mu/ you'll know grimes is literally the queen adhd brainlet spaced out artfag musician who would blather anything and everything to this psycho negress without even considering the ramifications because she has no experience with black people at all being a faggot canadian white hipster. so banks chimps out (fucking surprise surprise) and no one can contain her and grimes has told her literally everything and now musk is damage controlling personally with banks. on top of this bank is psychotic so she is exaggerating everything. it's a total shitstorm and musk deserves every bit of it for sticking his allegedly generous member in a methed out lo fi pop artist from montreal. the absolute fucking state of the world where someone as connected and successful as musk is THIS fucking bluepilled about wymyn

>> No.10790798 [DELETED] 

You're an obvious plebbiter

>> No.10790808

To be fair that diver was being a cunt. He told Elon to shove his sub up his arse. What a chippy faggot.

>> No.10790812

What do you think is more likely:

Saudi Arabia made a credible offer to buy Tesla at $420 a share when the stock has never broke $400 and has a negative outlook;


Elon Musk did acid with his girlfriend and made a really terrible decision because he wanted to short squeeze the people making his life hell and threw in a pot reference like an absolute fucking moron.

Keep in mind, he just seized the cellphone of the person implying the above, broke down in tears, deleted his social media, and unfollowed his girlfriend.

>> No.10790834

this is unironically the smartest post itt, and of course it brings out the dunning-kruger replies of retards who poorly estimate time yet refuse to break it down scientifically

also the bluepills levels itt from anons who seemingly know every detail of irrelevant people is off the charts. who the fuck is grimes or banks or whoever. you won't build a business by reading tabloids

>> No.10790867


>> No.10790883

Another boomer in utter disbelief that two women can manage to type a few sentences in UNDER A WHOLE MINUTE on their smart phones.

Lol at tabloids. You're reading one right now old man.

>> No.10790900

why do his rockets go laterally to the earth and then disappear from trackers

>> No.10790926

>drugged out whores nearly break world records every time they get on their phones because they're millennials


>washed-up trashy wanna-be rapper skank with a reputation for exaggerating and having a loud mouth decided to fake some texts for extra publicity

>> No.10790962

He trusted a Jewess and he relaxed around blacks.

>> No.10790963


Have you ever seen millennial women text? 90% of the people around you have convos that quickly all day. Many people pull that off while driving...

Go outside.

>> No.10790976

Can someone explain to me what a "banks" is

>> No.10791015

prove it

>> No.10791032

>he didn't think that she was dating him for maximum bragging rights to her friends

>> No.10791059

Grimes is so autistic that she doesn't even have any friends

>> No.10791127

i sold after the "bears and sabotage" thing awhile back so i don't have a stake in this, but as a fan of hip hop, azealia banks isn't exactly reliable either. but of course this is dumb for a ceo so i hope no one's still waiting on 420

>> No.10791200

a screen of text messages all in under 1 minute? really? i call absolute bullshit.

>> No.10791232

That or an extract I would think

>> No.10791643

Because zerohedge is run by Russia.
Trump is a puppet of Russia.
Trump hates green tech and loves coal.
So obvious.

>> No.10792112

>No two people on this planet can text, send, and receive this much information in literally 1 minute.

t. someone thats never texted a girl ever

>> No.10792144

girls wait a minute to reply so they don't come off as desperate

>> No.10792176
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reddit isn't always awful

>> No.10792187


lol no

>> No.10792188

you have a small brain. Get friends

>> No.10792220

No. Get out.

>> No.10792611


>> No.10792628

that's how it worked last decade bruv

>> No.10792759

what is wrong with you?

>> No.10793824


>> No.10793875

>He just hired a lawyer to get that crazy cunt Bank's phone because he wanted their text messages and photos they have been sending back and forth. He is trying to buy her phone to keep them secret.

Interesting, I didn't know Elon was a coal burner.

>> No.10793973

Please be real

>> No.10794547

I wish i could hug him and say that everything will be okay, after drinking milk-shake with him and grimes.

>> No.10794567
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>> No.10794692

He’s going to lose his job isn’t he?

>> No.10794707

Ano, he OWNS his job

>> No.10794768

I love biz

>> No.10795311

gtfo commie scum

>> No.10795538


>> No.10796479


>> No.10796488

This all sounds fake as fuck

>> No.10796497
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based elon

>> No.10796531
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honestly anon, it's part of them being stupid and wanting to feel smart and valued. They aren't happy with themselves and don't generally have great artistic insight. So when they feel unhappy, instead of it being something self inflicted that can be fixed with self betterment, they externalize it in a dramatic "artistic" fashion. It's basically like when a child throws a fit about something to get attention. Except this is conducted under the guise of "artistic expression".
I hate this so much. Once had a boss would complain about long days he was working, I started working with him more closely - in one instance I watched him sit for 3 hours watching tv, and clicking through a powerpoint he had open on his laptop, occasionally alt tabbing to emails (which there were none to act on). During this 3 hour time period he added 2 photos to the presentation. 3 hours of "work" = two photos added to powerpoint. It's the japanese model where long hours must equate to productivity, even if you're just wasting time at the office. I'd much rather work 6 hour days with one break where I get shit done

>> No.10796678

Quads of truth

>> No.10796749

kek. but lets be honest, warren is savage af. that modest old ma shtick is phony as hell

>> No.10796907
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>> No.10797152

>buuu huuuu Elon is so sad he's crying
Easily manipulated roaches. All of you.

>> No.10797493
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What an absolutely fucking based husband

>> No.10798201


>> No.10798219

When will he make a aftershave called man musk i would buy the shit out of that

>> No.10798260

What if it smells like Grimes?

>> No.10799000


>> No.10799197

Exactly , this jig was in some other story as well. Pathological liar . People are gullible idiots

>> No.10799235
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>> No.10799374

Damn, I wish I had a sort of young looking gf who I can dress up as a 17 year old.

>> No.10799478


>> No.10799619

>t. 39 year old dried up roast beef

>> No.10799962

Implying there are women here

>> No.10800543


>> No.10800690
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>> No.10801146

I’m more woman than you can handle