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10780347 No.10780347 [Reply] [Original]

What coin do you mine /biz/? How much investment did you put into it and h5ow much money have you made out of it?

>> No.10780384
File: 92 KB, 225x225, 1534254554-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mining is for beta faggots

>> No.10780397

Your pic related is berry metal, trully a boomin' way to live

>> No.10780441

fuck mining zoomers

>> No.10781637
File: 684 KB, 500x212, ziul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you never own a mining facility in a third world country and make more money than 95 % of the population


>"mining is for beta faggots"

>> No.10781744

>power transmission lines, non pajeet looking infrastructure

third world, yep

>> No.10781751

>More coins come up non-minable, POW is on the way out, look at the main CMC page for *
>More algorithms get Asics, so your GPUs get even less work.
>People have built warehouses full of 1080ti duriy the bubble, so there's a huge competition for what remains

Good luck with your mining goals 2018

>> No.10781778

None. If I wanted to mine something to hold I think I would just rent the rigs

>> No.10781849
File: 149 KB, 550x321, main-qimg-e17a6c3de3616afda1173cde6ccdd7f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.

>> No.10781857

holy fucking shit i cringed so hard I had to check if it was real

turns out it is and his followers are posting dead memes from like 2010


>> No.10781876

Nigggga better be careful. He might find his equipment got swiped

>> No.10782264

Chocolate rain, my nigga

>> No.10782300
File: 48 KB, 800x729, gwwsxz217dyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand of course no one said anything remotely useful. Never change /biz/

>> No.10782337

10k in equipment, 19k in holdings. I pay less then 6c in elec

>> No.10782346

Had to trade for gains though, participated in EOS ICO

>> No.10783509

its not correct, armenia for example should be second world, not third

georgia would be 2nd world until recent, now becoming 1st world

>> No.10783802

first world means nato+allies
second world means ussr+communist china
third world means not aligned

a lot of people confuse third world and undeveloped/poverty. Not true they are just cold war terms.

>> No.10784675
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>> No.10784949

Shit anon you just enlightened me a little; cheers

>> No.10784998
File: 12 KB, 750x165, behemot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now becoming 1st world

>> No.10785194

turkroachistan first world
Chna second
top kek

>> No.10785415

I bought mining rig with 6x1070 for 0.26 BTC when it was 16k USD. Mining Zen Cash for almost two months right now. Before it was GoByte and BitcoinZ

>> No.10785537

Still mining eth with 1060s
Got into mining in April of last year
I was slightly ahead of the new blood wave because hardware was everywhere and for normal prices
I always knew btc was around since 2010ish but like may anons thought nothing of it. I thank that one btc ransomware from April last year because it made me realize btc was still a thing
So I decided to mine because I would be able to get tje equipment on credit and raise my credit score at the end of it
Got all my 1060s for $180 each. Ended up buying 6 at first but eventually ended up with 18 at the end
Started mining vert coin and and got a stack of 1000 until signatum came out
I mined signatum starting like day 2 and had around 20k of those when it hit cryptopia
I sold during the second pump and sold that crypto to pay off the miner
Leaving the vert left over. Before you get excited I sold my vert before any type of pump and I don't remember what happened to it. Probably bought something stupid and lost it
I started mining eth after sigt
Got into the 0x ico along the way and bought 2 eth worth.
When it hit polo I sold my stack at 75 cents and ended up with like 1.2btc when it was done
This is where I fuck up
I sold that 1.2btc to pay off other debts. I think it was like 8k I really don't remember
Then the Golden bullrun came and left me behind. But it didn't matter also because I was basically debt free
I also went in on the link preico. Put 2 eth in that.
I've made some shit trades too
I bought confido and got exit scammed
Bought ignite ico and got half my eth back
So it hasn't been all roses
But I'm better because of it
So mining has treated me pretty good anon

>> No.10785666
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>> No.10786735

Is it best to mine eth with 1060s? I've tried zencash and bitcoin-gold, but eth mining seems to generate the most

>> No.10786797
File: 28 KB, 600x328, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image is 100% bullshit

>> No.10787074
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]