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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10777651 No.10777651 [Reply] [Original]

How would /biz/ fix Venezuela?

>> No.10777657

Kill everyone and start over.

>> No.10777658


One-way helicopter ride tickets

>> No.10777661


>> No.10777665

>shoot all the niggers living there
>firebomb their citys
>steal their oil

>> No.10777667
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>> No.10777693

This. Fill it with whites, world superpower by 2050

>> No.10777716

Embrace vegetarian lifestyle instead of eating meat

they can
1) save animals from being killed
2) eat healthy
3) help the environment, e.g. global warming because less resources are used to raise animals
4) win the support from vegan liberals

>> No.10777729

Who cares let it rot

>> No.10777738

Of course..

>> No.10777872

you cant its fucked

>> No.10777911

buy petrocoin and hodl

>> No.10777936

The only solution is capitalism.

>> No.10777957

This but unironically

>> No.10777985

Install gold standard, but instead of gold backing the currency it's backed by gas and oil reserves

The retards nationalized them, so might as well do some good with it

>> No.10777996

1. Coup

>> No.10778026
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Bitcoin (CASH) + EatBCH

>> No.10778128

Where will they get money, knowledge, and cleared lands for agricultural practices?

>> No.10778165

>overthrow maduro
>make a labour dollar
>build up elite mercenary groups to locally monopolize on force
>kill whomever the jews tell me to do for the next century and get money from war contracts
>use that money to create infrastructure and commie helicopters
>cozy up to elite contractors to build political ties
>cozy up to putin on the side and pretend that it's nothing to NATO
>spam the plausible deniability and false flag attacks as fast as possible to keep citizens sedated
>no more bread lines
>just bread and virtual circuses
>cozy up to dynasty families
>sell soul
>ride the nwo train

>don't cozy to elite bloodlines
>partially shave mustache
>go full natsoc
>whisper in putin's ear
>full on biochem warfare, terrorism cells, scorched earth and ecm detenators
>shut it all down
>get rid of mutts/masters
but i'm not a mutt
we're all mutts anon
>become beaner spuardo masterrace
>get assassinated by some mutt

>> No.10778792
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Hand out free copies from Marx - Das Capital-
That should solve the toilet paper shortage crysis they are facing.

>> No.10778837

/Biz/ will marketsell Venezuela for pennies.

>> No.10778896

Basically a pinochetian dictator is a proven solution

>> No.10778934

im from caracas, dont believe the western fake media,everything is kinda like it always was,

>> No.10779107


>> No.10779129

>everything is kinda like it always was

Because everything was always shitty

>> No.10779145
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>still debating national socialism vs anarcho-capitalism
>not taking the National Transhumanism red pill

>> No.10779162

>go there
>set up company
>pay workers out in BTC or other currency

>> No.10779179
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>> No.10779192

this, nuke it from orbit

>> No.10779463

People earn 1 dollar a day, they can't even afford meat, kek.

>> No.10779562

But then again why would we use only white genes when we can use god tier asian genes for superior intellect?
Asians will be the first to develop and lead the next era of genetic engineering. Asians will experiment with creating ubermenschen first because they're not weak and wussy like the west about little details like morality which slows them down. Asians pursue success at all costs which means Asian nations will be the world's master race of half Asians and half whites. All non Asian states will collapse afterwards as everyone who is worth anything will migrate to superior countries just to get a chance of using this new technology. Brain drain will accelerate the creation of new Asian Superpowers while the West will be a hive of dying degenerates and mutts. Screencap this. Prepare for the future. You have been warned.

>> No.10779577

FML wrong thread, lol.

>> No.10779596

FML2 actually good thread. Need to stop doing hundreds of tabs at once, lol.

>> No.10779719

By adding battle royale, irl. I mean, it works for vidya so why not?

>> No.10779722
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/biz/ is already trying.


>> No.10779731

extreme capitalism, disintermediation or dissolution of all government institutions

>> No.10779743

1. Execute the dictator and all party officials
2. Deregulate the market, abolish all tariffs
3. Impregnate every woman with European semen to make sure the gene pool improves

>> No.10779755

Asians can't develop on their own. The need to follow their white masters.

>> No.10779770


You know we're gonna say Link right, for the automation of the economy? Apart from that, I'd say round up /k/ and most of /pol/, tell em we're gonna go give commies free helicopter rides, they'd love it. Most Venezuelans are pretty based (like Eastern Europeans, having lived under real communism they tend to be insanely red pilled), so getting mass support would be simple, always a handy thing. Then knock over the government, sign a trade deal with Trump and start turning it into an high tech utopia.

>> No.10779791
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How about some of both???

>> No.10779825


Seems like a logical progression of the ideology really. If that's not a thing anon, start a blog, write books and such, I reckon that'd be a winner for a new ideology. Keep tradition going, but augmented with better tech. I like it!

>> No.10780395

Print bigger bills

>> No.10780429
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The only way at this point.

>> No.10780446

Nuke that shithole and build resorts after

>> No.10780456

Unironically this

>> No.10780479
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The gold standard reinstated.

>> No.10781270

Would they be free tickets?

>> No.10781348

Let them reap what they have sown as an example to the rest of the world.

>> No.10781378


How can the country with the largest oil reserves be so fucking poor?

Brown people are literally subhumans. Kill them and fill the country with white people and watch it become a superpower in less than 10 years

>> No.10782201

Correct. There's no way in hell Venezuela isn't a mess because, even if the media is regarded as wholly unreliable, the currency exchange market tells one all one needs to know. No country whose currency goes from a ratio of 8:1 bolivars/dollar to millions of bolivars/dollar is a good place to be.

>> No.10782205

Why won't Americans just invade us already? Venezuela has a lot of oil

>> No.10782227

Lol what a fucking faggot. Fix your country you fucking subhuman.

>> No.10782244

you can't fix communist retardation you just have to let it burn to the ground and start over when all the communists have either been starved or killed

>> No.10782255

usa needs more approval from audience for doing so

2 more years or so. buy a ticket and fly away from there. and do it now because its going to be worse

>> No.10782279

>fix your country
>without guns
>without numbers
>without resources
>just like go to the parlament and blow up xD
Life is not The Hunger Games you fucking idiot