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10777530 No.10777530[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to thank the guy who suggested to crush 3 gloves of garlic and eating them, I felt so fucking bad for 15 minutes and I had to shit, fuck you

>> No.10777534

kek i remember reading this advice

>> No.10777536

>falling for biz advice

for your next therapy you should take bleach and drink it

>> No.10777537

You might be sensitive to garlic, try the putting them in your ass method next time

>> No.10777538


>> No.10777551

I misstyped, I'm still feeling like shit and I had to tell the guy to fuck off

>> No.10777562

What was this advice for? Tooth ache? I know it as stick the clove between the aching tooth and hold it for minute or two

>> No.10777569

i think it was for lack of energy or some shit?

>> No.10777571

only onions work dumbass
eat an onion a day for an entire week you'll unironically jizz 5x the normal volume

>> No.10777574


Thank you, I'm not the only one I see.

I ate one one hour ago after leaving it cut open for 15 minutes. Instantly regretted eating it, felt stick threw up everywhere. Why the fuck am I following advice on 4chan again

>> No.10777580

I'm planning to do this shit for a month and telling to the Op to fuck off every day

>> No.10777597

what did you do ?
it works for me + cold showers
crush 3 gloves of garlic and leave it for 15mins
I suggest to make a sandwich and putting garlic on the sandwich (this is my way) or a salad
I am not surprised you feel fucking bad...

>> No.10777604

unironically start supplementing vitamin d and fish oil.

>> No.10777609

crushed 4/5 of them (because they were tiny) and waited for 20 minutes, then swallowed them with some tea, felt like shit

>> No.10777616

Try frying the cloves in some olive oil and crushed plum tomatoes with salt pepper and basil next time.


>> No.10777623

fuckoff you jamie oliver faggot

>> No.10777625

I will never do it again. The feeling of sulfuric garlic in an empty stomach in the morning makes me sick. I'll stick with fish oil and zinc sup

>> No.10777627

don't do this next time :P
make a sandwich or a salad
you'll be okay
it works

>> No.10777633

If cooking your own sauce and not getting bubble guts from raw garlic makes a buttfucker chef, I’ll be that guy.

Have fun with your indigestion and dilator, bitch boy.

>> No.10777640

Can't I just eat the clove right away?

>> No.10777641

Probably that was the reason for that feeling
I'm on intermittent fasting, I cannot do that

>> No.10777652
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>> No.10777656

Just rub some ben-gay on your balls and you'll feel fine.

>> No.10777668

Also guys I'm 18yo. What supplements should I take for more energy? D Vitamin?

>> No.10777678

I don't know what's wrong with garlic. It's so tasty and I feel good after eating it. Only downsides are that your breath stinks and if you eat too much (a whole bulb) without eating anything else, you may get stomach pains.

>> No.10777680

you have to crush it and leave it for 10-15 mins
Before consuming the garlic it is best to allow the cut or crushed garlic to be exposed to the air for at least 5 to 10 minutes in order for the compounds to become fully activated.

>> No.10777683


>> No.10777687

Ate 2 cloves this morning on this advice. Did I get memed?

>> No.10777707
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B group (you will know you got good stuff if your piss is bright yellow), D, omega-3, stop eating fastfood
In a month you will start seeing effects.

>> No.10777715
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I remember reading this advice
and not falling for the garlic jew

>> No.10777733


You’re welcome.

>> No.10777753

I'm taking racetams but it's not enough

>> No.10777765

Gonna do this shit for a month to show that is bullshit

>> No.10777794

Garlic is shit nigger

>> No.10777812
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oh no no. adrafinil is hard on your liver.
just take modafinil, a lot better and doesnt involve your liver as much.

take modafinil, thread

>> No.10777858

This thread really activates my garlic

>> No.10777882

I think my stomach problems will prevent me from enjoying raw garlic Anyway.

I have a meeting and after brushing my teeth 4 times I still have that garlic breath... If I lose the next client and become jobless because of some stupid 4chan meme I'll fucking off myself

>> No.10777888

>leaving it cut open for 15 minutes
you idiot you're meant to CRUSH it and leave it for 15 minutes, not cut it. crushing it more effectively releases the allicin. next time CRUSH it and combine it with 1 or 2 onions (red preferably). trust me, it'll change your whole life.

>> No.10777894
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>> No.10777895

But, anon, I don’t have a source...

>> No.10777903


just crushed 100k garlics

>> No.10777907

>eat nothing but garlic, onions, spinach, fish, beans, olive oil, nuts
>take vitamin d, fish oil, and every other meme supplement always posted
>lift 3-5 days a week depending how heavy that week is, ride a bike, use my rowing machine, swim for cardio
>still depressed, still have very low energy and zero sex drive
I just don't get it

>> No.10777915

eat meat

>> No.10777920
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Maybe you like penis? That could be the problem.

>> No.10777923

You're lacking a meaning in life. That's about it.

>> No.10777938

epstein barr, autoimmune disorder, food allergy, gi tract infection/parasite, toxin exposure (heavy metal, fungus, lyme disease). you have one or more of these things, get yourself to a functional medicine doctor for testing.

>> No.10777939

Forgot to mention it but I do. Only red meat. Maybe I should add chicken?
This is probably right. I have no job or career prospects, no degree, no friends, nothing to shoot for.

>> No.10777949
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holy shit at the unironic the state of /biz/
if you cant stomach three cloves of raw garlic you might as well go hrt now because you are basically a girl
i eat 3-4 cloves every morning and it does wonders for your health

>> No.10777979

I ate 5 of that shit

>> No.10777994

Not my secret veggie power source! Nuuuu I made 100x my life savings while on this

>> No.10778017

>implying that makes a difference
learn to stomach it faggit or keep being low test and eat girl foods for the rest of your life

>> No.10778031
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It's better to use the garlic press and then put the paste in some good coffee... I do this every morning and feel wonderful for the day.

>> No.10778043

Nigga that's Oreimo how fucking new are you

>> No.10778080

LOL I did the same thing just as the OP of that thread suggested and I felt pretty good. Slight burning in my stomach, brain and veins but got an energy boost out of it. Gonna keep doing it and see what happens. Thanks for reading my blog post guys.

>> No.10778092


>> No.10778118

>falling for the Vitamin D jew
Unironically look up Marshall Protocol

>> No.10778204

lol i did it tho and felt sick thought i was a weakling or something

>> No.10778255
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>eating plants
Anon, I...

>> No.10778283

why do you do it? whats the benefit

>> No.10778285
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You might be a vampire.

>> No.10778290

>activating your garlic
god damnit

>> No.10778448
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Allicin in garlic is an anticeptic. Probably made it into your large intestine and killed off a bunch of your gut flora hence the diarrhea. Eat some yogurt or take a probiotic. You'll feel better. Pic related.

>> No.10778490


poohwee op you smelly

>> No.10778517

Damn, made me hungry for some delicious Garlic Bread. Cutting blows

>> No.10778526

Can't unmeme activated garlic

>> No.10778547

Yesterday someone recommended coffee enema. Tried it. Very odd and incredible. Lessened my procrastination many fold. Sarpened my fucking senses - no idea how.

>> No.10778585

Garlic and onions are toxic and cause inflamation. Spinach, beans and nuts wreak havoc on your gut. Stop eating these foods. Only good food you mentioned is fish.

>> No.10778586

get your test levels checked bro

>> No.10778596

Dont make me do this, biz.

The garlic really burned my mouth, it was painfull. Feeling less tired now tho.

>> No.10778611

>Garlic and onions are toxic and cause inflamation. Spinach, beans and nuts wreak havoc on your gut.
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.10778612

>being such a pleb that you think a human's wellbeing is entirely atributtable to diet and physiological factors

go and learn some fucking social theory, you illiterate faggot.

>> No.10778760
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Free testosterone
Estradiol E2

>> No.10778841

recommend some reading materials then

>> No.10778847

Just wait till based iodine guy from pol rocks up around this place

>> No.10778868

Onions and garlic are literally fucking toxic m8, fucking buddhist monks figured that shit out hundreds of years ago. Plus they make you smell like shit.

>> No.10778878

Best way to ingest iodine?

>> No.10778883


>falling for the garlic and onion jew

Seriously you should not eat these unless you're trying to either smell like ass or need them to fuck (they're aphrodisiacs). Yes they do raise your testosterone but you aren't doing your body any favors by eating foods that animals instinctually avoid and forcing yourself to eat them every meal.

>> No.10778885

mmmm ... asschest ...

>> No.10778969

>forcing yourself to eat them every meal
but i'm not forcing myself....

>> No.10778984
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Try this instead, Grugg.

It's mixed with liquid yogurt.

>> No.10778999
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>> No.10779006

what the actual fuck