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File: 31 KB, 640x336, anime-bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10774309 No.10774309 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there still a need for bitcoin now that most big alts have USDT pairs?
BTC does not really have any use that any of its competitor doesn't have in a better form, right?
Considering how volatile crypto is, I find it weird that peoples, whales and whoever are still attached to it considering all this.

And yes, I'm dumb, that's why I'm asking what you think about it cause I find it really weird and I never found any satisfying explanation.

>> No.10774312

Tether = 1 USD
USD is going to zero

>> No.10774317

Same reason counter strike skins have value, people are fucking retarded.

>> No.10774334

WRONG. God Normies are so dumb. Listen, BTC is digital GOLD. Got IT? You have tangible gold and now we are looking at the beginning of Digital Gold. 99% of all other cryptocurrencies WILL be useless and worthless in the coming future.

>> No.10774336

How did I not see that.

>> No.10774431

Nobody needs alts so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.10774435
File: 91 KB, 976x840, 1534276790412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets into crypto
>buys USD derivative
Why buy uSDT when USD exists?

>> No.10774986

Because it's a fast way to prevent losses on exchanges when a massive drop happens?

Many alts are "supposed" to have an utility. BTC is supposed to be a cryptocurrency. There are cryptocurrencies with better specs out there.

>> No.10775570

Still waiting for answers that make sense

>> No.10775611


Bitcoin is shit compared to coins like Nimiq. Only thing bitcoin has is it's name, age, forks("dividends") and the cult of bitcoin maximalists that have formed around it over the years. The maximalists aren't interested in tech(bitcoin is shit tech wise) they just want their bags pumped.

>> No.10775643


This t b h.

You've got three choices for solid investment, OP. Bitcoin, Monero, or 0xBitcoin. I would have some Ether too, even though it's (technically) a shitcoin.

Commodities with unique use cases are the ultimate in crypto.

>> No.10775675

shitcoins do not have a use besides working on technology that could make bitcoin more useful
besides being gold 2.0 the value of bitcoin reflects the believe that it will be actually useful one day

you are too deep into crypto if you think otherwise

>> No.10775694

>Why is there still a need for bitcoin now that most big alts have USDT pairs?

USDT is just an altcoin, you have to buy BTC first to buy it. We need more real USD pairs if bitcoin is to become less dominant.

>> No.10776230

the only reason i can reason is that when you buy into crypto you buy in say through, coinbase. and thus you get bitcoin or eth so things need btc or eth pairings. so you can trade it from coinbase on say binance into something else.

the only reason this wouldnt exist if
A. you are bithumb
B.have usd integrated on the exchange.

>> No.10776695

Are you for real? Is this bait? Tether has enormous tail risk compared to bitcoin. This is what newfags don’t understand. Btc is decentralized so there’s no risk of a central figure fucking with it. Exchanges get hacked, whales dump etc but the integrity of the bitcoin blockchain continues to remain intact. Tether is controlled by a single institution. I’m not a bitfinex’d fanboy at all in fact I think tether is fine. Not a fucking problem at all but it has enormous tail risk compared to bitcoin. What if there’s a run on the bank of tether? What if they’re not backed 1:1 at all, etc.

>> No.10776736

gib tortured raccoon girl