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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 1188x635, breakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10771123 No.10771123 [Reply] [Original]

link breakout imminent?

>> No.10771143
File: 59 KB, 636x321, A10B21997200498BABA11795EF104D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10771148

Brake out
>Straight into the depths of Hell !!!
Aaaaaahhhhhhh !!!!

>> No.10771157

Volume is pretty low

>> No.10771177

agreed, but btc is at a critical moment rn, and depending how btc goes, link will follow

>> No.10771182

someone just blew the fucking lid off chainlink: >>10770491

>> No.10771202

I've always said this
You can't lose with link
It goes up I make money
It goes down I buy more
It's such a comfy hold

>> No.10771209

Fuuuuuuuckkkk !!!!!!!
Mommyyyyy hoooold meeeee !!!

>> No.10771240
File: 125 KB, 602x800, IMG_0464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's breaking out every night. Tonight. It's happening tonight, strap in boys! Check em

>> No.10771260

yeah ok bud
try harder feetcoin bag holder

>> No.10771266
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1501755550349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10771269


>> No.10771276


>> No.10771590

trips = $1000 EOD

>> No.10771631 [DELETED] 


>> No.10771650

1. They embed public API calls information directly into the Ethereum blockchain,
meaning the storage cost of the data itself will be astronomical

2. There is no way to call any private APIs because your API key will be leaked due to the public nature of Ethereum

3. You are assuming that companies would be willing to pay a fee of 10 cents per call. (Which is entirely ridiculous, one of my apps runs nearly 100k api calls per day and I pay only 300 dollars/month)

4. You are assuming companies will pay 10 cents/call to receive "decentralized" data, such as prices of stocks, when they already own multimillion dollar contracts with companies specifically built to provide accurate data (plus you can get your money back if the data isn't accurate from a company, rather than having no one to answer for mistakes)

5. You assuming companies will wait 30+ seconds for an API call, which would place them at a disadvantage of any other competitor who is using a centralized system

It's clear to me that no LINK holders have experience actually using APIs or are in the corporate space, and I feel bad for them when they will get burned, kek

>> No.10771663


>> No.10771668

yeah a herpes breakout. link is going to zero.