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10770652 No.10770652 [Reply] [Original]

This place is literally just r/cc now

Do you know how I can tell?
You shill the same absolute shit as over there.

We literally have like 5 or 6 threads a day for each of those coins.
fuck. when did it all go downhill so fast. I bet it was because of bizonazcci that fuck.

>> No.10770755

To be fair nano is only shilled when it's going up, it's fudded hard any other time.

>> No.10770863

>comparing NANO with ((ripple)) and ((stellar))
get a load of this guy

>> No.10770991

Im not comparing anything you absolute retard.
I'm pointing out the uncanny similarities between whats here and whats over at r/cc

>> No.10771059

I swear to God the world is filled with idiots who draft false narratives in their head and then use whatever bullshit data points they can find to support it

Stellar, VeChain, and NANO have a 5:1 FUD to shill ratio on this board in recent weeks. Go through the archives. Dumb fuck. You are romanticizing the past and just want something to complain about