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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 346x326, zwooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10770012 No.10770012 [Reply] [Original]

>be 18 yo zoomer
>all in LINK 22.5k stack
Am I a genius or a brainlet?

>> No.10770046

a gullible retard

>> No.10770050

A lucky brainlet

>> No.10770057

Wew lad

>> No.10770062

Btw how can an 18 yo get a loan?

>> No.10770076

if you have to ask you're a brainlet. You'll probably sell at $10, be like "woo $200k", spend it all on dumb shit and then be broke by the time LINK hits $100

>> No.10770085

boomer cope

>> No.10770105
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Not sure

>> No.10770120

This is acceptable

>> No.10770126
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>> No.10770148
File: 37 KB, 600x394, alps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man. I'll sell like 500 at $10. Then go snowboarding in the alps.

>> No.10770171

rora is so seksy

>> No.10770194
File: 236 KB, 1109x1479, 1534390889325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 y/o zoomer here.
Been sitting on a 80k link stack for a year.
I don't belong here but I'm glad I've stayed.

1000$ EOY

>> No.10770288

I will tell you why Chainlink is a scam:
1. They embed public API calls information directly into the Ethereum blockchain, meaning the storage cost of the data itself will be astronomical
2. There is no way to call any private APIs because your API key will be leaked due to the public nature of Ethereum
3. You are assuming that companies would be willing to pay a fee of 10 cents per call. (Which is entirely ridiculous, one of my apps runs nearly 100k api calls per day and I pay only 300 dollars/month)
4. You are assuming companies will pay 10 cents/call to receive "decentralized" data, such as prices of stocks, when they already own multimillion dollar contracts with companies specifically built to provide accurate data (plus you can get your money back if the data isn't accurate from a company, rather than having no one to answer for mistakes)
5. You assuming companies will wait 30+ seconds for an API call, which would place them at a disadvantage of any other competitor who is using a centralized system
It's clear to me that no LINK holders have experience actually using APIs or are in the corporate space, and I feel bad for them when they will get burned, kek

>> No.10770323

The best of your generation.

>> No.10770395

My head is dizzy from all this text

>> No.10770792

>Am I a genius or a brainlet?

>> No.10770850
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private api keys will be leaked on the blockchain
pic related, its you.

>> No.10770944

>18 yo
>even having anything close to 6.6k
Trust fund babby?

>> No.10770969

Its more link FUD to keep prices low.

>> No.10770997

What the feck is that bullshit !!??
Mommyyyy !!!!!

>> No.10770999

be a brainlet somewhere else
Go on, cite me the storage costs of putting api call info on the ethereum blockchain. Simply stating it would be astronomical doesnt prove anything. Honestly if you could go into depth on each of those points I'd never buy link again and share your fud. godspeed.

>> No.10771009
File: 414 KB, 557x434, brightinsight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to do some crazy shit to get that money. I'm actually from a poor/ok family.

>> No.10771027

Checked and btw I'm immune to fud.

>> No.10771079

Don't be, always try to disprove it with your own knowledge and if not find other sources that can. If you can't youre willingly holding a scam out of laziness.

>> No.10771387

I don't believe you.

You're just pulling the old "hurrr even 18 y-olds have more link than you".
Same with the faggots lying about having 100k+ Linkies.

>> No.10771434

Link will go to zero

>> No.10771504
File: 88 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180820-232637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I made 3k from a hustle in 2017. Then I bought into crypto at November. Made some gainz and lost some as well and now I'm at 22.5k LINK.

>> No.10771554
File: 159 KB, 600x821, 1518197248562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I have basically lurked biz 24/7 since January. I've seen like 90% of Chainlink threads. I already understand it. I'm actually comfy.

>> No.10771677

godspeed anon

>> No.10772084

The absolute fuckin state

>> No.10772122

You're as stupid as people that bought BTC in 2011, or ETH in 2015.

>> No.10772126

aka rich retards

>> No.10772137
File: 13 KB, 240x240, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this ERC coin is going to make me rich

>> No.10772227

I can't believe this pasta is still working in every thread it's in. Probably the most decent FUD I've seen on here in a while. Zoomers are definitely falling for it. Kek.

>> No.10772299

unironically this I'm afraid to say..

>> No.10772454

And where did you get the 10c and 30 second figures from, even if it is copy/pasta FUD

>> No.10772477

So with all the burgers I’ve been eating lately(gladly of course) I decided today to try an old favorite, the McDonalds Big Mac. I’ll admit, this used to be my favorite meal on earth, but since it’s been years since I’ve eaten anything at McDonalds that wasn’t on their Value Menu, I was really looking forward to having a Big Mac.

As always, the service was fast, the burger was delivered and the fries were crispy for the first 10 minutes. Overall the Big Mac is still one of my favorite “Fast Food Burgers” because of the secret sauce and because it’s so different. We all know that the you don’t eat a Big Mac for the meat and after eating a lot of really good, meaty burgers over the last few months, it was the sauce that helped me enjoy this meal.

My Big Mac rating is simple: the secret sauce is tangy, sweet and makes for a nice burger. It’s one of my favorite fast food burgers but only because of the unique and secret sauce.

>> No.10772693

>the $750,000 snowboarding trip
>snowboarding in the alps
learn to ski pleb

>> No.10773267
