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10769265 No.10769265 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this like a "thing"? Why can't I be respected just because I like to wake up around 10 , then sleep around 1 or 2 in the night?

People who arrive early at work "to get stuff done before all the meetings" is the ultimate boomers. No one fucking cares if you are there early, what matters is if you deliver or not.

How did this become a thing?

>> No.10769285

Why should either be respected?

>> No.10769300

Some of us work third shift and sleep all day.

As long as you get at least 7 hours of sleep, you're good.

>> No.10769324

After wagecucking during the day, they have no mental energy left for anything meaningful. So they wake up early to feel "productive".
It's wageslave cope.

>> No.10769328
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Yeah that's my point, I do not really care. But people who are at work early are so fucking proud of it and make bad jokes

>"haha so you made it from bed today too anon :))"

>> No.10769342

My sister in law brags about getting up at 4am to go to fitness bootcamp. Bitch you could exercise any fucking time of day so you're just dumb for getting up at 4am. And you're still fat go on a fucking diet.

>> No.10769369

I work chink hours

>> No.10769379

I used to get that as well. Similar comments about not staying late or working the weekends. I would just laugh and continued not giving a shit about what my fellow wagies had to say. Stop wasting thoughts on them.

>> No.10769385
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Getting up early makes me happier, sorry you're butthurt.

>> No.10769391

that is fine for you, as long as you are happy I am happy.

I have nothing against peopel waking up early

>> No.10769400
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What does being "productive" even mean?

What is being produced?

>> No.10769614

I’ve resigned myself to go back to waging but remembering shit like this makes me think kms might be easier

>> No.10769629

wow... checked.

>> No.10769651

Yeah supreme wagecucks like to brag how productive they are at 4 in the morning as if anyone gives a fuck about them spending hours of each of their short days on this earth returning emails LMAO

>> No.10769720

id love to wake up early to read books or catch the sunrise.

>> No.10769766

sending emails and organising papers and doing general stuff that wouldn't make a difference if it didn't get done

mowing the lawn is an accurate activity to associate with boomers. Not only do they have the luxury of being able to afford a place with a garden, they also have the luxury of time to spend tending it

>> No.10769780

Shut up lazy nigger

>> No.10769782

Sunrise is overrated desu