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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1024x1024, Skycoin-SKY-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10769026 No.10769026 [Reply] [Original]

Should I sell my SKY or is this going to get better? I got in pretty late, end of July. You all know what happened since.. however I trust the new hardware will boost things a bit, also on the long run I believe this is one the best alts in circulation. Please help, this is such a conundrum!

>> No.10769101

Hold. Its going to have a stellar 2019.

>> No.10769106

don't even think about it. you just started, better hold it until it's gettin back at $20 at least. there are several events which will boost this bestcoin: conferences, new releases, market recovery & x factors.

>> No.10769113

Fucking stupid shill thread for an outright scam

fuck off, you faggots are ruining this board

>> No.10769127

It can't dip down much more. Hold for the coin hours. Given how you can exchange coinhours for SKY, it's worth it to hodl for now.

>> No.10769137


>> No.10769156

Def hold OP, this has good chances of getting around 15$ by EOY. Plus the long awaited mesh net is just around the corner

>> No.10769158


Look at clowns weak fud like this guy. People care enough to fud it. Thats all u need to know.

>> No.10769164

frustrated much?

>> No.10769178

Yes brother keep accumulating u’ll be proud for holding this coin.

>> No.10769208

No it's not FUD, it's that the CEO stole 32m worth of funds from a "blockchain" that he has the only keys too and goes out talking about price all the time while the only working product is a copy and paste VPN.

This shit is an outright scam. DYOR but people like this get paid to spam.

Also if you know anything about internet infrastructure you would know that this is a fucking sham and they are misleading all of you but you are fucking illiterate scum that have no problem conning other normies for $20 in your shitcoin they print for you on command.

>> No.10769215

scamcoin still hasn't paid me or emailed me for running a DIY been 3 months now. shit coinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

>> No.10769226

Oh yeah keep in mind that this shit is printed at the will and whim of the CEO

>> No.10769242

Ok thanks frens. Has there been decided a value for the coin hours yet? Are we gonna see more than a VPN in Skywire by eoy?

>> No.10769253
File: 61 KB, 680x304, 0375c06f60b8ea34d3f365c67cbbee4d_original_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

investing in physical coins like the one in the picture is a sign of good omen

>> No.10769259

guys lets not get ahead of ourselves I need good info not hate mail, that being said please tell me smth relevant or just dont

>> No.10769261


Nope. I'm guessing 250k = SKY.

Only thing that makes sense atm. Might be more might be less. No news yet.

>> No.10769273
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>> No.10769354
File: 135 KB, 1280x1029, IMG_20180812_140237_514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't rush around fren
wait for it

>> No.10769376

>should I sell my bitconnect
It doesnt matter what you do youve already been justed.

>> No.10769403

When there is this much amount of fud you know you hit the jackpot

>> No.10769519

I love fudders. Really, I do.
They give a boost of confidence that I hold the right coin.
Please fud, never disappear.

>> No.10769584

so these guys basically can guarantee for the good value of a coin? why so much hate? I know SKYcoin is pretty popular in the crypto world but never expected such reactions

>> No.10769606

True, fren. The blockchain 3.0 as well as freeing the internet are sensitive subjects and they attract a fair amount of hate

>> No.10769770

is this the coin that the founder said he was kidnapped and forced by armed thugs to market sell? kek

>> No.10769810

Don't think is hate. I bet fud is afraid of competition, but because they don't know how to beat competition, they are going with fud, you know? It's easier I suppose.

>> No.10769841


>> No.10769965

want to buy some knockoff raspi's? just 1btc,
haha no we will refund you in our currency, why do we need btc you ask? well you know... it just makes sense man

>> No.10770060

>Skycoin will replace Bitcoin
>Fiber will replace Ethereum
>CXO will replace IPFS, FileCoin, Bittorrent, Mega, Dropbox and Google Drive
>Skywire will replace MPLS, IPv4/IPv6, OpenFlow, Tor and I2P
>Viscript will replace EC2 and golem
>SkyMessenger will replace OX, Telegram, Skype, Wechat, and WhatsApp
>BBS will replace Steemit, 4chan, Facebook and Twitter

It won't happen overnight, but this is the direction we're headed in.

>> No.10770189

Finally, some common sense here :)

>> No.10770250

>Skywire will replace MPLS, IPv4/IPv6, OpenFlow, Tor and I2P

gee I see you know your way around networking... Skywire consists of MPLS and uses either ipv4 or ipv6

now I see you claim alot but don't use any reasoning behind it: care to explain?

>> No.10770264
File: 81 KB, 642x319, B7B55CDF-15F9-410A-8276-3E11802E449E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10770289

Modified variant that serves the same functions in a higher capacity. Same but different enough to be considered a replacement.

>> No.10770302

fud is when people go out of their way to make anti-Skycoin threads. Which never happens because it's a shitcoin no one cares about. The reason why this thread is getting negative comments is because people are tired of having their board shitted up by blatant paid posts from third world skycoin shills. It's annoying. They better be paying you in BTC and not Sky that's all I can say.

>> No.10770370

lolololol are you shitting me? skycoin is one of the least shilled coins on this board. i go days at a time without seeing a skycoin thread, and half of the threads i do see are blatant fud. have fun staying poor though

>> No.10770385

You mean the ones where two guys use proxies to pretend they're really obvious pajeet sky shills. Yeah, they're pretty annoying.

Then when anyone makes a sky thread wanting to discuss the project, the same two antishill guys go out of their way to invade the thread, spending hours trying and failing to poke holes in the tech fundamentals, lol.

>> No.10770397

modded variant of what? I really miss some sauce over here anon

>> No.10770413

No it is the second most shilled coin on this board and it's by the same 4 faggots
There are no fundamentals because there isn't a fucking chain you fucking retard. Run a node. Oh there aren't any because this is a fucking scam.

>> No.10770419

they're not pretending. They really are obvious skycoin shills. They're in this thread right now shitting it up with their bad English and relentless positivity.

>> No.10770420

Sure, right this way: https://github.com/skycoin/skywire

>> No.10770436

Find me one fud thread from the last week.

>> No.10770483
File: 20 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relentless positivity

>> No.10770493


>> No.10770762

that's a shill thread retard

>> No.10770786
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10770948

>while many are preoccupied with mining problems, centralized hash power, floods and mining companies which are getting rid of small mining farm biz... Sky is going mainstream!!! first working African skyminer & Synth rocking the blockchain famillia in Rome !!

You are retarded

>> No.10770980

Your cover is blown. It's time for you to nap. You spread enough hate for today. It's fuckin obvious that those who love the project will defend it, at least they have a life purpose, not like you haters, all you do is write nonsense and show how uneducated you are.

>>Respect for those who stand by their project and show support.

>> No.10770998

Sorry, but I don't get you. As far as I know you can set up filters if you are really so sick of Sky threads. Sometimes I am also tired of Chainlink or whatever is on daily matter on /biz/.

But wait, guess what idiot? On /biz/ people are talking whatever the shit and coin they want. Don't like it? Move on. Plenty of other threads are out there for you.

>> No.10771089

lol skycoin threads are so yummy. so much passion over here between you guys.
*grabbing popcorn

>> No.10771125


for the love of God, hold dude. Seriously.


Oh look, another holo fuckboi.

>> No.10771145


I believe Synth said that the market will determine the price of a single SkyHour.

>> No.10771179

if 1 skyhour = 1 dollar, i've already made it

>> No.10771321

>he thinks it's the same person


>> No.10771369

Reminds me of when OMG blamed every negative post on this one black guy.
Turns out he was right lol

>> No.10772328

Fingers crossed, I have 1.5mm of them from random Binance withdraws.