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10767222 No.10767222 [Reply] [Original]

>Work for 3 months and save up enough money for a new car
>Don't need a new car now so put the money in your savings account
>10 years later need a new car
>Realize that you can no longer buy a similar quality car with saved money because of inflation, and that you'd need to work another month to afford it
>1 full month's worth of your labour has disappeared into thin air due to inflation
>Inflation is caused by governments printing money out of thin air
>Government spends said free money to pay off infinitely increasing debt
>Government is literally stealing the fruits of your labour on top of all the taxes

Why is this okay?

>> No.10767238

>Why is this okay?
Everyone knows it at a factual level, but not many make the emotional/sensational connection that their time is being taken from them.
So you hold value in the form of assets to escape having your value stolen.

>> No.10767259

Because you're an idiot for putting your money where it doesn't beat inflation. Try throwing it into S&P like a normal responsible human

>> No.10767261

because the major industrial economies have been administered under the grip of a global money trust for at least the past 115 years and the masses have so far lacked the means to understand and change this.

>> No.10767291

Why should a person have to take on market risk just to keep what rightfully belongs to them?

>> No.10767312

Because they must in order to beat inflation. And when everyone invests trying to beat inflation you end up with malinvestment and bubbles.

Money should be expensive to loan so it is loaned out more selectively.

>> No.10767331

Inflation is not cruel. Grow up

>> No.10767337

>And when everyone invests trying to beat inflation you end up with malinvestment and bubbles.
That's the point though, isn't it? Even if everyone did the "correct" thing, they would still lose. The financial system is inherently designed to steal from us.

>> No.10767341

>what rightfully belongs to them
>what is money

>> No.10767348

buy TIPS brah

>> No.10767349

Yes, that's why governments prefer inflationary currencies. It encourages spending and investment. This is one of the core functions that allows the US to have the highest GDP in the world.

>> No.10767385

This is only true in a service based economy. The US had the highest GDP in the world long before it dropped the gold standard, but said GDP wasn't comprised of debt and consumption of Chinese goods.

>> No.10767397

Inflation is like 2% a year, and a saving account is like twice that you mongoloid

Also due to advancements because people have been working and making an effort throughout the organizations and supply chains, you get a better car for less effort.

Because of exactly this, an hour worked ten years ago is worth much less than an hour worked now, because of innovation, advancements and increased productivity.

now go fuck yourself you uneducated loser

>> No.10767435

>Inflation is like 2% a year, and a saving account is like twice that you mongoloid
You're fucking retarded

>> No.10767456

My savings account at my bank offers me 0.01% interest, absolutely nowhere near inflation

>> No.10767459

Financing debt through currency debasement is unfair, unsustainable, and retarded. Grow up

>> No.10767483
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>what rightfully belongs to them?
>Fiat shit
Shoulda bought metals

>> No.10767496


American inflation official numbers don't include food or energy costs.

Also, the substitution principle is readily applied. So in the sense that the price of Ribeyes went up 50-60%, if the price of ground beef went down 5%, rather than averaging or something else sensible, the entire inflation of meat is decidedly -5%. Or whatever else the FDA can pass through as a class of beef food this year.

>> No.10767498

its not the financial system, but human greed that creates problems. stop trying to blame everything you dont understand for your own short comings

>> No.10767499

ok 3,5% you faggot, i don't give a shit about that noise. unless your in some third word country which very likely might be because of your non existent econ education

your shit car would be worth 1/10th its price due to technological advancements of todays cars that simply outperforms your old dump (you know, because people worked on a better product in the mean time..). it what you said was remotely true you could just buy a car to hegde against the inflation

>> No.10767507

>it's greedy to want to keep the value of what you worked for
>it's not greedy to want to apply an invisible tax to people who don't know any better
hmmm really made me think

>> No.10767527

>ok 3,5% you faggot
Bullshit. Show me an American bank that offers interest rates that come anywhere close to beating inflation.

>your shit car would be worth 1/10th its price due to technological advancements of todays car
The market value of the car is irrelevant after I purchase it because it's not a goddamned investment

>> No.10767557

All money is debt, you absolute brick.

>> No.10767589

Lol my bad, I'm located in a non-cucked western eu country.

You said yourself it would take four months of work to pay for it today compared to three months 10 years ago, so no its not irrelevant. A purchase is an invesment, just because you don't expect increased value doesn't make it not an investment

>> No.10767590
File: 236 KB, 937x960, 1525190134159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr Durr genius that's the problem, way to refute my point by the way.

>> No.10767603
File: 508 KB, 500x584, 1519845984413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows it? Literally maybe 5% of people have any fucking idea how the monetary system works. Out of those 5% like half are bluepilled who say shit like "Inflation is good because people wont spend money if there was no inflation".

>> No.10767610

>Lol my bad, I'm located in a non-cucked western eu country.
Name the bank shitskin lover

>> No.10767618

>X justifies inflating the currency and stealing from 99% of the population

Hello boomer

>> No.10767628

>get a 15 year loan
>principle never changes while money inflates

lol the only people complaining about inflation are lazy faggots who don't know how to make their money work for them.

>> No.10767633


It's not okay. That's why there's a revolution happening.

>> No.10767651



We're fucking fucked.

Crypto jesus save us.

>> No.10767695

Nothing rightfully belongs to you.

>> No.10767706

Crypto Jesus won't be the one to save you. Granted it will avoid socialism all together, but you will in fact end up with mass starvation and the emergence of a techno-feudal knowledge age.

So basically you will be a slave. But rest assured there will be no socialism.

>> No.10767714

You're wrong both morally and legally.

>> No.10767725

OMG... the absolute state of the education system...

>> No.10767729

t. Rothstein Shekelberg

>> No.10767736

you have to go back

>> No.10767773

FIAT is meant to inflate. It's a wonderful tool. Now use this wisdom to create value, don't sit around crying over your few thousand that vanish each year

>> No.10767823

A lifetime of wageslaving and taxes is not enough. ((They)) also have to depreciate what you do earn through inflation. JUST

>> No.10767839


As long as I get to be part of the technocrats.

>> No.10767922

>baww inflation bad, why can't my money always just worth more??
Literally high school level uneducated thinking

>> No.10767984


>> No.10768025

If everything was transparent about the government and the federal reserve, then I would be ok with printing more money/inflation. The thing is that it's not transparent. It's literally a fucking scam at the highest level possible.

>> No.10768036

That's why hard money is so important. Otherwise it makes long-term planning pointless, and then going into debt for decades becomes the common thing to do.

Hard money will help the poor more than anyone else, it is cultural soap.

>> No.10768108

I-Bonds you lazy nigger. Why should people be rewarded for laziness?

>> No.10768156

Why should it be transparent?

>> No.10768170

>save money
>put it in a well diversified stock market portfolio
>wait your specified time period
>buy a better car than you could before
Also the gov doesn’t simply print money to control inflation. You should know this
You can buy treasury debt and beat inflation with very little risk.
What isn’t transparent about it? This information is all publically available

>> No.10768189

>Why is this okay?
It would be antisemitic if it wasn't.

>> No.10768301

>they don't know about hyperinflation
>still hasn't addressed the issue of long term sustainability of debt financing through currency debasement
Go live in Venezuela if you think inflation is so great retards. The economic model of the 20th century has run it's course and no longer functions, get over it.

>> No.10768324


>> No.10768854

wrong. The more loans the better for the goverment and banks.

>> No.10768906

This is the reason people people hold physical gold and silver.

>> No.10769031

how can these little fucks be this insecure that you're an old man with shoe lifts

>> No.10769033

Inflating the currency is one thing, distributing the newly created money another. The problem is ofc that (((banks))) get the extra money. Consider also that increases in efficiency lead to deflation (more products for same work) and you can see that the effective 'inflation' tax is equal to the sum of efficiency gain plus change. Progress literally gets siphoned off into waiting pockets.

>> No.10769373

Ven has different issues than that of FIAT.

>> No.10769423


Ok, stupid.
