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10765288 No.10765288 [Reply] [Original]

Hush little wagie don’t say a word. Of course you have to work, don’t be absurd.

And if little wagie starts to whine, I’ll tell your boss Mr. Shekelstein

And when Shekelstein fires wagie’s ass, I’ll be there to fuck your lass.

So little wagie don’t you cry, waging every day until you die.

>> No.10765308

Look, I'm not a wagie, but you're doing too much.
How old are you seriously?

>> No.10765317

kek'd desu

>> No.10765319
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That's it, time for me to go hardcore on my goals. Thanks OP.

>> No.10765322

calm down

>> No.10765329
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>look I’m really not a Wagie but don’t you think you’re taking it too far? Wagies have feelings too! They’re good honest hardworking people
He typed frantically as he sat hiding in the toilet stall sweating in fear that shekelstein would barge in demanding last week’s report.

>> No.10765340

NEET crew. I am doing my routine, wake up Monday morning, get a coffee, watch the market open, then go back to sleep dreaming of wagie tears

>> No.10765343
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jokes on you I don't have a gf for you to steal

>> No.10765351
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>> No.10765372
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>just got back from late night waging
>feel better than the jobless lards who shit post morning to night
-ITT NEETS so bored and miserable they make fun of people trying to better them selves.
ITT LARPS and Miserable NEETS

>> No.10765377

I though it was funny at first, but the guy is doing hundred of threads.

>> No.10765382

>I'd be bored if I wasn't a slave
you have no imagination then

>> No.10765411

>so bored and miserable
You realize that people for whom you are working are NEETs in your book?

>> No.10765414
File: 40 KB, 448x328, C973EE19-7B8D-4E8D-B60E-29C138F9BAB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha I actually like throwing away 70% of my life so mr shekelstein can buy a new Ferrari for his wife, and if that makes me a “wagecuck” then I guess I’m wagecuck McGee!”

>> No.10765444
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the stress of toiling for mr. shekelstein is making you paranoid, wagie
mayhaps you are perchance feeling a little bit over-worked?
don't worry, your precious weekend is only five days away!
now, MUSH

>> No.10765445

Why would you make fun of normal people who work to provide their family, they make money, have friends and have a good time.
You on the other hand are 24/7 in your house on your computer making 0 money, you have zero friends and no social life, you dont do anything meaningful you sit at home all day and jerk off.
And yet you are making fun of normal functioning people.

>> No.10765478
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I make 3000/month sitting at home from autismbux. Then I use that money to daytrade when I feel like it. I made around 75k last year without spending a second working in an office. Also I have a Japanese online gf and around 200 religious followers on twitch. I am quite happy. Can you say the same, wagecuck?

>> No.10765498

Sure you did buddy.
So in usa people call those people "neets"?
We just call them losers here.
People with no jobs and no friends who live with their parents till they die.

>> No.10765501
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Even when i make it, ill continue to work in some capacity. For myself and my own business endeavors or volunteering. I could never be one of these pathetic zoomer neets jacking off to cartoons and watching "competitive gamers" or whatever the fuck. I mean hear me out OP. I wake up at 330am on my work days. Today is my day off and ive been up since 5. Im laying in my king size bed having a little wake and bake while i rub my wifes ass. As soon as i start to see the sun poke thru my Venetian blinds im going to go mow my grass, and then my neighbors. Then we are watching our god daughter today and taking her to some goofy shit i dunno i dont plan that part she does. Regardless... what im trying to say is, even tho i work, have a job, my life is probably way better and more comfortable and rewarding than yours. Plus, im not handicapped by a crippling antisocial personality disorder like you.

>> No.10765505

Online gf hahahahahha.
I hope you are trolling.

>> No.10765516
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Imagine being so brainwashed by wagecuckery that you I ironically believe Venetian blinds are worth bragging about.

>> No.10765526
File: 84 KB, 634x452, 37B9D84200000578-3764971-image-a-4_1472592622901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping as a neet

>> No.10765527

Imagine coping so hard about being broke you try to make someone whos blinds cost more than your gaming rig into the cuck.

>> No.10765533
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I didn't choose this life... it was hoisted upon me

>> No.10765538

imagine being cucked so hard your wife controls the checkbook

oh wait you already are. you think for a second she isnt banging tyron while you work for her? you are already submissive to her

>> No.10765555

Imagine being so obsessed with nigger dick you cant even for one second take witness of someone doing better than you without fantasizing about tyrone. Try laying off the porno, cuck boy. Maybe work out a little. It will help with your sick and twisted world view.

>> No.10765565

>I make 3000/month sitting at home from autismbux
I live in a socialist hellhole and even here the gobernment wouldnt pay you that much money. Nice LARP op

>> No.10765566

Oof. These quads are irrefutable, cuck boy. Enjoy fantasizing about those nigger dicks.

>> No.10765571

Read better, I'm not a wagie retard.

>> No.10765598
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OK, this one hot me OP

>> No.10765612
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>> No.10765613

kek, wagies are miserable slaves to a kiked up system. oh how sorry do i feel for them.

the world is waking up to the kikes in the west though, so they'll be free soon.

>> No.10765650
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>stupid incel neets!!
>wagie masterrace!!
>baited every morning like clockwork


>> No.10765655


Millennial hipster working in McDonalds with a women's studies degree detected.

>> No.10765666

About to drive my bitchin pickup to work after stopping for my morning /sip/ then ill just get in my work rig and get nice and blazed, I think ill go ahead and put in ~60 hours this week since we're still on a tasty dip

>> No.10765687

what doujin is this?

>> No.10765724

He’s a teen on summer living with mom

>> No.10765813

Ahahahahahaha 30 year old boomer

>> No.10765838

? Depending on what he has this is extremely feasible.

>> No.10765854
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>> No.10765887

>T. Coping wagie
It's okay. I'm sure Mr Shekelstein will give you that 25 cent raise sometime

>> No.10765908

Was thinking last night we needed a wagie lullaby. Kekd.

>> No.10765909
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That faggot only does youtubes and presentations where he talks out of his ass for neetbux.

He's NEET at heart.

>> No.10765929

sure thing daddy

are people seriously unironically into this self help scam artist?

>> No.10765960

I feel as though NEET life could be fun, if not for the fact that you have relatively no money. I think my biggest struggle atm is finding a balance between making money/having free time, because if I don’t work as much as I do, I wouldn’t have enough money to do the fun things that I do.

Any tips on maximizing free time in this wageslave lifestyle?

>> No.10765965


>posts using an IPad

Nice projection lol. I bet you work in finance or consultancy

>> No.10766008

I am posting this from my wagecage (coding job)

I'm learning web technologies on the side. I'm gonna be working by myself in no time, a friend is helping me to do the jump. 5 years of wagerace, 3 years of total bullshit. The last year was hell.

>> No.10766010

gonna have to go ahead and check that. these wagies need to take it easy and not drink so much coffee. i think theyre too stressed.

>> No.10766089

>wife files for divorce after cheating with a man who can afford Egyptian blinds and has bigger cubicle

>> No.10766250

fuken kek

>> No.10766329
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>> No.10766338
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Just got assigned $300k in capital to corner the crypto market.

Sorry NEETs, guess you'll be losing there as well.

>> No.10766350

>banana republic boxers

lmao you fucking wagecuck boomer.

>> No.10766622
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my mom bought them for me