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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10764170 No.10764170 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 18 years old
>mother cheats on my dad
>they get divorced
>mother leaves to another city and cuts all contact with me and my siblings
>we sell our house and dad buys me a small flat
>calls me once a week
>siblings don't call me at all and when I call them they tell me they're too busy
>dad is constatly complaying that he doesn't want to give me any money for food etc because my mother took 50% of his money when they divorced
>start working
>have to leave school because of that
>just want to have enough money so my future kids won't have to go through all of this

How do I make it /biz/?

I am thinking of going back to school, I am 19 now and have some money saved up.
I'll still have to at least have a 20hours/week job to pay rent&food though

>> No.10764192

Women mate, fuck ‘em.

>> No.10764207
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>> No.10764209


>> No.10764235

Don't get into debt, do community college, or just work...Aldo investicije montly in ChainLink

>> No.10764241

I agree

>> No.10764258

Frugality is key. Dollar store, fuel efficient car, Goodwill clothing. Work full-time and you'll retire In 15-20 years. Invest in Alibaba or some other good tier stocks. Buy stocks that do nothing but gobup.

>> No.10764276
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>> No.10764291

I actually am living with minimal expenses already. I haven't bought new clothing for a whole year and I have eaten only once outside.

And I don't even have a car

>> No.10764311

it depends on what country you're living, if it's US I can't help you

>> No.10764315

work any job you can find
study new skills at home or begin to start a home business

>> No.10764316

No, I am in central Europe

>> No.10764322

yes, go back to school...
If you are living in europe, even having a 40 hr job and going to school should be zero problem anon... I did it myself

>> No.10764332

nice blog


>> No.10764334

Godspeed anon..

>> No.10764338

Generate additional income by renting to a flatmate

>> No.10764346

Where in central europe? In my country you could sue your mother for paying for your college career and expenses associated with it

>> No.10764353

well, then it depends on your interests and what you want from life
I would suggest to look for free higher education, no matter where, only because it's place when you can network and find many new people. you don't need a degree to succeed in life, but if you will enroll anywhere there's big chance you'll find at least 1-2 dudes who will help you to make your life better and expand your horizons
2) don't buy iphone
3) switch jobs every 6-12 months until you will find something which resonates with you, what you will want to do besides working hours. if you can find you passion and can spend 10+ hours per week to improve yourself in this field you're already above 80%+ of population
4) don't sell drugs, they are okay to use in moderate amounts but if you go full blown hustle then chances are you're life will be screwed for next 5-10 years even if you will not end up in jail. that's from personal experience

>> No.10764372

>Not mortgaging your place to buy alts
Not gonna make it. Or you could just do trade school or learn a few coding languages.

>> No.10764385

>buy clothes yearly
>eat outside even once in his life
You won't make it.

>> No.10764396

Man research Chainlink. Literally watch the Sergey videos. I hope you've been in crypto long enough to realise everything(99%)is basically a "The China Hustle" except for BTC, ETH and LINK and maybe some more. Then start buying LINK every week. It's literally one of the best bets to make money in 2018/19.

Also OP do you live in a big country like USA? Then sell weed or lsd(dnm).

>> No.10764399

Kek your mother is a whore and you're literally a son of a bitch.

>> No.10764403

Yeah, actually I started reading books about copywriting and I am going to a course on Wednesday, hopefully I can earn some money doing that in the future

Okay, that's what I thought is the best scenario right now. But I will have almost no time for self improvement then (like reading, courses, learning new skills)


The flat is still under reconstruction, my dad keeps postponing it for half a year now. So I am sleeping on a mattress and I don't even have a fridge so I doubt anybody would live here

Czech Republic

My dream is to be a freelancer or something like that, where I can plan my whole day by myself and earn money doing something that helps people and that I enjoy.
I have iPhone 5 that my grandmother gave me two years ago, that's okay, right?
And yeah, I am currently doing that with jobs, but I switch them like every 3 months
And I never did drugs or sold them

Coding languages. Is that a good way to earn money? I thought about either picking up copywriting or programming and I've chosen the former


>> No.10764410

>buying iphone
That piece of crap kek

>> No.10764411

>Czech Republic
Czech women.. Classic

>> No.10764441

>just want to have enough money so my future kids won't have to go through all of this
You should choose MGTWO and childfree.

>> No.10764451

whatever you do, DON'T do this. 40 hrs will burn you out.

look after yourself mentally, dont destroy yourself to feed someone elses pockets.

>> No.10764460

Change your path and go for coding, man. Too many people go for copywriting and you will get paid shit, if you at all get work.

>> No.10764595

unironically I would suggest to read Robert Kiyosaki "Poor dad and Rich dad" book
yes many will call it bullshit, however it helped me a lot when I was newfag / poorfag to set up right mindset. no need to buy it, just download, it's available everywhere and written in a such way even absolute brainlet could understand it, and it's quite fast to read, literally 5-8 hours from beginning to end
it will help you a lot in your further life
very hard to give any better general advice than this, if I had this information in your age I would achieve much more than I did at my 26 years

>> No.10764616


>> No.10764640
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>just want to have enough money so my future kids won't have to go through all of this
>thinking poverty isn't inherited

t-that's it goy, have kids so they too will be trapped in eternal wage slavery and subject their offspring to it too. misery loves company after all

>> No.10764667

t. fellow (((White))) man

>> No.10764712

I second this, Kiyosaki explains assets, liabilities and that being rich means having more assets than liabilities.

>> No.10764721

Regarding career choice, don't go for something you think you want. Go for something you are talented in and find it easy to the point of it being uninteresting.
The way to identify this is by comparing yourself with other people and seeing what they cannot do while you can or what they envy in you.
The point is, whatever you do, if you are better then most people that do it (and especially if they try hard) you have basically made it and it will constantly go up for you.

>> No.10764776

oh fellow czechbro, good luck

>> No.10764804
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>> No.10764814

But what if you aren’t talented in anything

>> No.10764899

Watch China hustle before you recommend Alibaba ever again.

>> No.10764937

When you take into account how many people pick wrong professions, it is very likely for anyone to be "talented" at something.
If not, it's still obviously better to go for something that you have more knack for compared to other stuff.

>> No.10765066

Crypto is the path to a nice early nestegg for the next few years. Make money save. All into good crypto. By 25 u will be rich.then u can train in anything u want in any country in the world.

>> No.10765084

Dude literally buy 5k worth of Link and you'll fuckinf make it without a year

>> No.10765151
