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File: 43 KB, 682x891, satoshi-2009-bitcoin-first-post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10760108 No.10760108 [Reply] [Original]

I start

>> No.10760155

I thought this was the dick cancer survivor board with the guy talking about how his wife left him but he's in remission now and without a dick but "at least I'm still alive" and "I'm just looking for someone to talk to". His dick got chopped off and his wife left him all alone in the world. That is an undignified life. Hmm.

>> No.10760169


What a pussy. Would've just killed myself.

>> No.10760212

It was a gradual decline. First he thought the cancer was curable, she said she'd stay, then it wasn't curable, eventual surgeries, reality sets in, she leaves, he clings to nothing. Sad story though. A little dick cancer goes a long way.

>> No.10760315


Fucking 2009 man. Why the fuck didn't I hear about bitcoin earlier. FUCK. I remember when I first heard about it I wanted to try mining it but by then ASICs were already around and all I had was a mid-tier gaming GPU and people were saying don't even bother mining if you don't have an ASIC so I didn't look into it more after that and just forgot about the whole thing. Fucking chinks and their ASICs fucked me so hard FUUUUuuuUUuuUuuuUUuuuuuu.

>> No.10760635
File: 48 KB, 1295x337, gavin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10761068


>tfw you heard about Bitcoin in 2010 and 2011 and didn't do anything because you didn't understand how such a thing would have any value compared to something like gold, and creating a wallet was too complicated anyway

I hope you never have to feel regret like this, anon.

>> No.10761127

anyone with a brain sold long ago. Even if the hodlers ended up being right, selling really was the rational decision.

>> No.10761156

I thought satoshi always put two spaces after every full stop. like this.

Why hasnt he done it here?

>> No.10761186

oh thats weird. cant do two spaces on le 4chins lel

>> No.10761206


You're right. Still, if you were bright enough to just hold 10-20 Bitcoin indefinitely and sell the rest you'd have made a ton of money. This is why I'll never sell 100% of the coins I hold now, if I believe in them. Too much potential for regret.

>> No.10761271


Fuck man, that's rough. Can't think about these things too much or you'll get into a really dark place in your mind lol. Even if I was late into the mining game buying some back then would've made me a shit ton of money but somehow I didn't even think about buying them or that people would pay something for them. I never heard bitcoin had a price attached to it? Somehow it didn't even register that I could buy them lol just that you could mine them. Oh well.

>> No.10761611

same here anon, I heard about BTC back in 2011 but I had a shitty PC and an idea of investing into it didn't occur to me

>> No.10761862
File: 654 KB, 800x737, 1528132312720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look into 0xBitcoin. It is the first Erc20/Erc918, meaning it is the first mineable ethereum token.



>> No.10761888


Yea I mined that a little bit but I'm just mining mostly Nimiq nowadays. It's GPU/ASIC resistant so it's still pretty nice to mine it.


>> No.10761982


Don't worry. I did mine in 2010, had several thousand & forgot about the wallet as I fell for the fud. The computer is long gone. Came back just in time to get Goxxed. Fucked off again. Came back early 2017, didn't buy Ethereum because I fell for the fud. Made a little on the XRP pump, but not close to making it, basically a Decemberfag. Fml.

>> No.10762019


Jesus. Link?