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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10759770 No.10759770 [Reply] [Original]

higher than when it was at 20,000

bears on suicide watch

>> No.10759799
File: 37 KB, 1129x583, smh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder /biz manages to lose money in crypto kek

>> No.10759813

>using Binance to track volume
>doesn't realize that high volume in a downtrend is bad
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.10759815

this must be fake.
>its actually real
what the fuck

>> No.10759830

its just one exchange volume
not the whole btc market volume

>> No.10759831

Usd gateways have no volume

>> No.10759832
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>high volume is bad






*breathes in*


>> No.10759837

and still fees are just 1 sat/byte, wtf

>> No.10759838

Binance didnt have as much volume back then. Unironically kys

>> No.10759841

People were only just starting to use Binance then you dipshit

>> No.10759847

>1 year exchange
Binance doesn't have a significant BTC trading history. Chinks gonna chink

>> No.10759849
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looks primed to a dive to 4k

>> No.10759853


So you're saying BNB is a good investment?

>> No.10759866
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1530499641099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a chance bobo you brown bastard

>muh 2014 chart

fundamentals are different now total retard it's not 2014

>> No.10759867

oh lord. rising volume in a downtrend would be bad, yes. but we're at 4 billion$ volume compared to the 24 billion$ volume in december. so it's not rising.
nvm you're probably 12 and not capable of understanding what's going on

>> No.10759887

Holy shit, you're so retarded it hurts. Do you sometimes forget to breathe?

>> No.10759930


the only people who still use this word are pajeets

>> No.10759933

guys i went all in already. someone on biz told me to

>> No.10759970

Guess how I can tell your mum is a slag.

>> No.10759979

Not good

>> No.10760005
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>> No.10760029

So money and people are not leaving the market, just moving their money around preparing for the next bull run.

>> No.10760054

Whales have literally run out of weak hands to buy from. They've been doing this constant 6k testing bullshit to try and squeeze out the last few nervous retards into selling on the cheap.

Expect them to pump the price like crazy sooner rather then later.

>> No.10760059
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>> No.10760066

>what's a washbot

>> No.10760098
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>He doesn't know how volume statistics work

Binance is a drop in the bucket my dude, big dogs trade with leverage.

Did you honestly believe you discovered some kind of statistic everyone else missed when you were just browsing on your chink scam exchange?

>> No.10760101
File: 26 KB, 679x189, Volume for dummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10760118

dream on pajeet this is the reversal happening right before your eyes you can't see it because you have your nose buried up the arse of astrologers predicting prices via star charts

1. increasing volume is due to renewed interest
2. renewed interest brings more money
3. bear trap completes with you firmly in it


4. profit for hodlers

>> No.10760120

>trying this hard

>> No.10760129
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10760163
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>> No.10760180

hell yeah boy, 100x long

>> No.10760586
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>> No.10760608
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quiet pajeet

the bulls are talking

>> No.10760637


Please I need to be right once. Lost all my money last year in Ponzi Coin

>> No.10760639

Replace price with shorts and your graph is correct

>> No.10760650
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>> No.10760668

Faggots, bitcoin will be shit and remain shit until people start buying drugs again wich **surprise ** is not gonna happen

>> No.10760833
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>> No.10760854

falling for muh patterns meme

volume is adoption
volume is interest
volume is bull

>> No.10760859

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

>> No.10760894

Have they stopped buying drugs ?

>> No.10760979


>> No.10761477
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Yes, the dream was over even before you retards closed your eyes to reality. BTC is worthless. The only reason why it cost 6000 buckaroos is because of retards like you are still speculating and because Cops still have some millions left on stolen bitcoins