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10758374 No.10758374 [Reply] [Original]

>finally make it
>too old so no longer super teenager-early 20's libido
>no longer shoot massive loads
>too tired and things don't feel as new anymore
>colors aren't as vived as they used to be
>don't even feel pumped about the idea of having a lambo because too old so you look stupid on it

Life is a scam if you arent a prettyboy Chad pussy slayer with a trust fund

>> No.10758409

Take testosterone replacement, that wil fix all your problems.

>> No.10758439

>doing TRT at 29

my test is fine, my DHT is above range, im fucking balding, my hardons are strong

its just not the fucking same anymore, no matter how many test shots you pin on your ass

the more your live the less exciting things are

i swear fucking COLORS aren't as vivid anymore

also i havent even made it to the extent to afford pharma grade shenanigans, just made it to not work, get passive internet money, fuck some hookers, thats about it

>> No.10758500

What do you expect? Do you still play Tetris? Try out new things.

>> No.10758510


>> No.10758524

Lsd and magic shroomssss

>> No.10758537


you're just a weak bitch, stop making excuses for yourself.

>> No.10758540

maybe drugs were the problem

>> No.10758547

Seems like you are just depressed or something

>> No.10758550

Take a couple hits of some good old LSD

>> No.10758552


nope dont smoke or do drugs not even drink alcohol

>> No.10758555

Do 3-5 grams of mushrooms and you'll reboot

>> No.10758560

so how does that decrease cumshots? its just aging and it fucking sucks

fuck that drugs are cope

i tried cialis and it gave me an headache

will try priligy to last longer and viagra to see if i can get monster hardons

>> No.10758573

stop being so salty man, it's bad for you. most people have to put up with this shit and dwelling on what could've been just fucks you up mentally

>> No.10758576

I'm 31 and life is great. Go fuck yourself you pathetic low t piece of shit.

>> No.10758622

>no longer shoot massive loads
take some zinc

>> No.10758659

I'm a 33 year old forever alone I rarely go out or anything, yesterday I went to a trendy club for a birthday, I got so many 'i want to fuck you' looks by girls in their early 20s, got my ass grabbed several times, I wasn't expecting that really. If I wasn't a turbo autist I should at least had a threesome yesterday..

>> No.10758682
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Seems like youre just fucking gay lmao

>> No.10758733

>be 26
>still not even close to making it
>still non-escort virgin
>job is one step above mcdonalds
>nothing excites me anymore
>even if I got really pussy I wouldnt give a fuck

I never fucking made it, even on a small scale, and now even if I did I wouldn't even be happy.

>> No.10758756

Live healthier, take care of your bollocks. No fake foods, all real, read ingredients. Infrared sauna for detox (regular hurts the balls, too hot). Brazil nuts for selenium, wheat germ oil for zinc. Bell peppers vit c and a. Magnesium oil after/during shower.


Take martial art classes. A real one where you can go all out, no Mcdojos, BJJ or 10th planet or wrestling, judo are good. You will feel like a beast some days after class, but you need to give it your all though.

Those helped for me OP.

>> No.10758759

>take some zinc
I second this.
Also try lifting and lurking /fit/

>> No.10758775

You have white people problems

>> No.10758795


Propably not low test but low dopamine.

>> No.10758813

Drop some acid / mushrooms and ask some intimate questions about what you want. Trust me you'll find a new lease on life.

>> No.10758820

>being this low t at 29
Fucking kek. I guarantee your diet is utter fucking shit. Eat clean as fuck and exercise and take a multivitamin. I’m 30 and feel awesome, in the best shape of my life and live off magic internet money too. Stop wasting time.

>> No.10758826

hmm... 31 and still shoot loads

>> No.10758834
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>be 24
>Look decent
>Still virgin
>Have had girls from 14 to 20 wanting to sex my dick
>Got snapchat pics of huge underage tits and other girl telling me to literally rape her (which made me rather kek deeply)
>I refuse them all

Please fucking help me. Im such a lazy piece of shit. Only a pure 10/10 could lit the flame on my dick.
Its not only girls, but im barely interested in anything.
I just like staying home and doing literally nothing. Thats when I see my day being succesful.

>> No.10758910

this. that shit jacks you up and makes you feel like a 20yo again

>> No.10758960



>> No.10758982

Bro, drop a gram or two of mushrooms and have a good evening.

You'll be lazy the next day, but I tell you- your gonna feel back on top for months.

Who gives a fuck if your libido isn't the same as a 20 year old.

If you find the right person with the right chemistry you gonna fuck that bitch all day any time.

Lay off the porn but don't stop masturbating. Seriously. No fucking porn, no pics of girls while you wank. Just close your eyes and giver. You'll get much better control and regularly jerking it will increase your loads. If you wank 5 times a day well ya you gonna have small loads.

Why do all you people care so fucking much.
Relax. Take a chill pill what do you have to lose? So dignity? Pfft you don't have any to lose in the first place so who cares.

>> No.10758986

I did it for 1 month.
Doesnt do anything for me

>> No.10758994

You have to understand the repercussions of giving in to the bait. If you take it then you go to jail. Women are strong and independent but aren't held liable for their own actions and if you go the natural way and go for those young women in their prime that you would have gotten were you born in less of a circus then you will find your life might be over.
Be careful and live knowing you're a slave.

>> No.10758998

bunch of memes ITT (especially nofap)

Exercise is the only thing that really works to improve health, but you don't wanna hear it because its slow and takes effort

>> No.10759033

This. And HGH. Play life on god mode.

>> No.10759050

>nope dont smoke or do drugs not even drink alcohol
Here's your problem. You're a boring faggot. What's the point of making it if you hate fun.

>> No.10759101

This is a problem I have.
I was always surrounded by drug users and an alcoholic father so I hate having that shit around me and don't have any interest in anything past occasional alcohol.
How do you bother with young women when they all seem to be into drugs?
What else is "fun" to people? I on like anything besides making money but I can't buy hookers because it's illegal, overpriced, and they're ugly trash here.

>> No.10759117

get a jaguar instead

>> No.10759156

>What else is "fun" to people?

>> No.10759194

Damn im 35, fat, poor and still enjoy life

>> No.10759214
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Normies, especially women, are the most boring pieces of shit alive. Most of what they "like" is either to snap photos of whatever they're doing to brag about their life on social media or they only enjoy shit because they drink everytime they "go out". Good luck finding a girl who likes hanging out and talking about anything actually meaningful or god forbid shares any hobbies.

>> No.10759268

Wtf there's actually some potential ideas from skimming that. Thanks cunt.

>> No.10759629

drugs are cope
literally one lsd session can reboot you as others have said
it's a one time deal dawg you don't have to devote your life to drogas

>> No.10759639

>i swear fucking COLORS aren't as vivid anymore

That sounds like depression.

>> No.10759644


This is why you don't do drugs. Fucking niggers.

>> No.10759669

Feeling like an incel agreeing to this, but it's kinda true...

>> No.10759789

>COLORS aren't as vivid anymore

tbqh and I don't want to scare you, between this and the balding you could have a serious medical problem brewing

>> No.10759873

this hits home way too hard. My gf is also a feminist. Fuck

>> No.10759931


Okay i'm trying that peppermint schnapps idea.

>> No.10759989

I'm kinda in the same boat and have had the same experiences.

Honestly, it's to the point where I think a lot of the complaints men have, though some are valid, are excuses for their own fear, insecurity, laziness, etc etc. When I get past myself I always see the competition wasn't even present and that it was always just me getting in my own way.

>> No.10760009
File: 150 KB, 417x467, 1534499708426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called growing psilocybin mushrooms my friend will fix all of your problems and will give you insight if you are willing to learn and improve as a person.

>> No.10760110
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Depressants, Stimulants, and LSD should be avoided but mushrooms will fix any psychological or personality complications and will let you find a true baseline where you can be equinanimous while moving towards your goals. Look up psilocybin on google scholar and you will find quite a bit of research that supports this

Psilocybin is very safe and very worth your time i recommend giving it a shot

>> No.10760179

hello fellow chronically depressed anon how are you doing? Have you also been checking out suicide methods lately and suffer from a closet depression since you were 14? :)

>> No.10760214


>> No.10760247

Hey, anyone here also 25 and going to the doctors soon for possible liver disease due to alcoholism because of severe tinnitus since 20?

>> No.10760248

its because you have to have friends and get out of the house and do stuff

>> No.10760317

It's either your outlook on life or your a fuckin pussy OP.
I'm 31 and we'll over the fact that I'm not in my early 20s anymore and actually appreciate the world now more than ever. There's fit guys out there in there 40s and even 50s killing it. It's all about staying relatively healthy, being emotionally strong and in touch and mentally optimistic. You become what you think. remember that.

>> No.10760349
File: 12 KB, 250x241, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You become what you think. remember that.

>> No.10760401

t. fags who never got to experience peak performance in their 20s
your life is over and worthless once you hit 30. fit oldfags have no skills and they can only work out two or three times a week.

>> No.10760448

same. i'm just tired of life. fantasize about getting diagnosed with a terminal illness and telling the doctors i'm just not gonna do treatment cause i'm ready to go

>> No.10760461

Wow, thought you meant you were late 30’s or above. My god you must be a pure S O Y boy faggot.

>> No.10760536

does shit nothing. my zinc levels werent any higher 5 years ago




im a non virgin escort myself. whats the point tho, if you arent chad you cant fuck hot girls without paying

my fucking diet is mediterranean decent diet im from spain

my diet is the same from 5 years ago, its just AGING

>muh multis

some people stop shotting loads some dont

manuel ferrara at 40 loadsmogs me

i need to shot loads again fuck

>> No.10760539

Welcome brother, literally thinking about that every day. Sitting at the doctor's get diagnosed with severe illness, giggle and chose to not treat it.

>> No.10760544

these are not real girls but catfish

"decent looking" doesnt trigger that on girls

>> No.10760558


actually selling for the boomer meme and actively searching for it and romancing shit like lambos. What a faggot. Have fun and live life dude. Don’t get caught up in that materialistic shit. If all else fails, time to move innawoods.

>> No.10760565

what is your obsession over shooting bigger loads?

>whats the point tho, if you arent chad you cant fuck hot girls without paying
you know the saying, no matter what you're always paying.. even chad has to pay in one form or another

>> No.10760567

my health is ok, im low bodyfat, i walk 1 hour a day, i just need bigger loads and a time machine

>> No.10760572

Recently turned 30 and it’s been a blessing in so many ways. Late 20s are so full of panic and shit. Expecting too much in a society of shitheads.

>> No.10760577

>fun is drugs and alcohol
you will not make it

>> No.10760583

Lol must suck to be such a limp twisted faggot. Keep trying man.

>> No.10760596

And yet another fucking pansy faggot. You sound like a cat lady, bitch.

>> No.10760617

h-how did you end up making it?

>> No.10760624

i have done 3+ months of not ejaculating, edging to klixen porn etc

still my cumshots are shit

i take topical finasteride but i doubt is that. stopped it for a while, tried again, same shit

its the best thing ive done, it calms my scalp from the shitty male pattern baldness itch and slowd down my hairloss, im still 1.5 norwood at age 29, if i was past nw3 i couldnt be able to leave my bed

>> No.10760645

>lsd is bad but mush is ok

>> No.10760649

hodl btc

>> No.10760717
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I feel you on the colors thing OP. Also
>wake up tired
>drink coffee
>go to construction job/university still tired
>come home tired
>can't sleep because don't feel accomplished
>cry at night for no fucking reason
Is this some disease you can develop? Literally only crypto and weed make me feel normal nowadays and it's less and less all the time

>> No.10760722

unironically this

>> No.10760744

Lol im over 31 and blowing massive loads constantly over 21 year olds. Expensive cars are dumb. Some people werent meant to make it i guess.

>> No.10760813

I have severe Tinnitus too. It took me several years but after a while, you just filter it out. It’s here if I listen to it, but 99.9% of the time, I just forget it’s here. Brain plasticity is your best ally. My ENT doctor had patients with the equivalent of constant fire alarm pressed against their ears and some eventually manage to filter it out too. In the meantime, I got addicted to benzos for several years, but I managed to stop eventually... good luck bro, it’s a tough road for sure. My ringing started 15 years ago and it really is a non-issue now. Hope you’ll get there.

>> No.10760815

i haven't cried at night since years ago, i got past that phase at like age 25

check ur thyroid, get some sun

i need to get some sun myself and get a decent sleeping schelude its really shit

>> No.10760827

>Expensive cars are dumb.
so fucking what, they are cool

you are either too old or too poor, cope

me too but not severe

>> No.10760843

howd you guys get tinnitus? going to shows without earplugs?

ive never been into live events, must have been when my shitty soundcard exploded and my headphones made a massive noise, my head ringer for 3 days, it got better but my left ear as a very high pitched tone, it's not too loud tho, i fucking hate it because im a perfectionist, im into making music

how fucking funny, i avoid loud noises and this happens

>> No.10761493

kek, crippled by baldness

>> No.10761508


Hearing is damaged pretty easily, most people can't tell its happening either because it is so gradual.

>> No.10761535

>get passive internet money, fuck some hookers, thats about it
I don't see a problem

>> No.10761555

>my test is fine, my DHT is above range, im fucking balding
not related in the way you think.

>> No.10761589

lsd is probably harmless but NBOME, 2C-whatever, and that bromo shit can really mess you up
I suppose jackasses will eat poisonous mushrooms too but actual psilocybin mushrooms are easy to dose and fairly safe to consume

>> No.10761609

>OP is so autistic and socially retarded that he thinks instagram is real life

>> No.10762316

You people who have no life goals were already destined to be slaves to begin with.

>> No.10762337

>i swear fucking COLORS aren't as vivid anymore

Your hormones are out of whack. I had the same thing happen when I ended my first cycle and had bunk pct.

I was tired all the time and had no enjoyment from life. Get your estradiol and progesterone levels checked. Almost guarantee they are going to be fucked up.

>> No.10762342

Not sure how exactly, I was young and careless, could have been fireworks and/or repeated rock concerts. You don’t really pay attention because you think it’ll just stop after a few days, until it doesn’t.

>> No.10762349

>so how does that decrease cumshots? its just aging and it fucking sucks
Also exactly like I was.

I could be writing what you wrote.

Did you take any SSNRIs? Any palpitations? Lethargy? Brain fog?

>> No.10762568

My dad took me to the shooting range for the first time when I was around 13 and for some fucking reason didn't think to bring hearing protection/didn't think it was necessary. I didn't know at the time either, but you would think it would be up to the gun owner and not the kid who knows jack shit about guns to be the responsible adult, right? I've had constant ringing in my ears for about a decade now...

>> No.10762586

Move to the countryside

changed my life and solved all my depression problems

I earn less, but I am free

>> No.10762625

Fucking weedbros make me sick

>> No.10762893


>> No.10762957

If you feel the need to compare yourself to "prettyboy Chad pussy slayer with a trust fund" then quite frankly, you deserve to lose.

What does some kid have to do with your life?

Besides, i can tell you, I figured out how to make a lot of money in my early 20's, while i was a pretty fuck - got girls very easily at any time.

But you know what , at the time i didn't really appreciate it - and now it's over and i'm an awkward old fuck too.

Nothing last friends, just enjoy what you can while you can.

>> No.10763028

I think you're just depressed, anon. Maybe go outside more and spend less time on 4chan.

>> No.10763089

Yes. NBOME can be pretty fucking crazy. A friend who had been taking drugs for almost a decade and had a high tolerance to most substances took 2 doses of NBOME and tried to kill himself. Luckily he survived but broke multiple bones and was in the hospital for months.

Dont fuck with that shit, and LSD by association.

>> No.10763090

Then make a lot of money and get a hot wife with strong-frame attractive male relatives. Make a chad with a trust fund.

>> No.10763278

my dad got me a job in a boxplant. after 3 shifts with shitty earplugs in high DBs i got tinnitus.

i was a depressed person, who just started to feel happy again before i got that job. But since i have been day dreaming of killing myself. Suicidal af idk how many days i have left. I feel bad for my senpai, but sometimes i feel the suffering is too great, as much as i want to live. literally the most painful way for me to commit suicide right now is just to continue living, so im optimistic in that sense i guess. i just listen to music 24/7 until i pass out.

>> No.10763287

learn to meditate my friend

it's the only thing which stops me from killing myself

>> No.10763306


>> No.10763312

Do you like music that has a nice ring to it?

>> No.10763337
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>> No.10763351

thanks. i used to be into it a lot. im normally a zen person that doesnt disturb shit and would sit like a praying mantis all day if i could. i will look into some more guided meditations with music. unfortunately my mind in a quite room is torture with tinnitus. im trying to be more healthy to mitigate the traumatic ear cancer im blessed with

>> No.10763362

>COLORS aren't as vivid anymore
So true. 31 here and i feel like i haven't seen an actual bright red color in YEARS

>> No.10763374

10/10 pun.
sometimes i wish i could implant whats in my mind into other peoples, and watch these weak souls kill themselves when they realize what suffering actually feels like. the same type of people that probably wont make any money off crypto because they lack many things, including the desire to improve ones life, and actually do what it takes.. but whatevs

>> No.10763392

one way i like to chill/meditate, is youtube some different monks/meditation teachers, listen to their talks on the topic. there will be one which explains it in a way you understand best.

it's a good way for me to get into a better state without just sitting down in a quiet room. it's some help in the right direction.

i found this "ajahn brahm" guy good, a british monk who studied meditation in the forrest in thailand for 20 years. then came to aus to start a temple. does talks each week still, can catch em live&recorded. also found his way of explaining it really good, that's the book of his i linked a few posts up.

>> No.10763407

You want to dump your ear bags on someone else.

>> No.10763460

thanks anon, i remember listening to Alan Watts describe meditation. it is an altered state of consciousness of its own almost.

>> No.10763525

>talking about "something"
>doing "something" interesting
lmao stay mad virgins

>> No.10763722

This thread is FUCKING pathetic
We are all gonna die, why the fuck do you people want to die early?
I understand depression and have had suicidal thoughts but then I realized, if I’m suffering now, I need to just fucking do what I want with life. We are all going to die eventually, why not just squeeze fun out of life.

>> No.10763775

Have you tried white noise (or just putting your radio at an empty frequency)? It helped a lot with covering silence, and also trained my brain to filter out unwanted noises (such as tinnitus). Would recommend. I know some people prefer the sound of waves, or rain, or other natural stuff.

>> No.10763815


>> No.10763843

Whatever it is you like, do it relentlessly.
Stay healthy and above all stop giving a fuck. If you wanna shoot cum harder, get healthy. But above all don’t kill your self mentally if it doesn’t happen right away. Negative thought feedback loops are extremely powerful at keeping you subdued. I believe it starts with the mindset “I’m gonna do my best and if I fail at first who fucking cares.”
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.10763854

>colors aren't vivid

It's your eyesight failing, go get some perscription glasses and the world becomes more colorful.

>> No.10763863

Thanks. Most of this this stuff I already understand and can agree with, but results have come very slowly for me and I still feel like shit most days. I am trying to stay positive though. Improving myself is very much a WIP.

>> No.10763884


I'm sorry anons :(


Have you guys tried these things?

>> No.10763892

These are all Jewish lies

>> No.10763934

The consensus is that it normally takes around 90 days to reboot with nofap though.

>> No.10763986

Same here anon. Patience will truly pay off. As I get older I feel the same, like everything’s slowing down but it’s all the more reason to not let ourselves slide further. Do some yoga and meditate, they’re not memes, they help you get your mind disciplined and that’s where it all starts. You can do it and so can I.

>> No.10764069

maybe you, gramps
i'm uploading myself to the cloud(tm)

>> No.10764344

Chad looks are very temporary

real beauty comes from true passion to life and how hard to work for that