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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10755511 No.10755511 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys im a 20 year old guy doing an apprenticeship as a software dev. Currently learning a lot of Java + Spring Framework.

Any advice on if/how i could one day start my own business or somehow take advantage of coding skills? Or are most devs going to be stuck in some wagie position?

>> No.10755588

go to hackathons, or game jams or what not. entrepreneurship is a skill you need to build up just as much as programming

>> No.10755715

Learn several functional programming languages. They enable a solo coder to get more done. I say to learn several so you will know what kind fits your goals.

>> No.10755734


>> No.10755772

Keep a running list of business ideas you can refer to when you need one.

>> No.10755783

just keep doing it and don't burn out, take care of yourself outside of programming.

I was into it when I was like 15 and lost interest, now I am turning 28 and my ageism impostor syndrome is too strong for me to even try to go into the field

>> No.10755809


Read up on devops so you can actually put anything you create out there in the world for people to use. I wasted a lot of time writing cool programs on my local machine when I should have been learning about cloud architecture

>> No.10755846

Make computers work for you and keep the automation running.
This may mean creating and deploying apps, running marketing campaigns, training neural networks, running masternodes (crypto is full of software dev entrepreneurs).
At some point the automated services should be doing much more than you could do if you worked during that time (in both societal value and income).

>> No.10755921

Tremendous planning goes into books and this makes books the best source of knowledge.

>> No.10755925

thanks for all the advice guys

>> No.10755943

My advice is don't do it. Becoming a developer was probably the worst decision of my life so far. You will be treated like dirt by unrealistic managers, especially with the current trend to do "more with less".

>> No.10755965

sounds like you may just have a bad job, but honestly what else could you be doing where you would earn nearly as much? Average devs got into it so they could earn a decent salary.

>> No.10756015

Its the only job that somehow fits me. Im used to sitting 8-12 hours in front of a computer and im autistic enough to actually be sort of good at coding, also i will never go back to uni because i hated it there.

>> No.10756030
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As a guy who knows Java, if you have some time and you're into crypto as well, maybe write me as I want to get into and review a project using Scala for the JVM and being a bit tied to BitcoinJ cryptography.

Contacts here

>> No.10756108

Software dev is a good job if you can get in.

Learning a programming language is easy, but learning its best practices is tough. It used to be that junior software devs had 'mentors' that regularly told them what to do / not to do and the junior devs weren't held responsible. That's changed a lot now, you're expected to be a C++14 of whatever the fuck Template(tm) Master(C) straight out of college. Used to be they'd ask you the foobar thing, now they ask you to generate the whole string of it in compile time.

Oh and software dev competition isn't limited to CS grads- you're competing with math+physics majors as well.

>> No.10756151
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You seem to know what's up, I'm also a physicist doing C++ template shit all day now, hahaha

From my experience though, getting a job in software, especially the startup remote scene, is extremely easy if you roughly know how things work. I could make a whole lot more money in the crypto space than in my already well paid algorithm design job and the more you make critical comment on ICO's githubs, the more jobs you get offered

>> No.10756173

how is Java, I've never bothered learning it

>> No.10756237
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Just to clarify, I'm not OP, right? In my free time I'm a dependent type theory shill, e.g. Haskell dialects that have only a very tiny community. So I'm not a Java person (as a physicist) although I took an introductory course on it. Cleaned up, business oriented, strict but bulky syntax is what I associate with it. It runs on the Java virtual machines and now many languages evolved around that abstraction. That's why I'm also interested in Scala if interesting projects are using it and why this thread caught my attention.

>> No.10756243

Join turtlecoin discord unironically

>> No.10756314

you got lots of great tips
just remember, if you don't put the work at home, you'll get nowhere. Java+Spring is a dead end.
t. ex fullstack java dev

not a good tip

>> No.10756349

why is it a dead end?

>> No.10756381

>using 1 specific set of tools is not a dead end
I did it for years mate, in the end it'll be an almost mindless grind.

>> No.10756405

seems like a stable job to me instead of using some hype language thats going to be irrelevant in a few years

java for work, meme languages for personal projects desu

>> No.10756422

you do the same work over and over in a very specific field and your pay will stagnate.

>> No.10756437

suit yourself, OP wanted to "take advantage of coding skills"
you don't get that making the same kind of software with the same kind of tools for a decade
if anything you grow old and deprecated yourself

>> No.10756459

true, but honestly writing code for a decade gets boring no matter what language or framework you use and people usually move to up to management or become architects where you dont really code anymore

>> No.10756481

I've met people that did nothing but code the same garbage for a decade
if coding gets boring, code something different. If including highschool I'm already at the decade mark and I don't feel like quitting. There's more time I guess but still.

>> No.10756488

1. Learn Emacs
2. Learn Bash. Bash devs make more than any other programmers
3. Learn C for the rare occasions that you can't do something efficiently in Bash (mostly writing parsers)

>> No.10756539

I've been a Java for three plus years, trying as hard as I can to get into a better language such as clojure

>> No.10756550

is it better than python

>> No.10756581

currently an SDE 1 at amazon, got offer out of college, went to ok-tier state school (ohio state)

here's my non-meme advice for making it
1. don't learn from books, learn from projects
2. do leetcode for that technical interview prep
3. do hackathons
4. on your own, choose one of the "cutting edge" things that actually interest you (deep learning, blockchain, VR, etc) and dedicate yourself to getting good at it. this is generally a good idea as it can be fun, lets you network and talk to more competent ppl, and can potentially be lucrative
5. don't let ur ego control you

>> No.10756602
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Unironically this

>> No.10756627
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1) learn many paradigmns (imperative, functional etc...). You will be mentally flexible and apply the right tools to the right problems. Read as much as you can in many areas. Web technologies are probably the easiest to get started with and will offer highest yield but depends what you want to do.

2) Hackathons and side projects. You will become more entrepreneurial, learn to work with people under pressure. Some of your output may be spin-off able into a business.

3) Eat healthy, exercise and sleep well. You'll need it if you're going this route. Wagies can get away with coasting but if you're going to break the mold you'll need to look after yourself and will be working much harder.

Good luck

>> No.10756745


>> No.10756772

also guys how to get good at design? Are you either born with taste or not? Most programmers largely suck at designing good UI/UX.

>> No.10756821

optimize the number of clicks required to get something done

>> No.10756835

Sorry maybe I worded it wrong. I want to get good at design because it's something I enjoy.

>> No.10756851

Advice? Software development is saturated and you and every other faggot on 4chan wants to be a programmer. It's only going to get worse.

>> No.10756856

but he's right. function comes first. design it so it's fast and intuitive to use. then worry about the visuals, if that's what you're trying to get at.

>> No.10756866

looks-wise, reduce clutter. That's what matters- clicks and clutter.

>> No.10756870

do every problem in sicp and you can basically do whatever you want

>> No.10757012

>They enable a solo coder to get more done


>> No.10757032

i thought bash was entry-level shit, we only use it when you wanna do a quick short script and somehow dont wanna use python

>> No.10757856

is there any hope for a C programmer

>> No.10757899


Good framework to learn but don't stay on it.

Figure out your strengths and build passive income through dapps. Stop waging, most of your money is going to the government and the company.

>> No.10758784

Most workplaces are like that.

>> No.10758886

That's because you work in a corporate drone job and your position has no responsibilities outside of coding according to the designer's specifications.

>> No.10758929

How many threads are you going to make? I've been on /biz/ for 5 minutes and have seen three programming threads. If they're not all you, the programming field is quickly being overpopulated