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10746305 No.10746305 [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz/ play the lottery? If not, why not?

>> No.10746313

Yes, it gives me hope

>> No.10746329

The lottery is a poor nigger wishing well.

>> No.10746345

But so little risk and the chance to win big.

>> No.10746350

Lotto is an unconscious deathwish. Suicidal ideation. You play it because you want to hurt yourself.

>> No.10746359
File: 89 KB, 617x576, get_the_fuck_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz is a shit hole for morons.

>> No.10746372

lol, okay

>> No.10746377

There is well over a 99% risk. You are throwing money away. Anyone who plays the lottery and actually thinks he might win doesn't understand the probability of winning.

>> No.10746390

No. The reward even if you did win does not match the odds of winning.

Also, in the UK they put the price up from £1 to £2. It's a fucking lotto. If you want to makes more money, encourage people to buy more tickets!

Admittedly it had been £1 since 1994, but that just means people can afford more tickets like I suggest.

>> No.10746662

I buy shitcoins, does that count?

>> No.10746749

fuck no

>> No.10746967


>> No.10746996

Yes, but I just buy one ticket per draw. A chance is better than no chance.

>> No.10747016

This guy gets it.

>> No.10747142

still retarded
if you insist on being a degenerate gambler you're better off saving those ticket fees and then once a year betting on a roulette spin

>> No.10747213

yes, a small price to pay to dream.

>> No.10747215

Bought my first ticket last week, got a good feeling since I never buy chance games but this time my mind was screeming to do so, we'll see

>> No.10747228

Better chance of winning at that? How much is it usually?

>> No.10747247

I don't play the lottery but I enjoy lottery commercials.

>> No.10747259

lottery is a tax on idiocy

>> No.10747291

I think that's just a thing people say so they can feel smart.

>> No.10747373

what are some good arguments against people that play lottery? i cant convince my father in law to stop

>> No.10747409

could be, its a thing my cousin says often and he's not very bright

>> No.10747411

I don't think there are any. These experts at ruining everything here on 4chan are even failing.

>> No.10747413

it's okay to play as entertainment, but if you think you have a reasonable chance at actually winning, you dumb.

i only play once a month just to entertain the dreams of what i would do if i won.

>> No.10747423

but you might actually win, that's the thing

>> No.10747428

notice i added 'reasonable chance'. the lottery is a possibility but far from reasonable, likely or probable

>> No.10747461


>> No.10747481

lottery is a tax on people who can't do math

>> No.10747490

Not really. Won 20k once though.

>> No.10747511

what a beautiful and anxiety inducing picture. A poorly lit street in some wage drone metropolis. Just looking at that picture makes me want to quit my job and dedicate my time to something more worth while with my life (spiritual or social quest)

>> No.10747535

No you won't. The lottery is based on the mathematical certainty that you won't win. Deluded niggers and other braindead retards think that the statistical reality doesn't apply to them, but it does.

The only way to win the lottery is to own a billboard or TV station where the lottery spends money on advertising. Those are literally the only winners.

>> No.10747544

The thing is why would you ever play a lottery instead of setting up your own? Oh yeah the government probably requires you to get some gambling license blah blah blah and nobody would trust you. Only if you have enough money can you set up your own lottery for guaranteed income taken from the poorest in society. That is the lottery red pill.

>> No.10747556

well that isn't true at all, some lotteries will have no winners in one drawing but the prize money is typically rolled over to the next draw. someone wins. it is statistically unlikely to be you but someone will win it.

>> No.10747577

Only one of you will make it, guess who

>> No.10747586

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10747636

>pays a literal tax on stupidy
>calls other people stupid

keep deluding yourself you fucking moron. if the lottery wasn't a net loss for the players it would cease to exist. keep on clinging to that hope you dumb fuck.

>> No.10747655

No because the government already takes enough of my money.

>> No.10747661

I never said it wasn't a net loss for the players.
But what you said is factual and literally untrue and you are too much of an idiot to know it.

>The lottery is based on the mathematical certainty that you won't win
>mathematical certainty that you won't win
What you are saying is that there is a 0% chance to win. And that is not true.
You're are a brainlet and will always be a wagie.

>> No.10747680
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Statistically incorrect.

>> No.10747690


>> No.10747691

There is a chance to win, it's just really really small.

>> No.10747714

You're even more likely to make money buying high in crypto than you are winning the lotto

>> No.10747743

Obviously someone wins the lottery. I'm saying you won't win the lottery, and I'm 100% comfy making this statement.

I'll even give you lottery insurance. Every time you buy a lottery ticket, just pay me $1. If you win, I'll double the amount of your jackpot. If you don't, I keep the $1.

You are a fucking moron if you play the lottery

>> No.10747784
File: 543 KB, 809x867, 1525714359233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have close to zero chance of winning so you're throwing away a few bucks. You need those few bucks because you must be poor (because you're playing lotto like a pleb).

In other words, the marginal utility of that money is higher than the statistical utility of ever winning. You'll never win, it's literally retarded to believe you even have a shot, so maybe save your money instead.

Or just blow it away and stay poor. We do still need gas station attendants... At least until the robots get advanced enough and then we won't have a reason to keep any of you oxygen stealing lotto-enthusiasts around.

>> No.10747819


you both have a problem with looking at lotteries from a macro perspective. someone has to win. it COULD be him but it's unlikely, nobody disputes this. but the very fact that of all the people who purchase a lottery ticket one of them that will win and prove you wrong. not playing the lottery gives you no chance at winning, buying just one ticket, even if infinitesimally small, gives him a chance.

someone has to win and there is no way to distinguish one ticket from another, they are all equally likely to win.

>> No.10747828

He's technically right. Even when you win you lose because the house always has the edge. So if you do a lottery that has a 50/50 chance to win your win will be less than you should have won because of the house edge ie you win 99 cents for every dollar when the house has a 1% edge. So even when you won you lost. With enough plays the house will take all your money because of the edge. It's simple math and there is no way to beat it with the exception of never playing again when variance is in your favor.

>> No.10747855

If you go through your whole life making bets on rare things never happening with huge consequences if they do you are going to fuck yourself up.

>> No.10747920

But you will lose money playing statistically. If you lived for a (near) infinite amount of time and played each time, you would lose more money than win.

It's basic math, no reason to perform mental gymnastics. Lotto is for suckers and I stand by my original claim that it's an unconscious deathwish.

>> No.10747924

Lottery is tax for stupid people. But i always buy one and only ticket if the prize is 9 digits or more. Fun to dream

>> No.10747962

I do, but I look at it as entertainment, not investment.

>> No.10748055

You realize you just described how an insurance company works, right? I love how you're not only an idiot, but an arrogant one at that.

>> No.10748093

Better you than me I guess.

>> No.10748109

picked the wrong ticket when born

>> No.10748111

lottery simulator:

>> No.10748166

The absolute state of American education.

>> No.10748184

>In the 9,968,160 times this simulation has run, players have won $1,585,504,887,165
>And by won I mean they have won back $1,585,504,887,165 of the $9,968,160 they spent (15905692%).

Uh, what?

>> No.10748286

you are looking at it as a value based judgement. there is no dispute that for value, a lottery ticket is always never worthwhile. but that isn't the point, nobody stating that the total sum put into purchasing lottery tickets will yield a sum greater then invested. you are off topic.

someone has to win and every ticket has an equal chance. whether or not it is worthwhile as a investment is obvious, it isn't.

>> No.10748289

if other financially irresponsible retards can win the lottery then i can too

>> No.10748612

This is one of the things I probably wouldn't even enjoy if I won. I've always liked gambling games but where I believed in some edge due to myself. On lottery is like the only edge is the house unless you want to get extremely autistic about the physics of how the numbers are chosen, but good luck with applying that on the world.