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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10746083 No.10746083 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10746096

Some people were born to be wagies

>> No.10746097

>buying on margin
Why would you do this?

>> No.10746102

Why would we, OP? Why not invest this time in trying to make it?

>> No.10746103



EDIT: A word.

RIP Inbox.

Thanks for the gold, friend.

>> No.10746114

Don't you talk bad about Reddit!

>> No.10746126
File: 341 KB, 801x671, 1534121595104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahaha r*ddit is so fucking gay hahahahaha are they even real people or subhumans?

>> No.10746135

you pretend nobody here has done that, I guarantee people have

>> No.10746263

It's the same reason why some people blow through multi-million dollar lottery winnings in a few years. Low IQ.

>> No.10746302


You just won the internet worth that spacing.

>> No.10746308

I hope the loan was from the mafia.

>> No.10746410

>buy gold
>file bankruptcy

>> No.10746435


>> No.10746449








>> No.10746455

To make more profit?

>> No.10746456

Laugh at anyone that invested more than they are willing to lose and walk away unaffected.

>> No.10746481

>Create business
>Get a loan
>Pay yourself a salary, and investors dividends (which is also half you)
>Few years later
>Declare bankruptcy

Easy money. This is fraud one o'one. I learned this from my first finance class.

>> No.10746496
File: 28 KB, 978x309, plebbitjust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I'm stealing at these prices :^)

>> No.10746509

you just described 99% of startups. you know where angels get money? through public funds.

>> No.10746510

Plebbitors just doing plebbit things.

>> No.10746532


Found the redditor.

>> No.10746564
File: 69 KB, 500x522, fry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much loan we talking, anon?

>> No.10746589
File: 110 KB, 1160x629, shelby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am better than others because I write on an anonymous Serbian woodworking forum
>I still live with my mom at the age of 35
>fucking wagecucks
>are women a good investment

Every online community has stupid memes, this clannism bullshit makes you look like 15 year olds.

>> No.10746642

They are 15 anon

>> No.10746654

dude lost 11btc on that

>> No.10746828

Yes, the Jewish mafia

>> No.10746833

>are women a good investment
Lol, true. Or
>Not marrying a virgin.
>Thinks he's going to make it

>> No.10747341


Beginning American Business Strategy 101

>> No.10747354

Unless he sold he didn't lose anything.

>> No.10747375
File: 1.18 MB, 800x872, no one cares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you laugh at Reddit, but people here did the same shit with credit cards.

>> No.10747410

But it was other people's Credit Cards and no one got caught.

>> No.10747526

its not a loss until you sell amiright? just HODL?

>> No.10747537

I believe he's ironically reddit spacing

>> No.10747562
File: 102 KB, 320x303, FsDrg0BoZ3ZnJTZbVTKF6JdEovJ-zSva1A3mmYdc9_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was about to be me. i was supposed to get roughly $400K in december 2017 and i was planning on investing $300K into BTC/ETH/NEO/VEN/ICX. things got delayed a year and i have been watching this shitstorm unfold wondering what in the absolute fuck i was thinking. i can't believe i was spared and now i can get a much better portfolio for like 25K max. i would have been fucked for life. every single day i thank god that money got delayed

>> No.10747799
File: 484 KB, 725x483, bitcoinbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses 85%
ouch, he didn't ACTUALLY sell at such a large loss?
i'd convert half to BCH and ride it out at least 5 years

>> No.10749009

>Thinking it will ever go back up

>> No.10749091
File: 107 KB, 909x720, 1533605456757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>believing Reddit spacing is a thing

Election faggots please drink bleach and fuck off

>> No.10749923
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>> No.10749936

burn hahaha lol wtf

>> No.10750077

yeah but it's funny because it happened to reddit haha

>> No.10750263

Link to reddit thread because I'm not finding it. I think that website made up an article for page views.

>> No.10750498
File: 46 KB, 220x345, 1515205149829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know hindsight is 20/20 but how could you be such a brainlet that you take out a loan for an amount of money that you will never be able to pay back and use it at the top of a huge historic run up in prices?

>> No.10751372

Sucked in lol

>> No.10751388

Definition in FOMO

>> No.10752423

Takes one to know one

>> No.10752763

What would happen if the redditor faggot just upped and left to go to Japan or Europe and never came back?

>> No.10752973


I am a wageslave accountant and half my fucking clients are like this.

>be a shitty "tech" startup with the most shit-tier idea possible
>so much VC money sloshing around looking for a place to park
>go to an accelerator programme with your cap in your hand and pitch your absolute unworkable shit tier idea
>get given massive loans
>set up monthly payroll even though you are pre-revenue
>90% of the time never make a single sale
>go insolvent and wind up business

The VC faggots dont even expect most of the businesses they invest in to even survive anyway, they just invest for tax breaks.