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File: 446 KB, 1560x558, utxostats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10743799 No.10743799 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like a whale is selling a big portion of his Bitcoin this week. 5k BTC were spent on 16.08, another 7k on 17.08., as a whole that's already 12k BTC. Here are some examples of these transactions:
You can easily spot the other transactions on a blockchain autism site (for example https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/blocks?q=cdd_total(100000..) ). Note that each of the inputs are addresses with exactly 100 BTC from 15.03.2014. Now let's find out how much BTC this whale holds, https://utxo-stats.com/ shows about 80k unspent BTC from the same day (pic related).

>whale from 2014 has dumped 12k BTC in the last two days
>has at least 80k more coins
>6k support will break

>> No.10743818

Delete this biz don’t deserve this kinda info

>> No.10743870

Let's be nice to the few that actually understand this.

>> No.10743880


Hope he pumps some alts

>> No.10743885
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>be a whale
>sell at the bottom
>market stops recover right after you are done

>> No.10743908
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buy low!

>> No.10744004

>be whale
>sell at 6k
>buy panic seller loot at 3k

>> No.10744065

Why would he sell everything? Makes no sense.

>> No.10744073

open massive short and dump

>> No.10744102

I'm pretty sure he won't sell everything, he probably believes this is not the bottom and is cashing out a big portion to get back in later.

>> No.10744107


>> No.10744113
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The whale is definitely a woman. A woman wouldn't sell at 19k, instead, she waits 8 months into the bear market and sells at the bottom.

She's probably from America, dumb and fat.

>> No.10744119

lol no
lol yes

>> No.10744120

women don't use bitcoin

>> No.10744139

The difference on the wording is the fact I'm saying probably, which is kinda the most correct thing to do on this market since NO ONE knows what the fuck they are doing at this point

>> No.10744154

you guys know it's not one guy right lmao. it's 100% a whale group when that many bitcoins are involved(even more since they probably started dumping at 20k). so either 1) they already have enough profits to retire so how much it pumps later doesn't matter and don't care about bitcoin core fundamentals or 2) inducing a massive shakeout for the next bull run and buying the real bottom like other people have said. if you had done any TA 3k-4k is the next stop provided nothing changes market sentiment along the way.

>> No.10744212

3k is a dangerous price, a retracement like that can lead to a disastrous ending

>> No.10744213
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>Evidence of massive digital asset manipulation forever

You actually beLIEve markets are real anon?

>> No.10744225

when 5k gets rekt we see panic then capitulation

>> No.10744241

>holding since 2014
>will suddenly start selling his whole stack or trying to manipulate the market
You're just conjecturing, brainlet. The most likely scenario is a otc trade.

>> No.10744247

you're afraid of that happening and rationalizing why it can't, instead of preparing for if it does

>> No.10744290

Same guy I just yelled at in another thread for thinking monkey so smart? Monkey ape go hooo hooo haaaa haaaa banana monkey babble babble rouser monkey dumb nigger.

>> No.10744300

>3k-4k is the next stop
would you mind providing evidence of this?

>> No.10744321

No, I'm actually saying it is dangerous, any retracement like that without a huge spring is dangerous because trust is being broken. I do understand that Bitcoin could be considered a different asset and have a different behaviour, but any other asset with a retracement like that tends to die, completely, in Bitcoin case, I can see a multi-year "winter" for investors. I'm out of Bitcoin for some time, I'm just watching on the sidelines.

>> No.10744332


>> No.10744348

Maybe he wants to buy a massive yacht?

>> No.10744363
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>> No.10744387

Go look at any asset with a retracement above 75% and you will know where I'm coming from. Why people tend to insult when a point of view doesn't match their beliefs

>> No.10744407

You're just spouting random crap without anything to back it up.
>if you had done TA
Lmao. Drink some warm milk and go to bed.

>> No.10744712
File: 190 KB, 1413x1530, bitcoin crashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744755

And every time it had a huge spring, rejecting the price, I'm talking about getting to 3k and staying there for some time, it has some probability of happening, not saying it's gonna be the death of bitcoin, not everything is black and white.

>> No.10744756

>blah blah blah

>> No.10744766

Are you talking about reluctant kneepad girl?

>> No.10744770

Whales have insider info, they pay tons for that information.

This is not the bottom.

>> No.10744772

It's "blah blah blah" because it goes against what you want.

>> No.10744778

dosnt understand market cycles of B I T C O I N it’s like no other market retard

>> No.10744781

you're saying nothing of substance and continually moving the goalposts
>hurr if it crashes to 3k and stays there ids da apocalypse beacuse reasons
k what about when the apocalypse already happened multiple times in 2013
you don't have an answer because you're a retard spouting uninformed opinions

>> No.10744786

>bitcoin core fundamentals

>> No.10744787

That's funny because the same whale sold on the 19.12. at 16-18k.
There's a chance he's holding even more coins, but you can only connect these 80k, because they were all transferred on the same date.

>> No.10744800

Read this, I said Bitcoin is a different asset. Every crash above ~75 met a huge spring soon after, but it got to dangerous prices, the same is happening if Bitcoin gets to 3k, the dangerous part is the fact that has SOME probability of the price not being rejected, which is a big deal if you compare to other assets. I'M NOT PREDICTING ANYTHING, nor am I saying Bitcoin will be dead, I'm talking about possibilities which are not impossible

>> No.10744834

Jesus fuck, how dense, I'm saying it is dangerous when an asset goes through +75% retracement without a spring since the fucking beginning of my "posts without substance", I'm comparing to other assets who went through the same thing and I actually mentioned that Bitcoin is a different asset and can behave differently, can we get some common sense please, or do you just read diagonally. I'm talking about possibilities not a fucking prediction

>> No.10744844

it won’t be a flash crash to 3k, we’re in a bear market its 5k first, lower highs lower lows, this isn’t related to one simple event like other dumps have been this is simply we were in a major bubble, market cap went 30x or so in 2017, regulations hit, market dumped, normies panic sold lots of fud and were retracing. The next Magic starts in 2020.

>> No.10744848

>continually moving the goalposts
>it's literally impossible to prove me wrong because I prefaced everything with some meaningless statement so I'm safe
>I literally can't be wrong!
you are unintelligent and also wrong

>> No.10744864

FFS, the image you shared proves what I'm saying... Its useless trying to have an argument with you

>> No.10744869

>you only proved me right!
ok nostradamus

>> No.10744871

We'll probably see some crazy intraday dips below 3k or even 2k when whales panic sell. The same happened in 2015 at the 200$ levels. Bulls need to buy large amounts there, what makes me nervous is that they already spent so much capital defending the 6k bottom that they maybe have nothing more to buy. Sub 1k is definitely the death of Bitcoin.

>> No.10744873
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>> No.10744879

If we are taking into account TA, which is highly based on probability and it's not factual, Fibonnacci levels are indicating a crash if the price breaks 5.5k, this is highly subjective so you can be right.

>> No.10744892

It's Roger Ver. He see's the writing on the wall for Bcash.

>> No.10744896

It's fucking numbers and past behavior, it's not a prediction. The image you shared proved that everytime Bitcoin dropped so harshly it got a spring "saving" the price from dangerous lows

>> No.10744907

>'predict' literally everything
>say effectively nothing
>m-muh spring
>what is hindsight bias alex
>i-it was a spring
just fuck off already

>> No.10744916

just set your buys at 2k and I guarantee youll never own any btc

>> No.10744937

This is not hindsight bias, I'm not predicting ffs, I'm discussing possibilities. It's kinda ironic because all your arguments have hindsight bias into account

>> No.10744947

>well it's bad if it crashes and doesn't go back up
sick prediction bro!
god damn you must be smart
Big Brain Nibba comin thru

>> No.10744955

I don't think it will reach that low, personally, I think the bottom is 5.5k, but I'm still observing the market and seeing how it behaves

>> No.10744957
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So how is it that bitcoin can become a standard if it’s subject to manipulation, the same as fiat.. seems like we would be trading for the lesser of two evils

>> No.10744960

I'm comparing to other assets (which can be a faulty comparison), that crashed above a certain level, and making an argument about the POSSIBILITY of happening the same to Bitcoin

>> No.10744964
File: 41 KB, 600x450, it's time to stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand what you're doing and am pointing out that it is fucking stupid

>> No.10744982

Why? It all falls into the same human behaviour pattern, any market is about trust.

>> No.10745010

you just dont get it

>> No.10745022

Then explain to me, the point is to make an argument, not insulting.

>> No.10745039

but you yourself are not making arguments, you've just presented us with a shotgun blast of bullshit, thus you get insulted (and a few counter points as well, which you dismissed out of hand)

>> No.10745091

How is it not an argument? Do you believe a crash above ~75% is healthy? Do you think other assets are completely different compared to Bitcoin when they have the same "players"? Do you think events like the halving are enough to rescue bitcoin from a big retracement like 90%? These were the questions that would come from my arguments, you just went full blasting insulting. I didn't dismiss any counter-argument I actually responded with my point of view, wrong or not it's a different story

>> No.10745098

jesus fucking christ, you are dense
> Do you believe a crash above ~75% is healthy?
Did I ever suggest otherwise?
See, this is your problem
you're not interested in intellectually honest debate
you just want to shit all over the thread and post your ignorant autism
just fuck off, done replying to you

>> No.10745105

meh, I tried

>> No.10745138

too many people own thousands and thousands of btc

people who basically got them for little to nothing

your market is at the whim of dumb retards with thousands of btc now

>> No.10745147

Do you see bears selling and pressuring the price at 2k? I find it hard to believe they would sell at that point, wouldn't the bulls take over because of the reduced resistance

>> No.10745490


That's what i don't understand. How can we call something decentralized if people can still manipulate it?

>> No.10745739

With the increased buying pressure when bakkt comes in November I find to hard to believe the price will do anything other that go up after that.

>> No.10745803

If you're sitting on tens of millions you will sure asf dump out of fear if it looks like the peice is dumping real bad

>> No.10745842

I mean if they actually believe bitcoin as the valuable asset for its utility I would think they would hold like previous dumps

>> No.10745890

you are a brainlet. learn reading comprehension before you open your stupid mouth

>> No.10745903

he never moved the goalposts you're just a retard. I assume you're the one posting pink wojacks around here as well, right?

>> No.10745978


We were warned

>> No.10746150
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Check the time difference between the post and the transaction :0

>> No.10746518

proof the price of bitcoin can only be manipulated down - what has happened since ((futures))

>> No.10746542

Why would he sell the bottom? I only say it’s the bottom cause nobody here believes that it is and I usually fade the public

>> No.10746565

Everyone says this isn’t the bottom that’s why I believe this is the bottom. Same shit every time.
>this isn’t the top it’s going to 25k
Fucking right

>> No.10746582

Distributing bitcoin from large addresses to many others is great, will stabilize price further.