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10743399 No.10743399 [Reply] [Original]

I was at my local library the other day, and I saw Sunny Lu. I went up and said hi to him, with my book in hand, and what he said was startling. "WHY YOU READ THERMODYNAMICS BOOK, ROUND EYES? YOU MUST STUDY BLOCKCHAIN TO CONTRIBUTE TO VERESEARCH. WE GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN RESEARCH TEAM." At this point I'm just thinking, what the fuck, so I try to play it cool and say, "Blockchain's pretty cool, but engineering is my passion." At this point I could tell he was not happy. He looked straight into my eyes, and immediately did a fierce karate kick into my genitals. So I'm sitting on the floor, rolling around in pain, and the dude starts removing books from the library shelves. He literally rips the barcodes off each one, and starts throwing them at me, repeating for each one: "NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER. NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER." I finally start to get up to run away, and he spits in my face and walks away laughing at the top of his lungs.

>> No.10743427

That's fucking funny because I also I had a similar experience with this asshole. I saw Sunny at a Givenchy store in Guangzhou yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, ching chang chong, chin chang?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like eleven luxury handbags and two scarfs in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter although he managed to unnoticeably stuff both scarfs in his pants.

When she took one of the bags and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and angrily told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any confusing records on the blockchain” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think Vechain's blockchain is working anyway. After she scanned each bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and asking if it's possible to pay in the "new disruptive technology called Thor".

>> No.10743436

vechain is doing some really shady shit indeed.
I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

>> No.10743461

Yesterday I went to the park to walk my dog and low and behold, Sunny was there too. Being a VEN holder, I saw my chance to say hello and thank him for this great investment opportunity. Before I could say anything, he quickly took the leash of my dog and proceeded to strangle him with it. Me being in shock, kicked Sunny away to free my dog. Meanwhile a bunch of people came to see what was going on. I called my wife and she took our dog home. And that's when it happened. Sunny abruptly dropped his pants and started stroking his penis. Yelling "Ching" whilst going down and "Chong" whilst going up. Everybody was looking in dusgust, covering the eyes of nearby children. Sunny then ejaculated on a leaf and went running naked on the streets, rubbing the leaf on unsuspecting strangers. We called the authorities and they took him away. That guy has some serious issues.

If this isn't the biggest sell signal then I don't know what is.

>> No.10743464
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I attended a conference last month on a business trip. Things were going alright until we stopped for lunch. Over my ham sandwich I noticed a struggle going on at a neighboring table; a man I later learned to be Sunny Lu had tackled a small portly italian man and was forcefully tearing off his pants, screaming "UNDERWEAR ON THE BLOCKCHAIN". As he ripped off the mans briefs to a horrified crowd, he stepped over the crying man and climbed onto my table. Brandishing the garments label, he tried to reveal that they were a knock off of fruit of the loom (written there as "Froot of the lume"), but I think I was the only one who noticed, because he was mostly just muttering about being able to smell it, and the crowd had backed up against the wall by then. Security had to remove him, but he had already stepped on my sandwich. It was pretty scary.

>> No.10743486
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I was in downtown Liverpool at 2am. Drunk off my tits. Having a cigarette outside the bar. Went into the alley to piss. Saw the ugliest, scrawniest Asian guy, short hair, monobrow, sure enough it was Sunny and he was fucking a chick from behind, she literally looked like a chihuahua. She had bug eyes, zits and no tits. Legs and arms like a praying mantis. He kept saying 'tobacco on the blockchain' wtf that means.

I was only about 10 feet away from them. I think some of my piss trickled down to where they were. Now I've seen people screwing in public on occasion, its always hot. But this display belonged in a zoo for retarded animals. I couldn't watch, I felt violated.

>> No.10743809

What in the fuck is this thread?

>> No.10743847

<20 y.o weaponized autism

>> No.10743917

>weaponized autism

t. zoomer

>> No.10744259
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